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View Full Version : Responsible Citizens Celebrate Starbucks with Gun Appreciation Day

red states rule
08-10-2013, 05:31 AM
Notice to criminals: do not try and hold up a Starbucks in any of these states. You may end up on a slab in the local morgue

If you need a Friday afternoon pick-me-up and support your right to carry a firearm, head over to Starbucks. The national coffee chain has a policy that respects gun laws in states around the country and today, Second Amendment advocates and those who refuse to be victims of violence are celebrating. If your state has concealed carry, so does Starbucks. If your state has open carry, so does Starbucks. (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/aug/8/coffee-cup-in-hand-gun-in-holster/?page=1)

Starbucks seems an unlikely dueling ground in the national debate over guns, but the ubiquitous coffee chain Friday will once again find itself squarely in the cross hairs in the battle between gun control and gun rights advocates.

More than 2,000 gun rights activists plan to visit their local Starbucks with their sidearms for a national “Starbucks Appreciation Day.”

The Seattle-based chain takes no formal position on guns but has a corporate policy of following applicable state gun laws — including “open carry” laws in more than 40 states that allow permit-holding patrons to bring their loaded weapons into the shop while they sip their lattes and caramel macchiatos.

Gun owners began staging the appreciation days a few years ago when the company faced pressure from gun control advocates to ban firearms from his stores.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz resisted the move, saying in one interview, “I’m not a politician. I run a coffee company and we’re trying to abide by the laws in which we do business.”

This year's guns and coffee celebration comes as violent crimes across the country are down while purchases of firearms are up.


08-10-2013, 07:38 AM
Notice to criminals: do not try and hold up a Starbucks in any of these states. You may end up on a slab in the local morgue

[/INDENT]Great gesture by Starbucks, and good to know there patrons will be safer, but i have learned to get my fix else where. I can't stomach, their support of the destruction of traditional marriage.

red states rule
08-12-2013, 03:40 AM