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View Full Version : This-Video Will-Blow your Mind This-Is-A-Real Hero

08-02-2013, 06:50 PM
Be sure to watch it all.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2013, 08:31 PM
Be sure to watch it all.

http://theveteranssite.greatergood.com/clickToGive/vet/article/This-Video-Will-Blow-Your-Mind-This-Is-A-Real-Hero818?origin=VET_FACE_TROOPS I THANK YOU FOR POSTING THAT VIDEO. Without a doubt that is the greatest video testimony of a hero I've ever witnessed. That should be required viewing in ever high school and college in this nation IMHO. THAT IS OLD SCHOOL. That was the living image of duty, honor, and patriotism. We can never ever pay that man for what he did just as we can never pay our fallen and wounded veterans for their sacrifices. Best we can ever do is respect, honor and never forget them. That I endeavor to do until the day I am planted deep six myself...-Tyr

08-02-2013, 08:35 PM
I THANK YOU FOR POSTING THAT VIDEO. Without a doubt that is the greatest video testimony of a hero I've ever witnessed. That should be required viewing in ever high school and college in this nation IMHO. THAT IS OLD SCHOOL. That was the living image of duty, honor, and patriotism. We can never ever pay that man for what he did just as we can never pay our fallen and wounded veterans for their sacrifices. Best we can ever do is respect, honor and never forget them. That I endeavor to do until the day I am planted deep six myself...-Tyr

Tyr. Thanks. Totally agree. We all recognize people like him, but. As many of us are now hearing, again, and again almost everywhere we go. "That's Old School". and "You old people should just shut up!"

Unfortunately. THE AMERICANS who should, and need to see, and hear that kind of video...WON'T. They really do not care. Have no interest in such things if...THERE IS NOTHING IN IT FOR THEM.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-02-2013, 08:56 PM
Tyr. Thanks. Totally agree. We all recognize people like him, but. As many of us are now hearing, again, and again almost everywhere we go. "That's Old School". and "You old people should just shut up!"

Unfortunately. THE AMERICANS who should, and need to see, and hear that kind of video...WON'T. They really do not care. Have no interest in such things if...THERE IS NOTHING IN IT FOR THEM. Our Public Education makes damn sure these young minds never hear or see such as that. It is a deliberate agenda that makes sure they never learn of such men and their deeds. When I was in school we had teachers that talked about such as that in class! Hell, we had teachers that had lived it in WW2. I WAS A CHILD OF THE BABYBOOM GENERATION MYSELF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESIDES MY FATHER AND GRANDFATHER BOTH VERY HONORABLE, HONEST MEN I HAD THREE GREAT FRIENDS LATER IN LIFE THAT WERE MILITARY VETERANS ,ONE HAD FOUGHT IN WW2, ONE IN KOREA AND THE THIRD IN VIETNAM. Each one taught me that honor is something you can not buy ,be given , demand or steal. It is a seed that grows within you and either you have it or you don't!! No in-between, no thousand shades of gray suffice. It is the greatest treasure lost for those that have lost it and the greatest treasure never known to those that do not have it. All of them had it and I believe they each saw that seed within me. I made mistakes sure enough but by God I never did anything truly dishonorable. Had I done so they would have told me and kicked my ass too. Hurt like hell when each one passed on but I knew life has that in store for all of us. Watching that video brought back memories of my great friends and how they each had told me at one time or another, Robert if you ever dishonor yourself by abandoning your principles I'll come back and haunt your ass every day and night. Then laugh at me and take a drink of cold beer.. Men like that I was blessed to have known and been befriended by! Men like that we all should have been blessed to have known....Yes, I know I was blessed indeed...-Tyr

red state
08-02-2013, 09:43 PM
Why in the world did it take so long for him to get the Silver Star? Two presidents before him could have done what Reagan did. I may be missing something here but that HERO could have died before receiving the star. I know he cared more about making a difference than some ole star but it would have been a shame if he had passed on before receiving it. I hate that he is gone but I'm so relieved that he did not have to see the day that we TWICE elected a real SOW who hates Americans and AMERICA. It was had enough that he had to live through the shame that Clinton brought to the White House but this SOW we no have makes ANY modern day president of the last 80 - 90 years look like perfect saints.

Tyr, I agree...this man and men like him should be discussed in ALL our classes. Instead, we take all that is good from our classes and fill it with perversions, lies and dishonor.

God bless ALL who have served and serve this GREAT United States of AMERICA. SALUTE!!!!


08-02-2013, 10:36 PM
I THANK YOU FOR POSTING THAT VIDEO. Without a doubt that is the greatest video testimony of a hero I've ever witnessed. That should be required viewing in ever high school and college in this nation IMHO. THAT IS OLD SCHOOL. That was the living image of duty, honor, and patriotism. We can never ever pay that man for what he did just as we can never pay our fallen and wounded veterans for their sacrifices. Best we can ever do is respect, honor and never forget them. That I endeavor to do until the day I am planted deep six myself...-TyrI couldn't agree more.

08-02-2013, 11:26 PM
I think that is the first time I have sat that long and watched a video, That man brought tears to my eyes had me Laughing and made me prouder than ever to be a American , this is one of the best post I have seen in a long time, and I understand what he means when he says that the real Hero's where the ones that gave there Lives , to me every man that boarded a plane to go over there is a true American Hero, I was 13 or 14 when it ended , and now as a guy getting older I can say I have never been afraid of much but as I came closer to 18 yes I was getting very nervous, the guy up the street from us had gotten a draft notice but I remember his Mom crying and saying she never gave it to him and she threw it away , this was a proud family the father a police officer in Newark NJ and there is no doubt Billy would of served proudly, this was a terrible time in this country but as a kid I didnt realize how bad and never having been to war I never will , but to all you that have served and fought or even just served I say thank you

08-02-2013, 11:26 PM
There is not a war or 'conflict,' including the 'new school' guys serving, that lacked heroes. Some wars, Vietnam and Korea being two of the more recent, had politicians that tried to avoid calling attention to the heroes for fear of reminding people of the conflicts. It was wrong. I'm so glad that actions that should have been revered, are now getting the attention they deserved.

While people may agree or disagree with politicians decisions to bring us into a war or conflict, never should those serving pay more of a price than the risks they bare and for far too many, the giving of their lives. While all are worthy of our thanks and admiration, those that find themselves in a terrible place at the wrong time, and somehow pull off heroic actions, they deserve special regards. We KNOW they are held in high esteem by those they served with.

08-02-2013, 11:44 PM
I think that is the first time I have sat that long and watched a video, That man brought tears to my eyes had me Laughing and made me prouder than ever to be a American , this is one of the best post I have seen in a long time, and I understand what he means when he says that the real Hero's where the ones that gave there Lives , to me every man that boarded a plane to go over there is a true American Hero, I was 13 or 14 when it ended , and now as a guy getting older I can say I have never been afraid of much but as I came closer to 18 yes I was getting very nervous, the guy up the street from us had gotten a draft notice but I remember his Mom crying and saying she never gave it to him and she threw it away , this was a proud family the father a police officer in Newark NJ and there is no doubt Billy would of served proudly, this was a terrible time in this country but as a kid I didnt realize how bad and never having been to war I never will , but to all you that have served and fought or even just served I say thank youI agree can't watch that and not get a little emotional.