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View Full Version : Million Muslim March Planned in DC on Anniversary of 9-11

08-19-2013, 10:08 AM
If this was to happen any other day the 9/11 I wouldn't have a problem with it but this is just out right spitting in America's face, I see all kind of different groups saying they wont let this happen ( one being a motor cycle rally , they want to get a million riders to block up DC so the Muslims can't get there ) and yes if that happens I do belive I will have to head to DC. I understand why they want to do this on the date they have picked but still think it is in bad taste to say the least

A group called The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC (http://ampacus.webs.com/)) is planning a one million Muslims march to Washington D.C. on September 11th. The timing of the group's march is seen by many as tasteless (to say the least) considering it is scheduled for the anniversary of the worst domestic massacre in American history perpetrated in the name of Islam. AMPAC ups the tasteless quotient by issuing "demands" for the American government:
We at AMPAC (American Political Action Committee) are planning an historic event for 9.11.13 where one million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government.
We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment . We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people.


08-19-2013, 10:43 AM
These dummies have now changed the name to - "Million American March Against Fear" - and it appears it will be a collection of truthers mostly. Dumb asses.

The American Muslim Political Action Committee is hosting what it hopes will be a gathering of one million people in Washington, D.C., on the 12th anniversary of 9/11 to urge the government to reveal "the truth" about the attacks.

"We want to hold President Obama accountable for his empty promises of creating a transparent government," march organizer Isa Hodge told U.S. News. "What exactly have we spent all our money, lost lives and taken lives for? The entire record of the 9/11 Commission has never been released."

Protesters will also denounce "FBI traps," "illegal tapping and surveilling of Muslim Americans" and "media propaganda making the word terrorist synonymous with Muslim," he said.

The march was announced as the "Million Muslim March" earlier this year, but its name has since been changed to the "Million American March Against Fear," according to Hodge.

The organizer said north-central Pennsylvania's Williamsport Tea Party has joined with planners, in addition to groups that adhere to conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks or oppose the National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes the president to approve indefinite detentions.

"Depending on my work schedule, I will be attending the event," Nick Defonte of the Williamsport Tea Party told U.S. News. "We all deserve to be judged on our own merits, and that is precisely why I will show my solidarity with peaceful, Constitution-loving citizens."

"We're waiting on Minister Louis Farrakhan [of the Nation of Islam] to respond to our request," Hodge said. "His ministers below him are interested in being involved, we're just waiting for Minister Farrakhan to OK it."

Farrakhan keynoted the 1995 "Million Man March" and his group provided much of the organizational muscle needed to deliver nearly one million attendees to the National Mall for that event. U.S. News was unable to reach the Nation of Islam for comment through its Final Call newspaper.


08-19-2013, 10:49 AM

A group called The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC (http://ampacus.webs.com/)) is planning a one million Muslims march to Washington D.C. on September 11th. The timing of the group's march is seen by many as tasteless (to say the least) considering it is scheduled for the anniversary of the worst domestic massacre in American history perpetrated in the name of Islam. AMPAC ups the tasteless quotient by issuing "demands" for the American government:

We at AMPAC (American Political Action Committee) are planning an historic event for 9.11.13 where one million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government.

We are demanding that :
laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment .
The first amendment is a law that serves to protect us from government. I fail to see how more laws to protect that law is to function-- it'd be like keeping an extra set of keys inside your house in case you get locked out.

We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government.
"...Asking..." lol. pretty please, with sugar on top?

Lastly we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people.


Blue is my response.

08-19-2013, 04:00 PM
If this was to happen any other day the 9/11 I wouldn't have a problem with it but this is just out right spitting in America's face,

Blaming us for 9/11 is spitting in our faces.

Marcus Aurelius
08-19-2013, 04:01 PM
Blaming us for 9/11 is spitting in our faces.

The attacks on 9/11 were done by Islamic terrorists. Fact.


Dumb ass.

08-19-2013, 04:23 PM
Blaming us for 9/11 is spitting in our faces.

Muslim terrorist Attacked us , and no where have you ever heard me nor anyone on this board ( I doubt ) say it was all Muslims ,( the problem is is that it is a everyday thing that one of the bad apples kills for Allah and then you get on here and explain why it isn't real Muslims, maybe it is time to open your eyes jafar maybe you are the only real Muslim in the world because there are thousands if not millions of yall killing and doing nasty vile shit in the name of allah everyday) but if you can't see how this could be looked at as disrespectful than I would have to put you right in with the group of Muslim terrorist that attacked us , and don't hand me that trash well it was only a couple bad apples , I seen Muslims all over the world cheering that day it was disgusting all because we have freedom , I watched the nit wit woman doing that screech with there tounge's I am almost happy when I realize for most of there lives they will be treated like the animals they are , you know jafar I almost understand where you are coming from then you post something like this and yes when you or any muslim post something like this it does make ya want to lump all muslims as one , fourtunatley I do know some that aren't like you so I think about them and realize different. You making a comment like that is the same as the Blacks screaming we where slaves , so if what I have posted makes you feel like I spit in your face go get a wash cloth and wash it.

08-19-2013, 05:12 PM
Blaming us for 9/11 is spitting in our faces.

So you think calling One Million Muslims together on the anniversary of 9/11, in the capital city of that nation isn't SPITTING in our faces?

JAFAR. Your ability to whine, and pretend you are insulted is only surpassed by your phony, crocodile-like tears as you laughingly complain about being SPIT UPON????

What a False Piece of Unholy, Lying Crap you've turned out to be, and you celebrate it????

08-19-2013, 06:31 PM
Blaming us for 9/11 is spitting in our faces.:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:


Now, isn't this the ultimate in sanitisation efforts ??

What's next ? Denying that 9/11 ever happened ?!?

Or maybe it's all down to those damned Druids ...

Jafar, you just CANNOT be for real !

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-19-2013, 06:44 PM


Now, isn't this the ultimate in sanitisation efforts ??

What's next ? Denying that 9/11 ever happened ?!?

Or maybe it's all down to those damned Druids ...

Jafar, you just CANNOT be for real ! Of course the day of 9/11 was chosen exactly to spit in our faces and you know why? Because they know that they have their man in the Whitehouse! This was organized after its leader was summoned to a meeting with Obama at the Whitehouse !!!! You can bet your last dollar it was a task Obama gave him. We are being played . If this comes off the way they want Obama will declare the people have spoke and issue a lot of new Executive Orders to address their concerns, concerns he had planted in a march he ordered and help fund by various means. Typical conniving bullshat this guy is known for. Should there be a counter protest of a million men and fighting start between the muslim group and the counter protesters Obama will have authorities arrest and fire upon the counter protesters only! Showing his true colors since all will be American citizens his sworn duty would be to not take sides. Watch and see if I am right should that occur. I'll bet anybody here 50 bucks right now on that. That Obama would side with the muslims. Any takers? -Tyr

08-19-2013, 07:08 PM
Of course the day of 9/11 was chosen exactly to spit in our faces and you know why? Because they know that they have their man in the Whitehouse! This was organized after its leader was summoned to a meeting with Obama at the Whitehouse !!!! You can bet your last dollar it was a task Obama gave him. We are being played . If this comes off the way they want Obama will declare the people have spoke and issue a lot of new Executive Orders to address their concerns, concerns he had planted in a march he ordered and help fund by various means. Typical conniving bullshat this guy is known for. Should there be a counter protest of a million men and fighting start between the muslim group and the counter protesters Obama will have authorities arrest and fire upon the counter protesters only! Showing his true colors since all will be American citizens his sworn duty would be to not take sides. Watch and see if I am right should that occur. I'll bet anybody here 50 bucks right now on that. That Obama would side with the muslims. Any takers? -Tyr:clap::clap::clap::clap:

I'm sure you're right. Obama will find some sort of weasel wording to help 'excuse' himself, but at the end of the day, his actions will be no less than treasonous.

08-19-2013, 07:14 PM

I'm sure you're right. Obama will find some sort of weasel wording to help 'excuse' himself, but at the end of the day, his actions will be no less than treasonous.

Obama needs, and wants the opportunity to appear in Muslim, Islamic History books as the LONE, Wannabe American President who BENT OVER to kiss the butt's of those who gathered in the Washington DC Mall...in the shadow of the Former Washington Monument...Now called the "Islamic Tower of Allah", where Obama pledged his soul to the Devil.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-19-2013, 07:46 PM
Obama needs, and wants the opportunity to appear in Muslim, Islamic History books as the LONE, Wannabe American President who BENT OVER to kiss the butt's of those who gathered in the Washington DC Mall...in the shadow of the Former Washington Monument...Now called the "Islamic Tower of Allah", where Obama pledged his soul to the Devil. -------- FREAKING BRAVO!!!!! :beer:-:flyflag:---TYR

08-19-2013, 08:10 PM
The attacks on 9/11 were done by Islamic terrorists. Fact.


Dumb ass.

As have been the 20,000+ terror attacks and attacks based on Islam in the years since, all around the world. It's absolute filth that is disguised as a religion. And worse, some are dumb enough to fall for it and believe it's real, and peaceful. Poor bastards.

08-19-2013, 08:23 PM
Blaming us for 9/11 is spitting in our faces.

All I can say is...


08-19-2013, 08:38 PM
As have been the 20,000+ terror attacks and attacks based on Islam in the years since, all around the world. It's absolute filth that is disguised as a religion. And worse, some are dumb enough to fall for it and believe it's real, and peaceful. Poor bastards.

I feel like creating a new expression all of us should...from this day forward, recognize as the replacement...per the Obama administration's demands that we no longer use any forms of the word Terror when speaking of Muslim, or Islamic citizens.

And, that new word shall be (as used in a simple English sentence) "The United States was attacked on September 11th, 2001 by 'jafar-like', unwelcome, illegally present, religious enemies!"

So. Every reference, post, or thread that mentions Religious Attacks on any Human being, anywhere in the World should be called "A JAFAR".
End of announcement.

08-19-2013, 10:19 PM
Muslim terrorist

That is an Oxymoron.

ox·y·mo·ron [ok-si-mawr-on, -mohr-] Show IPA
noun, plural ox·y·mo·ra [ok-si-mawr-uh, -mohr-uh] Show IPA , ox·y·mor·ons. Rhetoric .a figure of speech by which (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/which) a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in“cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”



Now, isn't this the ultimate in sanitisation efforts ??

What's next ? Denying that 9/11 ever happened ?!?

Or maybe it's all down to those damned Druids ...

Jafar, you just CANNOT be for real !

I didn't say it didn't happen but to call those who did it, Islamic is ridiculous.

As have been the 20,000+ terror attacks and attacks based on Islam in the years since, all around the world. It's absolute filth that is disguised as a religion. And worse, some are dumb enough to fall for it and believe it's real, and peaceful. Poor bastards.

Based on Islam? Show me the evidence that proves that any terrorist attack is Islamic in nature or that Islam in any way supports them.

08-20-2013, 12:23 AM
That is an Oxymoron.


[ok-si-mawr-on, -mohr-] Show IPA
noun, plural ox·y·mo·ra [ok-si-mawr-uh, -mohr-uh] Show IPA , ox·y·mor·ons. Rhetoric .a figure of speech by which (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/which) a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in“cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”

I didn't say it didn't happen but to call those who did it, Islamic is ridiculous.

Based on Islam? Show me the evidence that proves that any terrorist attack is Islamic in nature or that Islam in any way supports them.

Spin it anyway you wish Mr. real Muslim as I said you are the only true Muslim in the world but between you and I we both know you are one of those radical , never mind you aren't even worth it

08-20-2013, 07:44 AM
Spin it anyway you wish Mr. real Muslim as I said you are the only true Muslim in the world but between you and I we both know you are one of those radical , never mind you aren't even worth it

It's not spin if it's the truth. No part of Islam supports terrorism. Islam condemns terrorism therefore "Islamic" terrorist is an Oxymoron. There is a scientific fact, and a grammatical fact for you.

08-20-2013, 09:01 AM
I like to take things down to their lowest denominator. In other words, make it simple. What we have is the govt and media playing word games. Terrorist is code for islam. The media likes to use terms like terrorist, jihadist, enemy combatants, etc. That's all just pc for islamic soldiers. The media and govt are afraid to use words because they might have to face a truth. There is a world war coming and islam will be in the forefront, because they will be fighting the rest of the world. It will be a very long war until the west wakes up.

The nazis were outlawed in Germany after WW2. So was emperor worship in Japan. islam will need to be outlawed as well if there is to ever be any real peace and democracy.

jafar is a jihadist, in his own way. He proselytizes for islam with his words of love and kindness out of the koran. He defends his religion at every turn, decrying those that do attacks as not muslims. He's part of the propaganda arm of islam, whether he knows it or not. He has been fully and completely indoctrinated into the cult. He's here for a purpose.

red state
08-20-2013, 09:25 AM
Jafart Wrote: "It's not spin if it's the truth. No part of Islam supports terrorism. Islam condemns terrorism therefore "Islamic" terrorist is an Oxymoron. There is a scientific fact, and a grammatical fact for you."


Marcus Aurelius
08-20-2013, 09:45 AM
That is an Oxymoron.


[ok-si-mawr-on, -mohr-] Show IPA
noun, plural ox·y·mo·ra [ok-si-mawr-uh, -mohr-uh] Show IPA , ox·y·mor·ons. Rhetoric .a figure of speech by which (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/which) a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in“cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”

I didn't say it didn't happen but to call those who did it, Islamic is ridiculous.

Based on Islam? Show me the evidence that proves that any terrorist attack is Islamic in nature or that Islam in any way supports them.

You know, you should just crawl off into a hole and rot. These things have been proven to you from multiple sources, ISLAMIC sources, over and over again... yet you continue to deny, ignore, lie, etc.

Please, do us all a favor and go crawl into a hole and stay there.

You're a waste of bandwidth.

Marcus Aurelius
08-20-2013, 09:46 AM
It's not spin if it's the truth. No part of Islam supports terrorism. Islam condemns terrorism therefore "Islamic" terrorist is an Oxymoron. There is a scientific fact, and a grammatical fact for you.

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit your shit stained ass.

08-20-2013, 10:29 AM
I think this may slow the Muslims down a bit if not stop them dead in there tracks, from what I can see the bikers are taking this March as a slap in the face and many seem to be very serious about this run, I guess we will have to wait and see but I have a feeling any bikers headed towards DC on 9/11 will some how be detained , I am sure Obama will take measures to protect his brothers , but if a quarter of the bikers make it I am afraid some of the Muslims may meet allah that day ( I sure hope they get there 72 virgins) lets face it if ya take the average biker he should be able to take out at least ten of these filthy animals so they wont need all to make it

The best way to counter bad speech is to oppose it with good speech. Sometimes “speech” can be expressed simply by the number of people who are willing to show up to support a principle. That’s the view that hundreds of bikers (so far) across America have as they prepare to join a “2 MILLION BIKER RIDE TO DC” to counter the planned September 11 “Million Muslim


08-20-2013, 01:48 PM
Congratulations to jafar. You have Won the award for... 5402 High Volume, unquestionable BS.

Abbey Marie
08-20-2013, 02:22 PM
I think this may slow the Muslims down a bit if not stop them dead in there tracks, from what I can see the bikers are taking this March as a slap in the face and many seem to be very serious about this run, I guess we will have to wait and see but I have a feeling any bikers headed towards DC on 9/11 will some how be detained , I am sure Obama will take measures to protect his brothers , but if a quarter of the bikers make it I am afraid some of the Muslims may meet allah that day ( I sure hope they get there 72 virgins) lets face it if ya take the average biker he should be able to take out at least ten of these filthy animals so they wont need all to make it

The best way to counter bad speech is to oppose it with good speech. Sometimes “speech” can be expressed simply by the number of people who are willing to show up to support a principle. That’s the view that hundreds of bikers (so far) across America have as they prepare to join a “2 MILLION BIKER RIDE TO DC” to counter the planned September 11 “Million Muslim


It IS a slap in the face. :mad: And God bless the bikers. They tend to show up (Westville church, etc.) when others won't.

08-20-2013, 02:28 PM
How many of us are aware that....the person who is supposedly organizing this Million Muslim March....IS NOT A MUSLIM????

In general. The organizer is nothing but a TROUBLE-MAKER who stands to profit from such a march which....BY THE WAY. I suspect. WILL NOT COME ANYWHERE CLOSE TO ONE MILLION in their numbers.

As for ROLLING THUNDER (The bikers).

It's really gonna be an interesting kind of American Day on September 11th, 2013.

Anyone care to guess how many Terror Loving Muslims Show UP????

08-20-2013, 03:26 PM
It's not spin if it's the truth. No part of Islam supports terrorism. Islam condemns terrorism therefore "Islamic" terrorist is an Oxymoron. There is a scientific fact, and a grammatical fact for you.

This is laughable. SO MANY Muslims are either terrorists, or willing enablers of them.

We have a thread on this forum LOADED with post after post, offering LISTS of Muslim terrorist acts. Is it all fiction, Jafar ??

And what about Hamas, which has committed THOUSANDS of acts of terrorism, will no doubt commit thousands more, says in its Charter that it's in the service of Islam, and is itself an offshoot of THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ???

08-20-2013, 03:54 PM
This is laughable. SO MANY Muslims are either terrorists, or willing enablers of them.

We have a thread on this forum LOADED with post after post, offering LISTS of Muslim terrorist acts. Is it all fiction, Jafar ??

And what about Hamas, which has committed THOUSANDS of acts of terrorism, will no doubt commit thousands more, says in its Charter that it's in the service of Islam, and is itself an offshoot of THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ???

Sir Drummond. There you go again. Confusing jafar with the truth, and facts he cannot dispute.

Watch how he ignores everything you have presented, and proves everything to be true.

There's NO WAY OUT from the truth.

08-20-2013, 04:03 PM
Sir Drummond. There you go again. Confusing jafar with the truth, and facts he cannot dispute.

Watch how he ignores everything you have presented, and proves everything to be true.

There's NO WAY OUT from the truth.

Sorry, Aboutime. I should know better than this by now .....

08-20-2013, 04:10 PM
Sorry, Aboutime. I should know better than this by now .....

No apology needed. It's common knowledge, and with so much out there all the time.
Well, you know!

08-20-2013, 04:50 PM
I think this may slow the Muslims down a bit if not stop them dead in there tracks, from what I can see the bikers are taking this March as a slap in the face and many seem to be very serious about this run, I guess we will have to wait and see but I have a feeling any bikers headed towards DC on 9/11 will some how be detained , I am sure Obama will take measures to protect his brothers , but if a quarter of the bikers make it I am afraid some of the Muslims may meet allah that day ( I sure hope they get there 72 virgins) lets face it if ya take the average biker he should be able to take out at least ten of these filthy animals so they wont need all to make it

The best way to counter bad speech is to oppose it with good speech. Sometimes “speech” can be expressed simply by the number of people who are willing to show up to support a principle. That’s the view that hundreds of bikers (so far) across America have as they prepare to join a “2 MILLION BIKER RIDE TO DC” to counter the planned September 11 “Million Muslim


I guess the 1st amendment only applies to Christian Americans? Do American Muslims have the right to bring their concerns to the elected government just the same as any other American?

This is going to get ugly if you have bikie gangs teaming up to counter protest. I don't know about the US, but in Australia it is bikie gangs dealing in drugs, prostitution and shooting each other in turf wars that are responsible for the vast majority of violent crime.

08-20-2013, 05:09 PM
I guess the 1st amendment only applies to Christian Americans? Do American Muslims have the right to bring their concerns to the elected government just the same as any other American?

This is going to get ugly if you have bikie gangs teaming up to counter protest. I don't know about the US, but in Australia it is bikie gangs dealing in drugs, prostitution and shooting each other in turf wars that are responsible for the vast majority of violent crime.

I'm going to call BS on this violence business. Motorcycle club violence is vastly over-hyped in the US. Notice that I didn't use the derogatory term "gang". Most bikers I've met are nice people. You should visit the Stugis, SD motorcycle rally. There's also motorcycle rally in Daytona Beach, FL in March. When you treat bikers like anybody else, they don't bother you.

I predict the bikers will make their opinions known, carry some signs and not bother anybody.

08-20-2013, 05:58 PM
I'd like to see you call these guys bikies to their face. I'd pay to see that.

As TF said there are gangs and clubs. The biker clubs are who's gathering to counter the muzzies. A lot of tea party types, which will mean no guns or weapons. Just loud bikes that can drowned out annoying speakers.

Myself I'm waiting for a million man armed march on washington. That will come when the gun confiscation begins.

08-20-2013, 06:10 PM
I guess the 1st amendment only applies to Christian Americans? Do American Muslims have the right to bring their concerns to the elected government just the same as any other American?

This is going to get ugly if you have bikie gangs teaming up to counter protest. I don't know about the US, but in Australia it is bikie gangs dealing in drugs, prostitution and shooting each other in turf wars that are responsible for the vast majority of violent crime.

jafar. It will only get ugly if some from the so-called, peaceful Muslim Million decide to become like their brothers in Egypt where only a few cause problems.
As for what you call bikie gangs. That's nothing but more propaganda hype, used by the organizers who WANT, and NEED to have "GANG BANGERS" show up.
Your problem is. The Bikers that show up on that day are just common, ordinary, peaceful Americans unrelated to Gangs. In fact. A large percentage of the ROLLING THUNDER bike owners are VETERANS, both active, and retired from Vietnam, and everything after that.
So. The disappointment will be in behalf of the Organizers who will need to explain why members of their Peace Loving crowd decided to become angry, and cause disturbances on that day....IF, THEY SHOW UP AT ALL.
You, jafar. Sound just like a member of our Lame Stream Media that supports Obama, and pretends there are no Terrorist problems anywhere in the World since OBAMA personally Defeated OBL...all by himself, as he played CARDS.

08-20-2013, 06:46 PM
I guess the 1st amendment only applies to Christian Americans? Do American Muslims have the right to bring their concerns to the elected government just the same as any other American?

This is going to get ugly if you have bikie gangs teaming up to counter protest. I don't know about the US, but in Australia it is bikie gangs dealing in drugs, prostitution and shooting each other in turf wars that are responsible for the vast majority of violent crime.

Going to 'get ugly', eh ? How's that 'religion of peace' working out for you ??

.. And .... these 'American Muslims' choose to march on the ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11 ?? What 'concerns' do those Muslims NEED to march for, and in great numbers, on THAT SPECIFIC DAY, OF ALL DAYS ?

No, Jafar. If there's the element of provocation present, that provocation originates from the Muslims !! Any biker gangs also present, Jafar, are merely reacting to the provocation they're addressing.

Perhaps, in JafarWorld, it's ONLY the Muslims who should be able to make themselves heard ???

08-20-2013, 10:45 PM
I'm going to call BS on this violence business. Motorcycle club violence is vastly over-hyped in the US. Notice that I didn't use the derogatory term "gang". Most bikers I've met are nice people. You should visit the Stugis, SD motorcycle rally. There's also motorcycle rally in Daytona Beach, FL in March. When you treat bikers like anybody else, they don't bother you.

I predict the bikers will make their opinions known, carry some signs and not bother anybody.

It's good you don't have a problem with them over there.

Here in Australia they are a huge problem.

Suburban Australia is under increasing risk of bikies and their appetite for drugs, violence and gun-running. And their numbers are on the rise.
Bikie gangs create havoc in every Australian state and territory and their turf-war shootings, methamphetamine in backyard "ice" labs and other illicit drug distribution are escalating.
The Australian Crime Commission has issued a warning that organised crime by outlaw motorcycle gangs is putting innocent Australians at growing risk of getting caught up in the crossfire of guns and drug crimes.
The national crime and justice watchdog said the gangs had growing international connections "with sophisticated and high threat organised crime groups".
"The apparent willingness of organised crime, and outlaw motorcycle gangs in particular, to bring their violent disputes into public spaces increases the risk that members of the public will become unintended victims," the ACC says in a new report this week about organised crime.
ACC chief executive John Lawler said bikie gangs were "major players" in Australia's drug trade who carried out "brazen shootings" in public.
He said bikies continued to team with Calabrian mafia and other ethnic-based criminal groups to expand and enhance crime networks here and overseas.
"Hardly a day goes by when an outlaw motorcycle gang in some part of the country isn't brought before the courts," he said.


Going to 'get ugly', eh ? How's that 'religion of peace' working out for you ??

.. And .... these 'American Muslims' choose to march on the ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11 ?? What 'concerns' do those Muslims NEED to march for, and in great numbers, on THAT SPECIFIC DAY, OF ALL DAYS ?

No, Jafar. If there's the element of provocation present, that provocation originates from the Muslims !! Any biker gangs also present, Jafar, are merely reacting to the provocation they're addressing.

Perhaps, in JafarWorld, it's ONLY the Muslims who should be able to make themselves heard ???

I'm just going on what bikies are in Australia. Violent, armed criminals.

I'm assuming Muslims want to march on that day to protest at how they have been marginalised, demonised and harassed since 11/9/2001.

08-21-2013, 07:51 AM
Yes it sure is , I am afraid they are marching into a shit storm and our Government is allowing them to do so, if yall remember back to the 9/11 tragedy America came together as one even if only for a short period and these dopes are going to open up a fairly fresh wound , I would be so happy to see America stand together once again, I have no problem with there cause just the day they plan to do so and I think most will feel the same way.

If Islam is such a peace-loving religion, where are the Muslims in this country who stand up and loudly denounce the psychopaths murdering people in the name of Islam? Well, lo and behold, it appears I might have the opportunity for a partial answer in a few shorts weeks because looky what it says in the paper here, ma: “Group Planning Million Muslim March on D.C. Sept. 11th” Seriously. That’s right, some bunch calling themselves the American Muslim Political Action Committee, or AMPAC for short, is organizing a million Muslims here in America to march on Washington because… wait for it: “Muslims nationwide have been the victims of anti-Islamic bigotry in the years following Sept. 11, 2001.”


Marcus Aurelius
08-21-2013, 08:14 AM
...I'm just going on what bikies are in Australia. Violent, armed criminals...


United Motorcycle Council of Queensland (UMCQ) spokesman and national president of the Tribe of Judah motorcycle club, Terry Walker, has claimed outlaw council members were forced to abandon plans to join yesterday's annual Ride for Daniel fundraiser for missing teen Daniel Morcombe.

Members donated $10,000 to the charity, but claim the club colours ban was an "unlawful directive" from police.

"The UMCQ member clubs decided to abide by this unlawful directive, out of respect for the Daniel Morcombe Foundation and for Daniel's family," Mr Walker said.
Instead of joining the 50-kilometre ride, riders with the UMCQ arrived some time later and presented a cheque for $10,000 before leaving immediately.


Was a great day out on the bikes, with plenty of donations along the way. Ended the day with a great profit to donate to the Dubbo Childrens Ward.. Thanks to StarFm, The Rabbit Trap (Albert), Narromine Hotel, Trangie Royal Hotel, Tomingley Cross Roads, Garden Hotel, Readfords Motorcycles, Dubbo Readings Cinema, Robertsons Motorcycles and everyone that joined in on the days event.

