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red state
08-05-2013, 03:02 PM

Obama had terrible grades (almost unpassible grades to get one in or keep one in Harvard). Rules were changed and HIGH connections with the wealthy muSLUMs plowed the way for this fraud....all the way to OUR White House. I've posted some very touchy stuff on B.O. that links him and his family CLOSELY to some very radical leftists as well as some very dangerous groups within the muSLUM world but I thought I'd put these links up for those interested.


Just some very interesting info that had details that I was not aware of. I knew his mother was a whore, I knew that he can not say with certainty who his father was, I knew he was raised within muSLUM nations, I knew his family on the African side is very close to some dangerous muSLUMs and wealthy Saudis and I knew his "WHITE" family, friends and professors were leftist of "ilk" kind but the details to how GROOMED he really was within the article and the video below is staggering to me personally. What is unusual is the fact that B.O. actually did quite well and was his SAME OLE SELF in the speech below (without teleprompters). Since then, they at least "trained" him to avoid sticking his hand in and out of his pocket (very annoying).


The "professor" B.O. is practically worshiping is the old fart who has shady dealings in his past as well as the "incident" early in B.O.'s first term (when the police acted "STUPIDLY").

It is scary to follow this fraud from earlier days to CURRENT and I can't help but think that this hoax that superscedes all hoaxes on the American people may very well be the puzzle piece that the leftists/iSLUMists have been waiting on for some time now.

Anyway you look at it...B.O. has been GROOMED and we are now DOOMED.5359

red state
08-06-2013, 09:24 AM
In like manner, our intelligence, justice dept. revenue dept. and even our beloved military is being GROOMED for a drastic change in OUR Nation. This is boldly done right before our eyes and all we are doing is "observing".

We have so many "phony" conspiracies that will never get the attention they deserve because we are hiding and threatening those who KNOW or are brave enough to speak out. I dare say, some may have been "silenced" for good. We still don't know why the ambassador of Libya was killed or why they were ALLOWED to be killed when we knew ahead of time and hours during this tragic event. Could it be that another FAST & FURIOUS or some other criminal act that the ambassador was handling for the B.O. Administration was close to getting out. It looks as thought he was definitely left holding the bag cuz if all those CIA agents could get out....it seems that these men could have as well. For all we know, they may have been ordered to stay. it could have been something as simple as the B.O. Administration hiding the fact that the ambassador could have been having homosexual relationships (with consenting adults or young boys who were brought in for the ambassador's entertainment). This would certainly explain the harshness in which he was treated. We can't have B.O.'s precious muSLUM brothers appear to be intolerant of homosexuals (can we).

The fact of the matter is.....we know very little of the many crimes this administration is covering up and with the poor leadership we have in DC, we will never know who groomed the "president" or for what. We can only use the common sense and our nose to realize that many things STINK!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-06-2013, 09:42 AM

Obama had terrible grades (almost unpassible grades to get one in or keep one in Harvard). Rules were changed and HIGH connections with the wealthy muSLUMs plowed the way for this fraud....all the way to OUR White House. I've posted some very touchy stuff on B.O. that links him and his family CLOSELY to some very radical leftists as well as some very dangerous groups within the muSLUM world but I thought I'd put these links up for those interested.


Just some very interesting info that had details that I was not aware of. I knew his mother was a whore, I knew that he can not say with certainty who his father was, I knew he was raised within muSLUM nations, I knew his family on the African side is very close to some dangerous muSLUMs and wealthy Saudis and I knew his "WHITE" family, friends and professors were leftist of "ilk" kind but the details to how GROOMED he really was within the article and the video below is staggering to me personally. What is unusual is the fact that B.O. actually did quite well and was his SAME OLE SELF in the speech below (without teleprompters). Since then, they at least "trained" him to avoid sticking his hand in and out of his pocket (very annoying).


The "professor" B.O. is practically worshiping is the old fart who has shady dealings in his past as well as the "incident" early in B.O.'s first term (when the police acted "STUPIDLY").

It is scary to follow this fraud from earlier days to CURRENT and I can't help but think that this hoax that superscedes all hoaxes on the American people may very well be the puzzle piece that the leftists/iSLUMists have been waiting on for some time now.

