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View Full Version : US Immigration Policy Enables Racism

08-10-2013, 01:31 PM
As my wife can attest to indigenous citizens in Latin America are as discriminated against as blacks were in the US in the 1940s. For example, many Mexicans won't hire a "lazy Indian". This makes coming to the US illegally almost a no-brainer. Rather than Latin American countries solving their own discrimination problem, they "ship them off" to the US. The Peninsulares are happy because they are rid of the "dirty, disease-ridden Indians", the governments are happy because one side doesn't have to deal with a problem and the other gets cheap, compliant labor. Everybody wins except the taxpayer and job seeker (both the US AND underpaid immigrant job seeker lose). In places like Sao Paulo, Brazil, the discrimination is done with a whisper because a Brazilian Indian won't hesitate to answer racial harassment with a machete.

I will say this to the reconquista movement: Does that mean the Maya can have their nation in the Southern third of Mexico returned?