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View Full Version : 'Mock Obama Day' may never end

08-19-2013, 10:04 PM
Yes this was a good day :laugh: that is it everyone goes to sensitivity training now :laugh: Dang could you imagine the talk in the WH , I could here Moochelle now , Dam Barrack I thought you was some kind of tuff Brother but hell they's be makin fun of yo narrow ass :laugh: That's it we will fix them lets take another vacation

It is a near-impossible task to determine which Obama-related antics generated the most mockery, cartoons, photoshopped images and jokes and hilarity on the Internet this past week. Where does one begin?
With the rodeo clown (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/08/11/rodeo-clown-obama-mask/2641597/?r44b=no), of course. Because: “Above all else, the devil cannot stand to be mocked.” – C.S. Lewis
In support of freedom of speech (http://www.glennbeck.com/2013/08/14/glenn-we-are-all-rodeo-clowns/) and for the clown who was barred from appearing at a Missouri rodeo (http://www.kansascity.com/2013/08/11/4404230/clowns-obama-stunt-at-missouri.html) for wearing an Obama mask, Glenn and his sidekicks proclaimed Tuesday as “Mock Obama Day” on the Glenn Beck Radio Show. And they did, mercilessly, donning Obama masks and pink-bowed Minnie Mouse ears, which they wore for a good portion of the three-hour broadcast. Twitter quickly chimed in with thousands of #MockObamaDay (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23MockObamaDay&src=typd) tweets that continued for several days more.
“With so much material, one day is not enough,” (https://twitter.com/ObamaJustSayNo/status/368843520351543296) tweeted one last Saturday.


08-20-2013, 06:26 PM


08-20-2013, 06:31 PM
No need to MOCK Obama. Liars MOCK themselves. We just need to remember that.