View Full Version : I missed it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcus Aurelius
08-11-2013, 05:47 PM
NO FAIR!!!!!!!! I MISSED THE BAN HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2:

08-11-2013, 07:00 PM
Marcus. Since you missed the big event.

Just listen to this for a few seconds.

We all felt this way.....


08-11-2013, 07:02 PM
laughing boy is back soon....


08-11-2013, 07:05 PM
Dedicated to Marcus


08-12-2013, 09:21 AM
This gloating is in poor taste. It's regrettable that Robert failed at being able to function on a message board. I agree that he failed. I don't agree with rubbing the failure in his face.

08-15-2013, 02:13 PM
You may of missed the first one but here we go again :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

08-15-2013, 02:57 PM

Marcus Aurelius
08-15-2013, 03:49 PM
someone misses us...

Today 02:15 PM

08-15-2013, 04:09 PM
This gloating is in poor taste. It's regrettable that Robert failed at being able to function on a message board. I agree that he failed. I don't agree with rubbing the failure in his face.

Funny how you didn't manage to say the very same thing about how Robert made it his signature duty whenever speaking to someone who obviously HAD IT IN FOR HIM...all the time.

08-15-2013, 04:32 PM
Funny how you didn't manage to say the very same thing about how Robert made it his signature duty whenever speaking to someone who obviously HAD IT IN FOR HIM...all the time.

I did my best to lower his frustration level. Those in the midst of a failure are difficult to reason with. He was stuck and didn't know how to proceed in a graceful manner. Many on the board acted like vultures and greased the skids. It's not the end of the world if someone acts like a 10 year old.

08-15-2013, 04:59 PM
someone misses us...

Today 02:15 PM

Do you feel better now? I'm glad we as a team can help!

Marcus Aurelius
08-15-2013, 05:53 PM
Do you feel better now? I'm glad we as a team can help!

I think you'll find the board to be a much smoother place now, so yes... I feel better.

08-15-2013, 06:21 PM
I think you'll find the board to be a much smoother place now, so yes... I feel better.

If you need to boost your ego by calling me a dumbass, feel free! I'm a man; I can take it!

08-15-2013, 06:35 PM
If you need to boost your ego by calling me a dumbass, feel free! I'm a man; I can take it!

tailfins. You obviously must think ego plays a part in telling the truth, or making truthful statements.

Marcus Aurelius
08-15-2013, 06:59 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=658345#post658345)
I think you'll find the board to be a much smoother place now, so yes... I feel better.

If you need to boost your ego by calling me a dumbass, feel free! I'm a man; I can take it!

If I wanted to call you a dumb ass, I would. However, I really have no reason to... at the moment.

Would it make you happy if I did call you a dumb ass?

08-15-2013, 07:44 PM
If I wanted to call you a dumb ass, I would. However, I really have no reason to... at the moment.

Would it make you happy if I did call you a dumb ass?

This is what you are looking for!


Marcus Aurelius
08-15-2013, 08:00 PM
This is what you are looking for!


your home movies are of no real interest to me, but thanks for sharing.

08-15-2013, 09:17 PM
This gloating is in poor taste. It's regrettable that Robert failed at being able to function on a message board. I agree that he failed. I don't agree with rubbing the failure in his face.

Would it make more sense to come here, act like one is above the "poor taste" discussion, and then go elsewhere, where one was invited, and talk smack about people behind their back? I would see it as the same, but one is being cowardly.

You should really leave what happens here, here. It's stupid to act like other trolls and banned members by going elsewhere to lay down your feelings about people and things from here. :rolleyes:

08-15-2013, 09:20 PM
Would it make more sense to come here, act like one is above the "poor taste" discussion, and then go elsewhere, where one was invited, and talk smack about people behind their back? I would see it as the same, but one is being cowardly.

