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View Full Version : Obama 'a god' in rodeo-clown controversy

08-15-2013, 08:04 AM
Another reason why it was wrong ( or at least a big deal was made of a simple joke ) This article is spot on , and yes I said it was one pussy liberal in attendance that made this a big deal I was close it was one mixed racial family that felt it was wrong

PALM BEACH, Fla. – The ongoing fallout over a rodeo clown who wore a Barack Obama mask at the Missouri State Fair is “infantile” and only exists because the president is treated as “a god,” says the nation’s top-rated radio voice.
“It is as though President Obama is a messiah or is a god and this little thing that happened at the Missouri State Fair is a defamation, a denunciation, almost a religious sacrilege that took place,” Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday. “This is no different than those countries reacting freakishly when there were cartoons of the prophet Muhammad. That is exactly what this is.”
“He’s the president of the United States! They get made fun of! They get laughed at all the time! Fun is poked at ‘em,” Limbaugh stressed. “I know this happens to be the first African-American one, but that should not insulate this president from standard, ordinary, everyday treatment, analysis, whatever. You know, you people on the left, who the hell do you think you are? You can’t laugh. You can’t take a joke. You can’t take a punch. You can’t take anything.”


08-15-2013, 01:31 PM
The only real victims of that Rodeo Clown incident are the kids, and adults who
planned to wear their Obama masks...AGAIN, from last year, for Halloween this year.

red states rule
08-16-2013, 02:55 AM

08-16-2013, 06:51 AM
But this idiot president we have could of stopped all this, I posted a article where the President himself wore a the Mask as a joke and all in attendance laughed , this self centered POS waited until a big deal was made of the entire thing and it was all blown out of proportion when all he had to do was come forward and say this was a joke ,one I don't like but all past presidents have went through the same so why am I to expect anything different, of course that would of been to easy so now one clown is banned for life and all clowns must attend sensitivity training all just a bunch of BS because our fearless leader for some reason feels he is above all others

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-16-2013, 09:44 AM
The bull has been confiscated already. Sent to the Whitehouse and will be served tonight as the main course for a feast. The Obama's demanded the clown too but were reminded that cannibalism would cost them too many votes because a lot of older Americans take a dim view on it. And that's no bull. ;)--Tyr -------------------------------------- Folks notice how the media and the government work so well together to protect Obama ? And how his "sicko-ants"(sycophants) jump up immediately to destroy those that ridicule the bastard? We are witnessing the worshipping adoration and baby care of a spoiled dictator!

08-16-2013, 10:07 AM
We now have some liberal news outlets and blogs characterizing the rodeo clown as being in "Black Face".
Seriously, :upyours:

08-16-2013, 10:11 AM
Anyone wearing the Obama "black face" is obviously a racist that should be investigated for a hate crime.


08-16-2013, 02:24 PM
[QUOTE=jimnyc;658472]Anyone wearing the Obama "black face" is obviously a racist that should be investigated for a hate crime.


Apologies, error.

08-16-2013, 02:26 PM
Anyone wearing the Obama "black face" is obviously a racist that should be investigated for a hate crime.


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