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View Full Version : Whom does Michelle O blame for bad economy?

07-31-2013, 07:05 AM
This just made me Laugh like hell, Anyone who would ask Moochelle Obama a question like this must write comic books for a living , Yes Moochelle says her dear Hubby is fighting to work for the middle class folks I have to wonder is that from the golf course , Hawaii, Africa ... well yall got the point, what does this woman know about the working class in America other than she was finally proud of her country when she realized man we get to rob these people blind, this is just not a good question to be asking a woman who spends 5 grand on panties in one weekend , she is begging for money for her hubby so he can fight the fight or rather have another vacation ?

Don’t ask me why, but I am one of millions of Americans who gets nearly daily emails from Michelle Obama urging donations for the Democratic Party.
It’s not exactly targeted marketing.

As of this writing, the latest has the following subject line: “Barack needs you, right now.”
They all convey a sense of urgency. Here’s the gist of the pitch her copywriting geniuses have come up with.