08-21-2013, 09:07 AM
I guess the 1st amendment only applies to Christian Americans? Do American Muslims have the right to bring their concerns to the elected government just the same as any other American?

This is going to get ugly if you have bikie gangs teaming up to counter protest. I don't know about the US, but in Australia it is bikie gangs dealing in drugs, prostitution and shooting each other in turf wars that are responsible for the vast majority of violent crime.

I'm going to call BS on this violence business. Motorcycle club violence is vastly over-hyped in the US. Notice that I didn't use the derogatory term "gang". Most bikers I've met are nice people. You should visit the Stugis, SD motorcycle rally. There's also motorcycle rally in Daytona Beach, FL in March. When you treat bikers like anybody else, they don't bother you.

I predict the bikers will make their opinions known, carry some signs and not bother anybody.

I'd like to see you call these guys bikies to their face. I'd pay to see that.

As TF said there are gangs and clubs. The biker clubs are who's gathering to counter the muzzies. A lot of tea party types, which will mean no guns or weapons. Just loud bikes that can drowned out annoying speakers.

Myself I'm waiting for a million man armed march on washington. That will come when the gun confiscation begins.

jafar as I have said a over and over if they where to march on any other day it wouldn't bother me a bit , America is made up of people from all over the world as well as many different religions so hey let them have there day just not 9/11 , this is done for no other reason than they can and they are rubbing our faces in it and it isn't a good idea

tailfins for the most part you are exactly right most real bikers just want to live and let live , most of the ones you see fighting and carrying on in the streets are the wannabees but don't think for a second bikers won't do what ever is needed, you have to remember many of the larger clubs where started with men coming home from different wars ( Hells Angels ) for example wanted to have the feeling they did over seas of Brotherhood , as for them not getting violent just look back a couple years to the run in Las Vegas where to clubs squared off in the casino shooting at each other and unfortunately who ever else was in the way , there are bombs blown up usually at rival club houses , Bikers can and do get ugly when needed , but I have to agree with you on the peaceful protest provided the Muslims don't get it into there heads that they can scream at the Bikers the way they did that young woman in the video I posted the other night ( Horrors in England or something like that , sorry I don't remember exactly )

Gaffer I ride with Heavens Saints we are a Christian ministry ( not a club ) but if you looked at anyone of us the general population would lock there doors and walk away quickly , see we all have a past , The Brother that founded us was a chapter leader of the Hells Angels , the preacher I will go listen to tonight was also in the H A's and we have members from pretty much every outlaw club known and yes most still have beards longer than there hair , Tattoos , basically we are Bikers that have grown to ride for other reasons than making money and gaining power we ride because we love to but we don't sit down to no one, loving god doesn't mean ya have to allow others to tread on you , we are a rather large group throughout many countries and the talk has started that we should support this run, and if so yes I will be there and as tailfins said no we aren't going looking for trouble but we wont run from it either, and we are one of many Christian Groups that are just like us, so ya put them in there along with the one % and it ought to be interesting to say the least

And as for million man armed March yes for those of us that can legally carry we will be there also and for those that can't legally carry they will be there as well ;)

08-21-2013, 09:33 AM
Bikers and muzzies, kinda like cowboys and Indians. Let the muzzies get all frothy at the mouth and yelling and threatening and see what happens when they confront the bikers. I hope there's lots of cameras available. I know the media won't report it except to side with the muzzies. Would be nice to see their victory parade scattered to the wind.

And make no mistake this is not a march about rights, it's VICTORY parade.

08-21-2013, 10:29 AM
I gotta be honest - I HOPE these vermin push things too far, throw a punch, get in the faces of the wrong people. I can only HOPE so. Let them carry their "muslim domination" - "fuck freedom of speech" - "death to america" and other bullshit signs. PLEASE someone have cameras with them.

08-21-2013, 10:46 AM
I gotta be honest - I HOPE these vermin push things too far, throw a punch, get in the faces of the wrong people. I can only HOPE so. Let them carry their "muslim domination" - "fuck freedom of speech" - "death to america" and other bullshit signs. PLEASE someone have cameras with them.

Jim I am afraid if they do they may be asked in a rather dominating way to please remove the signs :laugh: but we all know if this all comes down there will be so much security there it will be unreal and anyone on two wheels will be considered the enemy

08-21-2013, 01:23 PM
It's good you don't have a problem with them over there.

Here in Australia they are a huge problem.


I'm just going on what bikies are in Australia. Violent, armed criminals.

I'm assuming Muslims want to march on that day to protest at how they have been marginalised, demonised and harassed since 11/9/2001.

How can anything you said above be true jafar? When not long ago. Right here on this very forum. You bragged about how FEW PROBLEMS you have down there in OZ?

So. Which is it. Were you lying then, or are you lying now??

Abbey Marie
08-21-2013, 01:28 PM
I gotta be honest - I HOPE these vermin push things too far, throw a punch, get in the faces of the wrong people. I can only HOPE so. Let them carry their "muslim domination" - "fuck freedom of speech" - "death to america" and other bullshit signs. PLEASE someone have cameras with them.

I just worry that with Hussein in the White House, I think I know which side the police will be instructed to give the harder time too.

08-21-2013, 01:30 PM
I just worry that with Hussein in the White House, I think I know which side the police will be instructed to give the harder time too.

Abbey. Don't worry. Hussein in the White House is getting advice from 5405 da Brother.

08-21-2013, 03:27 PM
I'm just going on what bikies are in Australia. Violent, armed criminals.

I'm assuming Muslims want to march on that day to protest at how they have been marginalised, demonised and harassed since 11/9/2001.

Evidently you assume much, then ...

I find it most curious that you assume the same to be true for Australian and American bikers .. YET .. you go to great lengths to try and persuade people to do the OPPOSITE when it comes to grouping supposed 'all manner of Muslims' together !! Why, using the very thinking you've just demonstrated (!!), everyone SHOULD look at all Muslim activities as being true of ALL Muslims, meaning, that all Muslim terrorist activities SHOULD be associated with ALL OTHER MUSLIMS !!

This is very different to the arguments you've presented on this forum, and well you know it, Jafar. So ...

.... Make up your mind !!

Is this a case of your saying 'Do what I want you to do, and not do what I do .. ??..

But I don't accept your argument. The very WORST POSSIBLE day to see Muslims, in such numbers, descend in DC to protest about being 'marginalised' or 'harassed' is the one that's the anniversary of when Americans suffered at the hands of MUSLIM ATTACKERS !! And, unless those Muslims are completely brain-dead, they'd surely have to know that.


And, if you choose now to be honest, Jafar, you'll admit to us this is the truth of it.

08-21-2013, 03:29 PM
I gotta be honest - I HOPE these vermin push things too far, throw a punch, get in the faces of the wrong people. I can only HOPE so. Let them carry their "muslim domination" - "fuck freedom of speech" - "death to america" and other bullshit signs. PLEASE someone have cameras with them.

If I can send the flower of the German nation into the hell of war without the smallest pity for the shedding of precious German blood, then surely I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin - Adolph Hitler

08-21-2013, 03:43 PM
If I can send the flower of the German nation into the hell of war without the smallest pity for the shedding of precious German blood, then surely I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin- Adolph Hitler

Sorry to see you freely associating with Nazi thinking, there, Jafar.

But then, the links between Arab Muslims and reverence for Hitler have been amply established on this forum of late. Haven't they, Jafar ?

Tell you what, Jafar. You, yourself, representing YOUR views, YOUR sensibilities .. find us something GOOD to say about the Jewish people, and post it for all to see.

Come ON, Jafar.

You can do it if you try ...

... CAN'T you .. ??

Marcus Aurelius
08-21-2013, 03:44 PM
How can anything you said above be true jafar? When not long ago. Right here on this very forum. You bragged about how FEW PROBLEMS you have down there in OZ?

So. Which is it. Were you lying then, or are you lying now??


Marcus Aurelius
08-21-2013, 03:45 PM
If I can send the flower of the German nation into the hell of war without the smallest pity for the shedding of precious German blood, then surely I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin- Adolph Hitler

How can you whine about a Holocaust that you claim never happened?

Dumb ass.

08-21-2013, 03:46 PM
Sorry to see you freely associating with Nazi thinking, there, Jafar.

But then, the links between Arab Muslims and reverence for Hitler have been amply established on this forum of late. Haven't they, Jafar ?

Tell you what, Jafar. You, yourself, representing YOUR views, YOUR sensibilities .. find us something GOOD to say about the Jewish people, and post it for all to see.

Come ON, Jafar.

You can do it if you try ...

... CAN'T you .. ??

Sir Drummond. Do you find it as odd as I do that jafar can quote his Hero from History, while the rest of us would be declared racists, or filled with hatred at using such quotes???

I do believe. Jafar has finally identified himself for the rest of us.
Therefore. No further communications with, or for jafar is needed, required, or necessary from now on.

08-21-2013, 03:55 PM
Sir Drummond. Do you find it as odd as I do that jafar can quote his Hero from History, while the rest of us would be declared racists, or filled with hatred at using such quotes???

I do believe. Jafar has finally identified himself for the rest of us.
Therefore. No further communications with, or for jafar is needed, required, or necessary from now on.

... H'mm !!

Good post, good points.

Not sure if I'll stop countering Jafar's stuff entirely. But - your point is well made. We do, now, see how Jafar identifies himself to us all.

Enough is enough. We do indeed know what we're dealing with here.

08-21-2013, 03:56 PM
How can anything you said above be true jafar? When not long ago. Right here on this very forum. You bragged about how FEW PROBLEMS you have down there in OZ?

So. Which is it. Were you lying then, or are you lying now??

AT of course he is a liar hell he will tell you he is the only real Muslim, personally I think the rag around his head has been tied a bit to tight for a bit to long

08-21-2013, 03:59 PM
... H'mm !!

Good post, good points.

Not sure if I'll stop countering Jafar's stuff entirely. But - your point is well made. We do, now, see how Jafar identifies himself to us all.

Enough is enough. We do indeed know what we're dealing with here.

Agreed. It's always so much more fun watching, and reading all the endless attempts at excuses, based on that Undying Need to obey, and practice the Hatred espoused by that Peace Loving book jafar brags about.

08-21-2013, 05:05 PM
How can you whine about a Holocaust that you claim never happened?

Dumb ass.

He's mad that I refer to his heroes as vermin. The same way he gets uptight when one calls his terrorist idols, known as hamas, scumbag vermin. The same way he wets himself when I call the MASSIVE amount of muslims around the globe who beat women and girls vermin. The Jewish folk were innocent, where hamas and terrorizing and the endless abusive men in islam are FAR from it.

08-21-2013, 09:37 PM
He's mad that I refer to his heroes as vermin. The same way he gets uptight when one calls his terrorist idols, known as hamas, scumbag vermin. The same way he wets himself when I call the MASSIVE amount of muslims around the globe who beat women and girls vermin. The Jewish folk were innocent, where hamas and terrorizing and the endless abusive men in islam are FAR from it.