Anyway you look at it...B.O. has been GROOMED and we are now DOOMED.5359 Every decent member here should click on those two links to learn the truth. If they do not then they are not decent at all no matter what they think. Those two links show the foundation of the man that is destroying our nation and the fraud of his media crafted image! -Tyr

red state
08-06-2013, 11:18 AM
Thanks Tyr,

Perhaps those who do not care about all the corruption are among the GROOMED.

You may like to chew on this a bit....it still bothers me greatly:

It is too late now but I would have liked hearing the media report on the CLOSE ties B.O. & family had with muSLUM radicals and domestic terrorists but nothing ever came from this and McCain certainly didn't push that envelope. In fact, he seemed to endorse B.O.!!!! No wonder this phony was elected. Any ONE of the many topics such as: questionable past with citizenship in other countries, drug use, homosexuality, his college years and even his GOOFS in campaigning when mentioning 57 States of America or the Joe the plumber talk or the Clinging to Guns and Bible incidents would have destroyed any other candidate. I thought Hillary truly would have been the 2008 dimocratic candidate but she was not only picked but B.O. got another term (when ANYone should have been able to defeat him). So much is still so questionable and if we can't begin to turn this thing around next year.....it is ALL over folks. I thought it may be all over (IF) B.O. was elected for a second term but I'v decided to postpone that horrid thought with a sliver of hope in '14 and '16.

You know, forget about the greatest loss of our elite S.E.A.L.s, Fast & Furious, or the IRS scandal...I'd still like to know about the accusations that a Wayne Madsen made regarding homosexual relations B.O. has POSSIBLY had when he was being so well taken care of in college by that Pakistan student who even took B.O. to meet his family. Not a big issue BUT with similar stories being swept under the rug without any details to dismiss these possibilities, I believe there are truths and twists that should have been revealed. Too much care has been taken to dismiss the obvious and I'd also like to know more about the homosexual partner who died soon after speaking our about his relationship with our Occupier/LIAR in OUR White House. It would be profitable to know more about B.O.'s relationship with D.C. politicians and a Mr. Young who openly admits to his homosexuality while serving as director of music at the church B.O. was a member of for 20 years. Pastored by mr. Wright who is simply another race baiting hater of America (as the case has been throughout B.O.'s life). Larry Sinclair confirms this shady past and also claims to have had (2) homosexual escapades where cocaine was used to enhance their "experience". These revelations could shed light on a "possible" membership that B.O. had at a Chicago club for homosexuals (according to Madsen). We could have taken pride in having our first bi-racial, homosexual president but this pride was taken from us through more of the same "transparent" president.

Two more men, who admitted to having homosexual experiences with B.O. conveniently died soon after B.O. was to begin his run for president. It would seem that a homosexual senator is dangerous to one's political career but a homosexual candidate for PRESIDENT is terminal both to party and success of being elected. Both men (Bland and Young) were murdered (http://rense.com/general82/cdet.htm). In a span of 2 months, all three men were dead. An investigation conducted in Chicago "suggests" that B.O. and Emanuel were members of the same "bath house" in uptown Chicago. The investigation further revealed the DOWN LOW CLUB which was started by Jerimiah Wright to help hook up homosexual members of his church and it would seem that B.O. was among the roster for that "special group" of successful black business men with children.

Larry Sinclair, the one who claimed to have done the "nasty" with B.O. twice later wrote a book [Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder] but was quickly silenced after a press conference that was to shed light on Sinclair's polygraph test. Abruptly, the press conference was cancelled (due to technical difficulties) in which NO questions were allowed. Immediately after the press conference, Sinclair was arrested after a warrant was served from Delaware issued, it seems, by none other that Joseph Biden's son (the Delaware AG). The charges were later dropped and I suppose Mr. Sinclair is lucky to have gotten only a strict warning. Others, such as the one blamed for the video that caused the Libyan attack on our embassy, is still in jail and those other homosexual men are still dead. Patton & Bogg's lawfirm have sued Sinclair on behalf of our dear leader....possibly as a way to SILENCE the story and implement damage control. The obvious is right in front of us but yet so far out of reach.

It would seem that the media, our leadership in Washington and B.O. have been groomed well because we have yet to receive answers (or justice) from ANY of the mounting cases of corruption that has plagued this administration from the get-go.

In effect, we, the American people, are being made indifferent to these crimes and corruption because we too are being groomed for CHANGE.