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View Full Version : Israel army shoots down rocket near Egypt border

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-13-2013, 09:37 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/israel-army-shoots-down-rocket-near-egypt-border-062740011.html http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/04/21/image001-png_162613.png (http://www.ap.org/) <cite class="byline vcard top-line">DANIEL ESTRIN <abbr>5 minutes ago</abbr> </cite>

<iframe tabindex="-1" id="yom-ad-LREC-iframe" src="http://l.yimg.com/rq/darla/2-6-3/html/r-sf.html" frameborder="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 300px; height: 266px; display: block; visibility: inherit; position: absolute; z-index: 10;" hidefocus="true" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

<!-- google_ad_section_start --> JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military shot down a rocket launched toward a Red Sea resort town near the border with Egypt on Tuesday, the army said.
It was the first time Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system successfully intercepted a rocket attack on the resort of Eilat, the military said. The incident came after days of heightened tension along the Egypt-Israel border.
The army said the rocket was intercepted early Tuesday and that there were no injuries. It didn't provide more details and declined to comment on the origins of the projectile.
An al-Qaida-inspired militant group based in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, Ansar Jerusalem, claimed responsibility for launching the rocket in an email to The Associated Press. The little known group is hostile to both Israel and Egypt and was behind an attack in August 2011 near Eilat that killed eight people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Most Iron Dome batteries have been deployed along Israel's border with Gaza, and the missile defense system intercepted rockets during Israel's fighting with Gaza militants in 2012. Other batteries have been placed on Israel's border with Lebanon.
Last Thursday, Israel briefly closed the Eilat airport in response to unspecified security warnings.
The following day, five suspected Islamic militants were killed in Egypt's volatile Sinai Peninsula, and a rocket launcher there was reportedly destroyed, according to Egyptian officials. Ansar Jerusalem said four of its men were killed in the strike and blamed the deaths on Israel. The discrepancy between the group's death toll and the one offered by Egyptian authorities could not be reconciled. ----------------------------------------------- Attempts to get a shooting war going between Israel and Egypt. These Islamic scum will do anything to destroy Israel. When they had the MB in charge in Egypt they were well on the way to getting advanced military weapons from USA to go fight Israel with.. Obama was all for that! The Egyptian people upset his little applecart on that! I bet the bastard cried all night about it too. The cowardly lying chump.. --Tyr

08-13-2013, 10:10 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/israel-army-shoots-down-rocket-near-egypt-border-062740011.html http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/04/21/image001-png_162613.png (http://www.ap.org/) <cite class="byline vcard top-line">DANIEL ESTRIN <abbr>5 minutes ago</abbr> </cite>

<iframe tabindex="-1" id="yom-ad-LREC-iframe" src="http://l.yimg.com/rq/darla/2-6-3/html/r-sf.html" frameborder="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 300px; height: 266px; display: block; visibility: inherit; position: absolute; z-index: 10;" hidefocus="true" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

<!-- google_ad_section_start --> JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military shot down a rocket launched toward a Red Sea resort town near the border with Egypt on Tuesday, the army said.
It was the first time Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system successfully intercepted a rocket attack on the resort of Eilat, the military said. The incident came after days of heightened tension along the Egypt-Israel border.
The army said the rocket was intercepted early Tuesday and that there were no injuries. It didn't provide more details and declined to comment on the origins of the projectile.
An al-Qaida-inspired militant group based in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, Ansar Jerusalem, claimed responsibility for launching the rocket in an email to The Associated Press. The little known group is hostile to both Israel and Egypt and was behind an attack in August 2011 near Eilat that killed eight people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Most Iron Dome batteries have been deployed along Israel's border with Gaza, and the missile defense system intercepted rockets during Israel's fighting with Gaza militants in 2012. Other batteries have been placed on Israel's border with Lebanon.
Last Thursday, Israel briefly closed the Eilat airport in response to unspecified security warnings.
The following day, five suspected Islamic militants were killed in Egypt's volatile Sinai Peninsula, and a rocket launcher there was reportedly destroyed, according to Egyptian officials. Ansar Jerusalem said four of its men were killed in the strike and blamed the deaths on Israel. The discrepancy between the group's death toll and the one offered by Egyptian authorities could not be reconciled. ----------------------------------------------- Attempts to get a shooting war going between Israel and Egypt. These Islamic scum will do anything to destroy Israel. When they had the MB in charge in Egypt they were well on the way to getting advanced military weapons from USA to go fight Israel with.. Obama was all for that! The Egyptian people upset his little applecart on that! I bet the bastard cried all night about it too. The cowardly lying chump.. --Tyr
The article said the group claiming responsibility is hostile to BOTH Egypt and Israel.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-13-2013, 10:19 AM
The article said the group claiming responsibility is hostile to BOTH Egypt and Israel. It surely did. I bet a dollar against a donut that group hates Israel more! The group was associated with/inspired by Al Qaeda so which nation do you think they truly want to be utterly destroyed? Give yourself three points for the correct answer.- ;)-Tyr

Abbey Marie
08-13-2013, 10:37 AM
The article said the group claiming responsibility is hostile to BOTH Egypt and Israel.

If they are also against Egypt, it's probably because Egypt isn't doing enough to exterminate Israel.

08-13-2013, 11:15 AM
If they are also against Egypt, it's probably because Egypt isn't doing enough to exterminate Israel.
For example, by not giving them advanced weapons from the us.
That despite their being "well under-way" of aquiring such (until recently, that is), they still launch the same old rockets they've being using for years. Hardly evidence that Egypt under MB was supporting these attacks, whether with advanced weaponry or not. That's my point. Its an argument from a hypothetical; like saying Romney was well-on his way to improving the economy. One cannot disprove what is not provable. See: Russell's teapot