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View Full Version : White House Approves Deal: Congress And Staff Exempt From Obamacare

08-03-2013, 07:47 AM
OK this is really hitting home for me my own Insurance went up by 1/3 this year now my wife manages a trailer park community she had insurance through her employer but they sold the property, the new owner told her to shop around for the best price for her and her employees( being as he lives on the other side of the state) he told her if she couldn't find a good insurance company he had a broker they used for there offices where he lives and he would set up a meeting, well the problem is my wife and the maintenance man both are insulin dependent and the minute they tell any insurance company that they are immediately told they wont take them but here is a 800 # to call that will insure yall, well that 800# is to a Government agency that low and behold ran out of money within the first couple months of the year, so yes she cant get insurance , so the new owner trying to do the right thing said I will pay the cobra fee and that will give yall insurance for 18 months and I will get yall together with my broker in the meantime, well the original company that she worked for bought out a huge managing company and now had to shop for another Insurance company seeing as that had more than doubled in size, well they found a company and ya would think that with more members the price would drop but no it almost doubled , so now to keep cobra instead of my wife's current employer paying $300.00 a month it is now $500.00 a month , well this ass has decided now that my wife has broke her back getting the property up to par occupancy up and getting rid of the trash that did live there , well he became a ass, he now tells her he will only continue to pay the $300.00 a month and only to Jan. 1 remember originally he would pay 18 months and he also told her his broker couldn't help them either due to being insulin dependent but he would adjust there salaries to help, a buck a hour wouldn't cover it and he isn't going to go there, and he also let her know , remember you work for such and such a company not the company he had in Savannah GA , seems he did his homework he owns 20 plus properties and made them all individual companies so at no point does he employ 25 employees altogether he employs more but not when he has 20 different companies . so now she is ay the mercy of the Government and must hope like hell they have funding come Jan 1 and I forgot the best part he insurance through this 800# is was twice as high as all others she had checked and gave you half the coverage , but at least she would have something.

I can remember arguing with this liberal tramp on Fb how this obamacare stunk and no one really knows what will happen and she was so excited because they couldnt refuse ya do to a prior illness many I hope she had diabetes but I am sure any prior illness got ya that 800 number

And know we see who the government wont have to use this garbage Obama wants us to have , if it isnt good enough for congress and there staff then why should we have to use it

It becomes harder and harder each day to control the anger that reverberates within my being at the continued audacity of this administration. If you ever wondered what medieval England was like, you have to look no further than the perks and exemptions given to the ruling class – Obama administration and Congress. According to Market Watch and reiterated on the Gateway Pundit, Barack Obama has approved a plan to exempt Congress and their staff from Obamacare. Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/white-house-approves-deal-congress-and-staff-exempt-from-obamacare/#ixzz2auSrUrtD
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/white-house-approves-deal-congress-and-staff-exempt-from-obamacare/#WZmZj2A5CxgKOLib.99