I was just pointing out how your description of them as vermin exactly matches the description of the Jews by the Nazis. I can't believe you can't see that. Step back a little and try to comprehend what you've been saying.

08-22-2013, 12:07 AM
They are growing quickly, I am sure they have a peaceful presence in mind but am afraid it is going to turn into a turkey shoot :laugh:

Muslims who have begun promoting a 9/11 march (http://wnd.com/?p=505685) in Washington that originally was to protest “anti-Islamic bigotry in the U.S.” and then turned into a “March Against Fear” may have some competition.
Loud competition. Very loud. And lots of it.

In what was a virtual impossibility before the Internet, a Facebook page has been created in which many individuals are coordinating what they have dubbed “2 Million Bikers to DC.” (https://www.facebook.com/2MillionBikersDC?ref=nf)
At the Mr. Conservative blog, (http://www.mrconservative.com/2013/08/23107-hundreds-of-bikers-will-stage-a-counter-protest-against-million-muslim-march-on-dc-this-september-11/) the author said: “The best way to counter bad speech is to oppose it with good speech. Sometimes ‘speech’ can be expressed simply by the number of people who are willing to show up to support a principle. That’s the view that hundreds of bikers (so far) across American have as they prepare to join a ’2 Million Biker Ride to DC’ to counter the planned Sept. 11 ‘Million Muslim March.’”


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-22-2013, 09:53 AM
Its been over a decade where was the million muslim march in America to condemn the attack? That's right wasn't one. All we saw was millions of muslims around the world dancing in the streets celebrating! Know this citizens our government sides with the muslims. And in my opinion will very likely will refuse to allow the bikers to come to Washington the same day as the muslims. If however both huge groups are there and fighting does erupts I bet my life that bamass will have it in place that the bikers and non-muslims are the ones to be fired upon with orders that under no circumstance are the muslims to be fired upon! I 'll bet a fifty spot on it right now, any takers??-Tyr

08-22-2013, 10:03 AM
Its been over a decade where was the million muslim march in America to condemn the attack? That's right wasn't one. All we saw was millions of muslims around the world dancing in the streets celebrating! Know this citizens our government sides with the muslims. And in my opinion will very likely will refuse to allow the bikers to come to Washington the same day as the muslims. If however both huge groups are there and fighting does erupts I bet my life that bamass will have it in place that the bikers and non-muslims are the ones to be fired upon with orders that under no circumstance are the muslims to be fired upon! I 'll bet a fifty spot on it right now, any takers??-Tyr

Tyr that is a fools bet , ya know Obama wont let no harm come to his brothers , if this really comes about the bikers will be stopped all over the surrounding areas and arrested or at least detained to protect Obama's brothers

Abbey Marie
08-22-2013, 12:00 PM
They are growing quickly, I am sure they have a peaceful presence in mind but am afraid it is going to turn into a turkey shoot :laugh:

Muslims who have begun promoting a 9/11 march (http://wnd.com/?p=505685) in Washington that originally was to protest “anti-Islamic bigotry in the U.S.” and then turned into a “March Against Fear” may have some competition.
Loud competition. Very loud. And lots of it.

In what was a virtual impossibility before the Internet, a Facebook page has been created in which many individuals are coordinating what they have dubbed “2 Million Bikers to DC.” (https://www.facebook.com/2MillionBikersDC?ref=nf)
At the Mr. Conservative blog, (http://www.mrconservative.com/2013/08/23107-hundreds-of-bikers-will-stage-a-counter-protest-against-million-muslim-march-on-dc-this-september-11/) the author said: “The best way to counter bad speech is to oppose it with good speech. Sometimes ‘speech’ can be expressed simply by the number of people who are willing to show up to support a principle. That’s the view that hundreds of bikers (so far) across American have as they prepare to join a ’2 Million Biker Ride to DC’ to counter the planned Sept. 11 ‘Million Muslim March.’”


By choosing September 11th to march, Muslims may have poked the bear.

08-22-2013, 12:27 PM
By choosing September 11th to march, Muslims may have poked the bear.

I think it's great that they chose that day. Go ahead and stick pins in open wounds! People will be more sensitive and/or angry, and if any of them get out of line, hopefully we'll see a beat down. If they don't, at least America will be seeing what their priorities are.

08-22-2013, 01:28 PM
By choosing September 11th to march, Muslims may have poked the bear.

I say 'GOOD', if that's so. Let America teach these troublemakers a much-needed lesson.

08-22-2013, 01:40 PM
I say 'GOOD', if that's so. Let America teach these troublemakers a much-needed lesson.

Sir Drummond. Since I am a History buff of sorts, born six years after Pearl Harbor.
I have never forgotten the words of a Japanese Admiral who led the attack on P.H.

This quote has also, ironically, described what I suspect will happen on September 11th, 2013.


Whether it is fictional, or was actually said. It now applies.

08-22-2013, 01:47 PM
Sir Drummond. Since I am a History buff of sorts, born six years after Pearl Harbor.
I have never forgotten the words of a Japanese Admiral who led the attack on P.H.

This quote has also, ironically, described what I suspect will happen on September 11th, 2013.


Whether it is fictional, or was actually said. It now applies.

Thanks for that.

One good thing which will come out of this is to help show the ordinary citizen how out of touch Obama is with grassroots opinion (.. and it may be quite an eye-opener for some). Hopefully that realisation will help make the Dems unelectable for the next term.