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View Full Version : Attorney for Benghazi Whistleblower: 400 US Missiles Stolen In Benghazi

08-14-2013, 07:39 AM
Very interesting to say the least, could it be that this was another way to get arms to Obama's people at the cost of four American lives ? Maybe , or could it be the embarrassment to have to admit ya screwed up so bad right before election time? again maybe , but what is for real is 4 Americans where left to die and we need to know why

“I do not know whether [the missiles] were at the annex, but it is clear the annex was somehow involved in the process of the distribution of those missiles,” said DiGenova in an interview Monday with Washington’s WMAL. WMAL reports: How did DiGenova get this information? He told WMAL that ever since he and his wife and law partner, Victoria Toensing, began representing the Benghazi whistleblowers last spring, they have been contacted by several people eager to share information about what really happened the night of September 11, 2012, when four Americans were killed in the Consulate attack, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/attorney-for-benghazi-whistleblower-400-us-missiles-stolen-in-benghazi/#VG4fTc2qdqEA3ykB.99

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2013, 10:10 AM
Very interesting to say the least, could it be that this was another way to get arms to Obama's people at the cost of four American lives ? Maybe , or could it be the embarrassment to have to admit ya screwed up so bad right before election time? again maybe , but what is for real is 4 Americans where left to die and we need to know why

“I do not know whether [the missiles] were at the annex, but it is clear the annex was somehow involved in the process of the distribution of those missiles,” said DiGenova in an interview Monday with Washington’s WMAL. WMAL reports: How did DiGenova get this information? He told WMAL that ever since he and his wife and law partner, Victoria Toensing, began representing the Benghazi whistleblowers last spring, they have been contacted by several people eager to share information about what really happened the night of September 11, 2012, when four Americans were killed in the Consulate attack, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/attorney-for-benghazi-whistleblower-400-us-missiles-stolen-in-benghazi/#VG4fTc2qdqEA3ykB.99

Could well be that the attack was a diversion to hide just giving the missiles to them. The two Navy seals messed it all up and the entire operation got out of hand. Reasons that makes sense is 1. Security was greatly reduced leading up to the attack even after requests for more security. 2. All personnel were told to stand down which makes no sense except to aid the attack and limit causalities among the attackers. 3. No help was sent to the Navy seals...... OBAMA INTENDED THOSE WEAPONS TO GO TO TERRORIST GROUPS AND THAT MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR US TO ARM!!! He commits treason by arming our enemies! Now they have 400 surface to air missiles capable of knocking airliners out of the sky. All thanks to their best ally = Obama! Also those missiles would do extreme major damage to our embassies! Guess why Obama may have closed those embassies and not cited the exact threat issued? -Tyr

08-14-2013, 10:44 AM
I said shortly after it all hit the news. it was a weapons smuggling operation and that a warehouse near by was full of weapons to go to syria.

Tyr your dead on why the embassies were closed. And the greatest threats were around the air fields near the embassies.

Wonder how many of these SAM's have gone to egypt and into gaza.

There is also the letter from morsi ordering the capture of Stevens to be used as a hostage in exchange for the blind shiek. That was the part of the operation that went wrong.

Congress is being stonewalled and the fox is guarding the hen house.