View Full Version : DOD Training Materials Call Founders ‘Extremists’

08-23-2013, 07:06 PM
"Judicial Watch obtained Defense Department (http://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/judicial-watch-obtains-defense-department-teaching-documents-suggests-extremists-to-mainstream-conservative-views/)training materials on Friday that described conservative and civil liberties organizations as “hate groups.”

The training materials used by the Air Force were created to help students “recognize extremists ideologies.” The materials identified conservative values, such as individual liberties and states’ rights, as recruiting rhetoric used by “extremists.”
According to Judicial Watch:

Under a section labeled “Extremist Ideologies” the document states, “In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.”

The documents were published by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (http://www.scribd.com/doc/162321199/2161-docs#page=32) in January 2013. They cited the leftwing Southern Poverty Law Center repeatedly as a source to use when identifying hate groups."..


nothing to worry about if you don't do anything wrong...

08-23-2013, 08:05 PM
OF COURSE the DOD would have such materials. Look who's in the White House, trying every tactic he has to destroy the World's Greatest Military.

The DOD and SecDef must do everything the PRETEND CIC tells them to do, or....they get fired, retired, and thrown out.

08-23-2013, 08:31 PM
I believe what we are seeing here is the modern day equivalent of the battle between Hamiltonian Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans subsequent to the Revolution. With the Democrats we see a desire for a vastly more powerful federal government akin to the Hamiltonians. Republicanism, Liberty, and State's Right's were considered "mob rule", the lowest form of government by the Hamiltonians. The word "terrorist" was thrown about even then!
Where is our modern day Jefferson who will deliver us from this tyranny?

08-23-2013, 08:41 PM
I believe what we are seeing here is the modern day equivalent of the battle between Hamiltonian Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans subsequent to the Revolution. With the Democrats we see a desire for a vastly more powerful federal government akin to the Hamiltonians. Republicanism, Liberty, and State's Right's were considered "mob rule", the lowest form of government by the Hamiltonians. The word "terrorist" was thrown about even then!
Where is our modern day Jefferson who will deliver us from this tyranny?

Thunderknuckles. I know many will disagree with me on this. But the answer to your last question, as to WHO. Leaves me almost speechless, and worried as the one, and only name coming to mind, with any kind of chance....IF he remains a Republican is...Chris Christy of New Jersey.

Though I disagree with him most of the time. I also cannot deny how much I admire his NO NONSENSE MANNER of talking, and meaning what he says.
His interaction with Obama leaves much to be desired for me, but then. He is bound by Law to Protect, and Serve the people of NEW JERSEY, over all of any personal political career agenda.
I do believe Christy is capable of delivering us from OBAMA, and saving our Nation.

08-23-2013, 08:55 PM
No one will deliver us from obalha...obamlah..., can't spell the name without gagging. They have to deliver us from clinton.

Want some names? Alan West, Herman Cain, Barbra Bachman, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and anyone else not entrenched in the mainstream republican party. Look at the records, not at what the media presents to you. Those that are put out in front early usually end up out of the race early.

For now we need to concentrate on the house and senate.

08-23-2013, 09:00 PM
I don't know if Christie is the man to save us but I won't argue with your passion for the man. Ilike the man as well. What I find sincerely alarming is how the ideals we have so long believed in as a people are now considered extremist ideoligies. This is insane!

08-23-2013, 09:05 PM
I don't know if Christie is the man to save us but I won't argue with your passion for the man. Ilike the man as well. What I find sincerely alarming is how the ideals we have so long believed in as a people are now considered extremist ideoligies. This is insane!

Agreed. Truth is. It's all Insane. And, in case you haven't seen me write it here.

I TRUST NO POLITICIANS, from either party.

I haven't trusted anyone in Washington since I learned how Nixon intended to break the law, and thought he could get away with it.

Truth is. All Politicians, no matter what party they claim to represent...are only Politicians for themselves, and for their political career.

Common sense, and logic should tell all of us. Anyone who agree's to serve in Washington, for whatever office they are running. Must have another motive for their career...because the money they get paid is TOO MUCH for NOTHING.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-23-2013, 09:33 PM
I don't know if Christie is the man to save us but I won't argue with your passion for the man. Ilike the man as well. What I find sincerely alarming is how the ideals we have so long believed in as a people are now considered extremist ideoligies. This is insane! More than just insane, its Globalist propaganda. Its propaganda promoted and funded by the One World Government group. There are several really big players at work destroying our power and wealth. They put their man in the Presidency. Eight years and the damage he'll do would take 20/25 to repair if ever. And only that if a campaign was waged 100% to reverse it! Which it will not be. -Tyr

08-23-2013, 10:35 PM
I don't know if Christie is the man to save us but I won't argue with your passion for the man. Ilike the man as well. What I find sincerely alarming is how the ideals we have so long believed in as a people are now considered extremist ideoligies. This is insane!