You should really leave what happens here, here. It's stupid to act like other trolls and banned members by going elsewhere to lay down your feelings about people and things from here. :rolleyes:

Interesting comment. I didn't get the invite and while Freedom must be a clue, wouldn't bother to follow those two, even out of curiosity. Seems Tailfin has and is sort of smacking the rest of us, why? Oh, we didn't care for Robert's mix of condescension and idiocy? Yeah.

08-15-2013, 09:25 PM
Interesting comment. I didn't get the invite and while Freedom must be a clue, wouldn't bother to follow those two, even out of curiosity. Seems Tailfin has and is sort of smacking the rest of us, why? Oh, we didn't care for Robert's mix of condescension and idiocy? Yeah.

I would admit, I'm a tad disappointed in him. I didn't think he would go elsewhere and talk shit about my friends, and act like he is taking us for fools. I have stood up for him in the past, based on the way he wrote things, and certain perceptions. Had I known it was a ruse I wouldn't have done so. "I won't get fooled again" - bonus points to the first one who tells me who sang that!

08-15-2013, 09:27 PM
I would admit, I'm a tad disappointed in him. I didn't think he would go elsewhere and talk shit about my friends, and act like he is taking us for fools. I have stood up for him in the past, based on the way he wrote things, and certain perceptions. Had I known it was a ruse I wouldn't have done so. "I won't get fooled again" - bonus points to the first one who tells me who sang that!

"The Who."

08-15-2013, 09:46 PM
I know I've posted this before but way back when, my first love bought tickets to "The Who" concert, "Tommy." I went into auditory overdrive and slept through all but the first few minutes. Even without hearing aids, was too much. They were SSSSOOOOoooo LOUD!

08-15-2013, 10:09 PM
I would admit, I'm a tad disappointed in him. I didn't think he would go elsewhere and talk shit about my friends, and act like he is taking us for fools. I have stood up for him in the past, based on the way he wrote things, and certain perceptions. Had I known it was a ruse I wouldn't have done so. "I won't get fooled again" - bonus points to the first one who tells me who sang that!

I'm more than a 'tad' disappointed. I found the site and saw what he wrote. To be clear Tailfins, as nasty as you believe me to be, I'd never have touched your wife. You however? Would have dealt with.

Marcus Aurelius
08-15-2013, 10:21 PM
It sounds to me like someone isn't man enough to air their grievances here, and is choosing to do so where most here will never see them. That's a bigger pussy move than using 'ignore'.

08-15-2013, 10:24 PM
It sounds to me like someone isn't man enough to air their grievances here, and is choosing to do so where most here will never see them. That's a bigger pussy move than using 'ignore'.

But heh, Bobby liked it! LOL!

Marcus Aurelius
08-15-2013, 10:29 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=658400#post658400)
It sounds to me like someone isn't man enough to air their grievances here, and is choosing to do so where most here will never see them. That's a bigger pussy move than using 'ignore'.

But heh, Bobby liked it! LOL!

Thus proving my point. :laugh:

08-15-2013, 11:00 PM
Thus proving my point. :laugh:

"Larry" is there too, but hasn't trashed anyone or this site. Only Tailfins went there of the 'chosen invited.'

08-16-2013, 05:41 AM
When you combine "FLAPS" and "TAILFINS" you have an air disaster in the making with poor pilots at the controls.

08-16-2013, 06:53 AM
Would it make more sense to come here, act like one is above the "poor taste" discussion, and then go elsewhere, where one was invited, and talk smack about people behind their back? I would see it as the same, but one is being cowardly.

You should really leave what happens here, here. It's stupid to act like other trolls and banned members by going elsewhere to lay down your feelings about people and things from here. :rolleyes:

Why do you care? Last time I checked, there's no rules about activity on other forums.

Marcus Aurelius
08-16-2013, 07:17 AM
Why do you care? Last time I checked, there's no rules about activity on other forums.

whiney little bitch, aren't you.

08-16-2013, 08:05 AM
whiney little bitch, aren't you.

