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View Full Version : Pursue your own interests I said.....

08-07-2013, 01:12 PM
My youngest the 14 year old comes to me this morning and says "mom I think I am going to learn programming" I respond with really and why's that? He responds with "well I want to start developing games and apps for smart phones" I said well that would be a really good career choice! He says "yeah I think I am going to learn c++ and java for now and go from there"

So we started chatting about computer languages and programming, needless to say he knows way more then I would have thought. Including the current yearly salary on what app developers are making. The kid has been doing his research :coffee:

I turned him on to a few sites that he can learn programming languages from, and he spent 4 hours passionately reading, watching, and typing out code. I go to check on him and he is having a blast.

Which got me shaking my head and thinking about the public school system and the struggle I had with them from preschool till I yanked him out of school at the age of 12.

So I asked him....Why do people think you need to go to a public school to learn?!

His response "Cause their dumb, you don't have to go to school to learn, I learn everyday, right here on my computer. I'm learning coding right now! Why would I want to sit in a classroom for 7 hours everyday? Just to learn the same stuff over and over, and be bored out of my mind! I can learn what I am interested in right here at home and not have to be bored to death. And when I get my own games and apps created and start making money, I am going to go to a tech school and get a degree. Just so I can go back to my old school and say...... so you thought I was dumb huh?! Well here's my degree! Suck it!" :dance:

and yeah he did a little dance just like the above. :laugh: