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View Full Version : Welfare pays more than minimum wage

08-21-2013, 05:48 PM
No wonder Obama supporters are so happy'


08-21-2013, 06:07 PM
No wonder Obama supporters are so happy'


I saw this earlier. In Hawaii, welfare pays $29 an hour...it's no wonder people stay on it for generations.

08-21-2013, 06:32 PM
I saw this earlier. In Hawaii, welfare pays $29 an hour...it's no wonder people stay on it for generations.They do a pretty good job of raising family's on it every where.

08-21-2013, 06:53 PM
I saw this earlier. In Hawaii, welfare pays $29 an hour...it's no wonder people stay on it for generations.

That study is a mess; not at all realistic. One huge flaw is including public housing that is like winning a lottery to get.

08-21-2013, 07:10 PM
That study is a mess; not at all realistic. One huge flaw is including public housing that is like winning a lottery to get.

Please post a link to the contradictory study and I'll make my own judgement.

08-21-2013, 07:15 PM
The ONE, very SAD fact nobody has mentioned with all of this is. Someday. The funds will run out. I mean, really run out.

If people who depend on Welfare want the rest of us NOT on Welfare to believe how terrible it is to live HIGH ON THE GOVT. DOLE. Just wait till they get that LAST contribution from the EMPTY treasury, and try to spend money that's no longer there.

If anyone remembers the GREAT DEPRESSION. You ain't seen NOTHIN' YET!

08-21-2013, 07:16 PM
Please post a link to the contradictory study and I'll make my own judgement.

It's not necessary to find another study to critically analyze an existing study. All you need to do is visit several state government public assistance web sites and do your own compilation. I'm not interested in that job.

The ONE, very SAD fact nobody has mentioned with all of this is. Someday. The funds will run out. I mean, really run out.

If people who depend on Welfare want the rest of us NOT on Welfare to believe how terrible it is to live HIGH ON THE GOVT. DOLE. Just wait till they get that LAST contribution from the EMPTY treasury, and try to spend money that's no longer there.

If anyone remembers the GREAT DEPRESSION. You ain't seen NOTHIN' YET!

They don't live high by any stretch, but the money will indeed run out. The US is no longer a good source of technically competent people. We are in huge trouble. Incompetent corporate managers scare me more than welfare recipients.

08-21-2013, 07:30 PM
It's not necessary to find another study to critically analyze an existing study. All you need to do is visit several state government public assistance web sites and do your own compilation. I'm not interested in that job.

They don't live high by any stretch, but the money will indeed run out. The US is no longer a good source of technically competent people. We are in huge trouble. Incompetent corporate managers scare me more than welfare recipients.

Wanna bet? My wife and I are considered in the Poverty level of income by the Govt, while known people who live nearby enjoy NOT working, and they never seem to WANT for anything. Nice, new car, or SUV, big screen tv's for the kids, and always coming home after eating out at restaurants, with more than grocery bags in each arm
Our problem is. WE CAN'T, and WON'T cheat the govt. But we get blamed for double-dipping because of my Navy pension, and the S.S. I receive...taxed each year, and I still have to pay for my Medical, and prescriptions. Once promised by the same govt. who now makes me pay again for the same things twice.

As a matter of fact, after you said that. I'd dare anyone on this forum to prove I, and my wife combined, make more than any of you each month. Being retired, and disabled isn't all that pretty stuff most think it is. Golfing, Fishing, Traveling.
None of that happens around here. We are lucky to have our home.

08-21-2013, 07:58 PM
It's not necessary to find another study to critically analyze an existing study. All you need to do is visit several state government public assistance web sites and do your own compilation. I'm not interested in that job.

So you contend that the people who did this study just pulled numbers out of their ass instead of using official government information. Again, how about a link to support your claims?

08-21-2013, 08:01 PM
So you contend that the people who did this study just pulled numbers out of their ass instead of using official government information. Again, how about a link to support your claims?

Missileman. This just sounds like tailfins was unhappy about hearing the results of the study, and therefore...would not believe the results, despite where they came from, or who presented them.

Sometimes. You just can't convince people who do not want to be convinced about anything.

08-21-2013, 08:22 PM
So you contend that the people who did this study just pulled numbers out of their ass instead of using official government information. Again, how about a link to support your claims?

When you cherry pick data and have to stretch back to 1995 to do it, the study is crap. More than the numbers, its the incentives in public assistance that is even more odious. Public housing is despicable. Unless you commit to poverty and artfully avoid employment for 2+ years, you're not getting in. Public housing should have a six month limit so people temporarily down on their luck can have access. It's more practical to look at each program one-by-one than to lazily add them all together and call it "welfare". However if you insist on doing that, at least enjoy it like this:


08-21-2013, 08:38 PM
When you cherry pick data and have to stretch back to 1995 to do it, the study is crap.

Making a different accusation isn't proof of the previous. See, I actually looked over the study. They did one in 1995 and are now comparing it to a new one from this year to show whether benefits have increased or decreased when accounting for inflation.

08-22-2013, 08:22 AM
No wonder Obama supporters are so happy'


And here comes BO to save the day by addressing symptoms and ignoring causes.

And President Obama last month again called to increase the minimum wage to $9 an hour for those who don’t get tips, saying “No one who works full-time in America should have to live in poverty.”

08-22-2013, 09:21 AM
That study is a mess; not at all realistic. One huge flaw is including public housing that is like winning a lottery to get.

Public housing isn't as hard as ya think now a days tailfins, my wife manages a trailer park at the time ( usually she manages apartment communities) but both have there fair share of section 8 residents , and it looks like ya simply fill out the paper work and they will either pay the rent or pro rate it, and the owner's of the communities love it because they are guaranteed to get paid , the state does come ( I think once a year ) to make sure the apartments ( trailers ) they are paying for are up to snuff, no they don't check to see if the people living there are actively seeking employment or the condition of the property but rather what management must do to fix things up

08-22-2013, 10:59 AM
And here comes BO to save the day by addressing symptoms and ignoring causes.Liberals will up the minimum wage every chance they get, It fools millions into thinking they got a raise, when we and the liberals know it helps not a single soul,

08-22-2013, 11:06 AM
When you think about all that welfare pays, never forget the free healthcare.

We have had people check into the ER just to get a prescription for ibuprofen. They don't want to have to pay for it themselves.