Asshole, aren't you? Hint: You should study punctuation!

08-16-2013, 08:25 AM
Why do you care? Last time I checked, there's no rules about activity on other forums.

I never claimed you broke a rule. I'm talking about you, and your condemning others for their "gloating" or jumping on others. You tried to give an appearance of being above what others were doing, that they were somehow wrong for how they were posting. Then you cowardly go elsewhere and do similar. And not only talk smack cowardly, but admit to how you avoid bans here in how you sneakily post in a 2 faced manner so you can proclaim innocence if called on it.

08-16-2013, 08:26 AM
Asshole, aren't you? Hint: You should study punctuation!

In other words, when backed into a corner and looking like an asshole yourself, you'll now pull out the grammar and punctuation crap.

Marcus Aurelius
08-16-2013, 08:36 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=658448#post658448)
whiney little bitch, aren't you.

Asshole, aren't you? Hint: You should study punctuation!

A period after a statement is correct. I wasn't asking you a question, I was stating a fact. I suppose it could be considered an 'indirect question', but that too would end in a period and not a question mark.

I suggest you go back to the school you graduated from and ask for a refund.


"Indirect questions do not close with a question mark but with a period. Like direct questions they demand a response, but they are expressed as declarations without the formal characteristics of a question. That is, they have no inversion (http://grammar.about.com/od/il/g/inversionterm.htm), no interrogative (http://grammar.about.com/od/il/g/interrogaterm.htm) words, and no special intonation (http://grammar.about.com/od/il/g/intonationterm.htm). We can imagine, for example, a situation in which one person asks another, 'Are you going downtown?' (a direct question). The person addressed does not hear and a bystander says, 'He asked if you were going downtown.' That is an indirect question. It requires an answer, but it is expressed as a statement and so is closed by a period, not a query."

dumb ass.

08-16-2013, 01:11 PM
A period after a statement is correct. I wasn't asking you a question, I was stating a fact. I suppose it could be considered an 'indirect question', but that too would end in a period and not a question mark.

I suggest you go back to the school you graduated from and ask for a refund.


dumb ass.
With Malfunctioning FLAPS and TAILFINS that board is a cluster Fuck of epic proportions.

Throw in their lil butt buddy Billy Bob and its a circle jerk of the feeble minded

Marcus Aurelius
08-16-2013, 02:00 PM
With Malfunctioning FLAPS and TAILFINS that board is a cluster Fuck of epic proportions.

Throw in their lil butt buddy Billy Bob and its a circle jerk of the feeble minded

With an IQ 'well above 140', I'm sure Whitless will have BillyButtFuck and the Tail-less Wonder in line in no time at all. :laugh2:

08-16-2013, 02:14 PM
A period after a statement is correct. I wasn't asking you a question, I was stating a fact. I suppose it could be considered an 'indirect question', but that too would end in a period and not a question mark.

I suggest you go back to the school you graduated from and ask for a refund.


dumb ass.

Marcus. Over many years. I, as I suspect you have...noticed how, whenever someone is frustrated, miserable, and needs some excuse to ignore responding to, or answering some questions. One of the very first things they do is BECOME A GRAMMAR COP. Always willing to point out the mistakes, or mal-punctuation happenings that make them Gloat with High levels of personal satisfaction at being the LONE, SOLE, expert who knows how to NEVER ANSWER A QUESTION without asking another QUESTION. ie; pointing out grammar errors.
It's an old, tried, and true liberal technique they actually believe, and are convinced. NOBODY WOULD NOTICE...since they are convinced...How much smarter they are.

08-16-2013, 05:01 PM
I never claimed you broke a rule. I'm talking about you, and your condemning others for their "gloating" or jumping on others. You tried to give an appearance of being above what others were doing, that they were somehow wrong for how they were posting. Then you cowardly go elsewhere and do similar. And not only talk smack cowardly, but admit to how you avoid bans here in how you sneakily post in a 2 faced manner so you can proclaim innocence if called on it.

Oh, OK! Well that's different. Talk away! If that's what makes you feel better, I'm glad I can provide a nexus for it.

08-16-2013, 05:14 PM
Oh, OK! Well that's different. Talk away! If that's what makes you feel better, I'm glad I can provide a nexus for it.

No need for me to talk away, one simple post was all that was needed to show the true colors. I actually felt worse, disappointed actually. But I'll survive, and no one will accuse me of going elsewhere to voice my gripes, behind a curtain.

08-16-2013, 06:59 PM
Tailfins the coward posts this elsewhere:

Look in the "Steel Cage", I was getting browbeaten for what I said HERE! He reads THIS forum, but isn't man enough to get his own userID and comment on a level playing field.

He takes business from here, whines about it elsewhere and talks about members from HERE elsewhere - and then condemns me for not going THERE to reply? Sorry to disappoint, but I stay with just this forum and what transpires here. I have no desire to take drama to other boards and whine like a bitch.

08-16-2013, 07:35 PM
With Malfunctioning FLAPS and TAILFINS that board is a cluster Fuck of epic proportions.

Throw in their lil butt buddy Billy Bob and its a circle jerk of the feeble minded

I'm inclined to tell MM, OCR, and Howie how to find it......

Marcus Aurelius
08-16-2013, 07:56 PM
Tailfins the coward posts this elsewhere:

He takes business from here, whines about it elsewhere and talks about members from HERE elsewhere - and then condemns me for not going THERE to reply? Sorry to disappoint, but I stay with just this forum and what transpires here. I have no desire to take drama to other boards and whine like a bitch.

Looks like we already have a new Whitless here.... Tailfins.

That was fast.

08-16-2013, 08:53 PM
Looks like we already have a new Whitless here.... Tailfins.

That was fast.

Marcus. I have already tried to tell tailfins about placing money above being genuine with other people. Betraying others in order to place money ahead of trust, and friendships is a deadly, downward method of self-destruction when Money becomes the ONE and Only important thing in life.
But then. Why should tailfins listen to someone like me? It's not like I was born this morning, and have no idea what life is about.
Some people need to learn the hard way. Happy trails...tailfin. Your FLAPS are unusable.

08-17-2013, 12:03 PM
Looks like we already have a new Whitless here.... Tailfins.

That was fast.

Regardless of the membership roster, you will ALWAYS single out somebody. It's your nature!

08-17-2013, 12:18 PM
No need for me to talk away, one simple post was all that was needed to show the true colors. I actually felt worse, disappointed actually. But I'll survive, and no one will accuse me of going elsewhere to voice my gripes, behind a curtain.

When someone restricts the ability to speak freely, the thing to do is the speak freely where you can. Here are some examples:
1) If the store manager won't hear your concern; Consumer Affairs will.
2) If your landlord won't hear your concerns; the housing court judge will.
3) If the cop won't listen to your concerns; the Attorney General will.
4) If your wife's beauty salon won't listen, the public on the public sidewalk will read your picket sign as the salon stays empty all Saturday long.

Until someone decides you're not worth the bother, they will express their real opinions SOMEWHERE. You may as well encourage that to be with you, because that gives you the most control. I actually hope Robert decides you're not worth the bother otherwise it will distract him from truly enjoying whatever forum he participates in.

Marcus Aurelius
08-17-2013, 01:53 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=658555#post658555)
Looks like we already have a new Whitless here.... Tailfins.

That was fast.

Regardless of the membership roster, you will ALWAYS single out somebody. It's your nature!

I didn't single you out. You did that by your actions. Sad you can't see that.

Marcus Aurelius
08-17-2013, 01:57 PM
When someone restricts the ability to speak freely, the thing to do is the speak freely where you can. Here are some examples:
1) If the store manager won't hear your concern; Consumer Affairs will.
2) If your landlord won't hear your concerns; the housing court judge will.
3) If the cop won't listen to your concerns; the Attorney General will.
4) If your wife's beauty salon won't listen, the public on the public sidewalk will read your picket sign as the salon stays empty all Saturday long.

Until someone decides you're not worth the bother, they will express their real opinions SOMEWHERE. You may as well encourage that to be with you, because that gives you the most control. I actually hope Robert decides you're not worth the bother otherwise it will distract him from truly enjoying whatever forum he participates in.

You and Whitless are the only ones here who seem to think they cannot speak freely.

I wonder why that is. (No, a question mark here is not appropriate, as it was again a statement, not a question.)

Is this the point where you whine that I sometimes call you dumb ass? (A question mark is appropriate here.)

08-17-2013, 02:16 PM
You and Whitless are the only ones here who seem to think they cannot speak freely.

I wonder why that is. (No, a question mark here is not appropriate, as it was again a statement, not a question.)

Is this the point where you whine that I sometimes call you dumb ass? (A question mark is appropriate here.)

Just a quick question: What possible use do you have other then to wander the halls and spread dissension? Just asking. You don't matter.

08-17-2013, 04:57 PM
Just a quick question: What possible use do you have other then to wander the halls and spread dissension? Just asking. You don't matter.

tailfins. The more I read your posts. The more I am becoming convinced. You and Robert are related.

Marcus Aurelius
08-17-2013, 09:26 PM
Just a quick question: What possible use do you have other then to wander the halls and spread dissension? Just asking. You don't matter.

I appear to matter enough to you that you feel the need to respond to my posts. As for spreading dissension, funny, but you're the only one whining about my posts. If I was really spreading dissension, I'd expect more people would be acting like the same whiny little bitch you are.

Marcus Aurelius
08-17-2013, 09:38 PM
Awwwwww... the Whitless Wonder still misses us!

Last Activity: Today 06:16 PM

08-18-2013, 07:36 AM
I appear to matter enough to you that you feel the need to respond to my posts. As for spreading dissension, funny, but you're the only one whining about my posts. If I was really spreading dissension, I'd expect more people would be acting like the same whiny little bitch you are.

You may have a point there! You serve as good practice for not engaging non-productive people. You serve a purpose after all.:bighug:

I bet lots of people use the below song to describe you "All you're ever gonna be is mean.":


08-18-2013, 08:23 AM
You may have a point there! You serve as good practice for not engaging non-productive people. You serve a purpose after all.:bighug:

I bet lots of people use the below song to describe you "All you're ever gonna be is mean.":


tailfins. Tell us the truth now. Your real first name is also ROBERT!

Marcus Aurelius
08-18-2013, 10:55 AM
You may have a point there! You serve as good practice for not engaging non-productive people. You serve a purpose after all.:bighug:

I bet lots of people use the below song to describe you "All you're ever gonna be is mean.":


Really? That's the best you have? A Taylor Swift video?

You whine that people shouldn't respond to me, yet you keep doing so. You are literally acting just like Whitless. You sure you're not his sock?

08-18-2013, 12:08 PM
tailfins. Tell us the truth now. Your real first name is also ROBERT!

It can if you want it to be. However, I prefer Geraldine.

08-18-2013, 12:55 PM
It can if you want it to be. However, I prefer Geraldine.

So, you are Robert's twin??? How cute is that?

08-18-2013, 12:59 PM
So, you are Robert's twin??? How cute is that?

I can be if you want me to be! I aim to please! (And yes, I'm enjoying myself)


08-18-2013, 01:05 PM
I can be if you want me to be! I aim to please! (And yes, I'm enjoying myself)


5397 Thanks for showing us how true it is.

08-18-2013, 04:14 PM
Alzheimers Bobby Boy claims he never did anything wrong, broke no rules. Claims my having bipolar is the reason behind everything. Somehow me having bipolar had him post like an asshole for months at a time. :dunno: :lol:

08-18-2013, 04:59 PM
Alzheimers Bobby Boy claims he never did anything wrong, broke no rules. Claims my having bipolar is the reason behind everything. Somehow me having bipolar had him post like an asshole for months at a time. :dunno: :lol:

Using people's health characteristics against them a bad thing to learn how to do. If I have or ever do such a thing, feel free to point it out. I want to stay as far away from that as possible. Remember HIPAA every day!

08-18-2013, 04:59 PM
Using people's health characteristics against them a bad thing to learn how to do. If I have or ever do such a thing, feel free to point it out. I want to stay as far away from that as possible. Remember HIPAA every day!

Well, let me know when you talk smack to him for doing so!

08-18-2013, 05:08 PM
Well, let me know when you talk smack to him for doing so!

If you truly want a shot at stopping it, "talking smack" isn't effective. If your goal is to stop the behavior, explaining to him why the behavior isn't in his best interest is the way to go.

08-18-2013, 05:11 PM
If you truly want a shot at stopping it, "talking smack" isn't effective. If your goal is to stop the behavior, explaining to him why the behavior isn't in his best interest is the way to go.

Honestly, I don't care if he would like to use that as some sort of tool against me, it matters not. I'd still run circles around him in any subject in the world, so it's really only a reflection on his own incompetence and instability.

08-18-2013, 05:20 PM
Honestly, I don't care if he would like to use that as some sort of tool against me, it matters not. I'd still run circles around him in any subject in the world, so it's really only a reflection on his own incompetence and instability.

Unless it's somebody I'm mentoring with the satisfaction of watching their market value increase, I prefer not to be around people I can "run circles around". Similar to chess, getting beat improves your game. I pity Robert somewhat because at his age, he will meet his maker shortly.

08-18-2013, 05:28 PM
"The Who."

Brown nosier :laugh:

I knew that one but ya got there first , NOT FAIR :laugh:

08-18-2013, 11:28 PM
Well, let me know when you talk smack to him for doing so!

Indeed. Robert's done nothing but talk about others health issues, as his determining factor of why he met so much 'unfairness' here.

I know that Robert can't read this, but he has some friends that are posting where he is. Since he keeps whining for an explanation of 'not breaking any rules,' here's a recap:

From the rules:

Freedom of Speech - This has been, and always will be, the main vision of mine for the community. All points of view are tolerated here, and liberals and conservatives are equally welcome. Members will never be punished in any way because of their political affiliation. Freedom of speech does not mean things can be posted that are detrimental to the board.

The above is a generalized statement, staff needs to determine if something is 'detrimental to the board.' Soliciting members to move to another site meets that criteria.

Private Messages - Any communication between members and/or staff via the private message system will remain private. Discussing of PM's on the forum without explicit permission will result in disciplinary action. The PM system should also not be used to harass other members. Although we do not read PM's, members can forward them to staff if they feel they are being harassed. Staff does not have the ability to directly read PM's, nor will they ever.

While I might change the wording, one can assume members forwarded spam pm's from Robert to staff. It's in the rules. Thus why he was banned and those forwarding pm's to staff weren't. He's been quite concerned why the offending members that shared he 'private mail' weren't banned.

Board Policy and Decisions - Any questions, concerns or complaints about board policy or decisions should be handled via the private message system. You may contact any staff member directly and voice your concerns. Airing "dirty laundry" is not good for the forum, or any forum for that fact. We don't have a forum called "complaints", which means it shouldn't be aired publicly. I'm very lenient when it comes to the rules and implementing them. I bend a lot based on member feedback and set the rules accordingly. My stance on this issue is very firm though, and it will be dealt with each and every time. We have the PM system and reporting system for these instances. Take the time to voice your complaints or concerns privately and we will be happy to discuss with you. Post it on the forums and receive a 24hr ban.

Board Discipline - From time to time it is necessary to remove people from participation on the forums. Most of the time this is just temporary. Consider it a "time out" period where the member can cool off and hopefully return in a better frame of mind. These will be issued when a member receives a warning about their actions, and continues to act inappropriately as per the rules. Permanent bans are very rare, and reserved for those joining just to spam the forums, or if a member goes off the deep end and only returns here to start trouble. Again, these decisions will not be discussed on the forums, not by the banned member and not by other members.

Robert breached both these rules time and again. After a week off, he basically came an reiterated that he WAS GOING to pm folks, 'he wasn't violating any rules,' according to him.

He demanded that Abbey answer why he was banned, 'for no reason, he followed the rules.' Well no, he didn't. I was sort of surprised he only received a week for a solicitation, most forums would have banned him permanently then. Lo and behold he returns, only to fling more crap.

Marcus Aurelius
08-19-2013, 06:31 AM
All that, and Mr. Mensa with the 'well over 140 IQ' still cannot fathom why he was banned...

wow. I almost wish I knew where he was so I could go 'explain' it to him.:laugh:

08-19-2013, 07:38 AM
If you truly want a shot at stopping it, "talking smack" isn't effective. If your goal is to stop the behavior, explaining to him why the behavior isn't in his best interest is the way to go.

hasn't worked with YOU... Kind of hypocritical of you to make that statement.

You seem to practice the old saying of ...DO WHAT I SAY...NOT AS I DO.

08-19-2013, 10:28 AM
Indeed. Robert's done nothing but talk about others health issues, as his determining factor of why he met so much 'unfairness' here.

I know that Robert can't read this, but he has some friends that are posting where he is. Since he keeps whining for an explanation of 'not breaking any rules,' here's a recap:

From the rules:

The above is a generalized statement, staff needs to determine if something is 'detrimental to the board.' Soliciting members to move to another site meets that criteria.

While I might change the wording, one can assume members forwarded spam pm's from Robert to staff. It's in the rules. Thus why he was banned and those forwarding pm's to staff weren't. He's been quite concerned why the offending members that shared he 'private mail' weren't banned.

Robert breached both these rules time and again. After a week off, he basically came an reiterated that he WAS GOING to pm folks, 'he wasn't violating any rules,' according to him.

He demanded that Abbey answer why he was banned, 'for no reason, he followed the rules.' Well no, he didn't. I was sort of surprised he only received a week for a solicitation, most forums would have banned him permanently then. Lo and behold he returns, only to fling more crap.

He is MUCH too stupid to understand, even when laid out like such and explained to him. Only that old dumb fuck would think I'm violating my own rules by reading a PM that someone forwarded to me and complained about. I guess I should have closed my eyes and deleted it the instant I realized it had his garbage within it.

Marcus Aurelius
08-19-2013, 11:30 AM
He is MUCH too stupid to understand, even when laid out like such and explained to him. Only that old dumb fuck would think I'm violating my own rules by reading a PM that someone forwarded to me and complained about. I guess I should have closed my eyes and deleted it the instant I realized it had his garbage within it.

So tell me, Jim... how many threads have been 'caged', people banned, or warnings issues since the hammer dropped?

I know you can't talk about moderator action, it was really a rhetorical question.

I'm sure everyone already knows the answer anyway.:coffee:

08-19-2013, 12:06 PM
So tell me, Jim... how many threads have been 'caged', people banned, or warnings issues since the hammer dropped?

I know you can't talk about moderator action, it was really a rhetorical question.

I'm sure everyone already knows the answer anyway.:coffee:

Unfortunately, Robert hasn't learned the fine art of ass kissing! Jim: Did I mention how admirable your dedication as father is and how bravely you've met the hard knocks life has dealt you? What about the time you put in for no remuneration on this message board?

Does the above sound plausible? If not, I can try again! Remember: Ass kissing MUST sound plausible.

I'm dead serious here. I have lost count of how many people in the short term will give you what you want in exchange for some short term ass kissing.

Marcus Aurelius
08-19-2013, 12:56 PM
Unfortunately, Robert hasn't learned the fine art of ass kissing! Jim: Did I mention how admirable your dedication as father is and how bravely you've met the hard knocks life has dealt you? What about the time you put in for no remuneration on this message board?

Does the above sound plausible? If not, I can try again! Remember: Ass kissing MUST sound plausible.

I'm dead serious here. I have lost count of how many people in the short term will give you what you want in exchange for some short term ass kissing.

interesting. you see a question about the state of the board since your boyfriend left as 'ass kissing'.

Doesn't really say much for your mental faculties, now does it. (Please refer to the previous post in which you were schooled on the correct use of a period as opposed to a question mark in situations like this.)

08-19-2013, 01:58 PM
interesting. you see a question about the state of the board since your boyfriend left as 'ass kissing'.

Doesn't really say much for your mental faculties, now does it. (Please refer to the previous post in which you were schooled on the correct use of a period as opposed to a question mark in situations like this.)

So you confirm I have mastered ass kissing? That's good to know!

08-19-2013, 02:00 PM
hasn't worked with YOU... Kind of hypocritical of you to make that statement.

You seem to practice the old saying of ...DO WHAT I SAY...NOT AS I DO.

You can't be trusted. You show a pattern of being motivated by bossing people around. That means your information isn't reliable. There it is unvarnished, if you can handle it.

08-19-2013, 02:11 PM
So tell me, Jim... how many threads have been 'caged', people banned, or warnings issues since the hammer dropped?

I know you can't talk about moderator action, it was really a rhetorical question.
I'm sure everyone already knows the answer anyway.:coffee:

Unfortunately, Robert hasn't learned the fine art of ass kissing! Jim: Did I mention how admirable your dedication as father is and how bravely you've met the hard knocks life has dealt you? What about the time you put in for no remuneration on this message board?

Does the above sound plausible? If not, I can try again! Remember: Ass kissing MUST sound plausible.

I'm dead serious here. I have lost count of how many people in the short term will give you what you want in exchange for some short term ass kissing.

Do you seriously see the above as ass kissing? Generally one does such in order to gain favor with another. This is exactly how Marcus has posted since being a member here. For his ass kissing efforts, he too has had a bunch of threads moved here and his fair share of thread bans. I think he's MORE pointing out the obvious, that without a certain drama creator, the non-stop fighting and thread bans and threads being moved has stopped on a dime.

Btw, how has Robert's ass tasted since he has left DP? :poke:

Marcus Aurelius
08-19-2013, 02:35 PM
Do you seriously see the above as ass kissing? Generally one does such in order to gain favor with another. This is exactly how Marcus has posted since being a member here. For his ass kissing efforts, he too has had a bunch of threads moved here and his fair share of thread bans. I think he's MORE pointing out the obvious, that without a certain drama creator, the non-stop fighting and thread bans and threads being moved has stopped on a dime.

Btw, how has Robert's ass tasted since he has left DP? :poke:

he have to remove something before he could taste it.....

08-19-2013, 02:57 PM
So you confirm I have mastered ass kissing? That's good to know!

tailfins. If you are enjoying your newly found ability to KISS ASS. And now brag about mastering it. I would like to personally invite you to KISS MINE often, and as much as your lips will stand.

08-19-2013, 03:06 PM
tailfins. If you are enjoying your newly found ability to KISS ASS. And now brag about mastering it. I would like to personally invite you to KISS MINE often, and as much as your lips will stand.

Glad to help! I hope the following meets your needs: You must have gained much wisdom on your many years on this Earth!

08-19-2013, 03:06 PM
glad to help! I hope the following meets your needs: You must have gained much wisdom on your many years on this earth!

pucker up!

08-19-2013, 03:25 PM
pucker up!

You could just get an audio file full of shallow compliments and play it over and over while I'm away. I have to sleep sometime! Your need will still be met.