Result of the Overton Window effect.

Overton Window:

Overton assigned a spectrum of “more free” and “less free”, with regard to government intervention, oriented vertically on an axis. When the window moves or expands along this axis, an idea at a given location may become more or less politically acceptable as the window moves relative to it. The degrees of acceptance[4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window#cite_note-4) of public ideas can be described roughly as:


The Overton window is a means of visualizing which ideas define that range of acceptance by where they fall in it. Proponents of policies outside the window seek to persuade or educate the public so that the window either “moves” or expands to encompass them. Opponents of current policies, or similar ones currently within the window, likewise seek to convince people that these should be considered unacceptable.


08-24-2013, 12:07 AM
I'm sorry but the more thought I put into this the more angry I am getting. I was just thinking about the following:
"The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule"

The Revolution was far more nuanced than that. Many were the grievances we had with mother Britain. The Colonists didn't radically decide to revolt without a great deal of thought and effort in repeated attempts to address these grieveances through diplomacy as the colonists considered themselves loyal citizens of the British Empire. It was only after repeated attempts to redress these wrongs that revolution was even contemplated. Even then there were second thoughts about revolting against the greatest empire in human history with what little power we had. This was no frivolous undertaking!
It sounds as though the text of the DoD training material was written by one with the most elementary and skewed understanding of the Revolution.

This thread is particularly interesting to me because I am in the midst of reading the biographies of the first three presidents: Washington, Adams, and Jefferson in order to gain clarity when we invoke the oft heard "intention of the founding fathers". What is evident is that our founding fathers were anything but united in their vision of the U.S.A. Even so, our past Presidents have always paid homage to the ideals of our founders, inconsistencies and hypocracies considered. Not since the Revolution and the British loyalists do I know of such a direct and ugly assualt on our values of individual liberty. We are indeed repeating history. Today, conservatives of this time are deemed the "terrorists" and "extremists", nevermind the foreign agents that are plotting to actually destroy this greatest experiment in liberty.

I guess I'm no different than an Islamic terrorist, with a bomb strapped around his chest intent on killing innocents, with such views.

08-24-2013, 01:26 AM
I'm sorry but the more thought I put into this the more angry I am getting. I was just thinking about the following:
"The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule"

The Revolution was far more nuanced than that. Many were the grievances we had with mother Britain. The Colonists didn't radically decide to revolt without a great deal of thought and effort in repeated attempts to address these grieveances through diplomacy as the colonists considered themselves loyal citizens of the British Empire. It was only after repeated attempts to redress these wrongs that revolution was even contemplated. Even then there were second thoughts about revolting against the greatest empire in human history with what little power we had. This was no frivolous undertaking!
It sounds as though the text of the DoD training material was written by one with the most elementary and skewed understanding of the Revolution.

This thread is particularly interesting to me because I am in the midst of reading the biographies of the first three presidents: Washington, Adams, and Jefferson in order to gain clarity when we invoke the oft heard "intention of the founding fathers". What is evident is that our founding fathers were anything but united in their vision of the U.S.A. Even so, our past Presidents have always paid homage to the ideals of our founders, inconsistencies and hypocracies considered. Not since the Revolution and the British loyalists do I know of such a direct and ugly assualt on our values of individual liberty. We are indeed repeating history. Today, conservatives of this time are deemed the "terrorists" and "extremists", nevermind the foreign agents that are plotting to actually destroy this greatest experiment in liberty.

I guess I'm no different than an Islamic terrorist, with a bomb strapped around his chest intent on killing innocents, with such views.

What is scary is that I am becoming more and more of an extremist every day and I haven't changed my core beliefs. There is such hysteria in this country and someone needs to step and give it a big slap across the face to snap it out.

08-24-2013, 03:29 AM
No one will deliver us from obalha...obamlah..., can't spell the name without gagging. They have to deliver us from clinton.

Want some names? Alan West, Herman Cain, Barbra Bachman, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and anyone else not entrenched in the mainstream republican party. Look at the records, not at what the media presents to you. Those that are put out in front early usually end up out of the race early.

For now we need to concentrate on the house and senate.

Well, truthfully, it depends. The Dems seem to believe that Hilary is going to be the next president. Let us pray they remain that stupid.

There are a bunch of my friends, gamers all, who despise Hilary for her assault on games, then a number are military, and they're all ripshit pissed about Benghazi, as well as her doing her level best to not have to take any real responsibility. Then you have Hilary's very personality, which is every bit the attack dog. She tends to go on the attack early, and go hard. That's actually what Obama capitalized on in '08. Hilary drew all the fire from the Republicans, and neither paid him any attention, under the assumption that he was no longer an issue, since Hilary was the "obvious" choice.

08-24-2013, 05:42 AM
both Republican and democratic presidents have been a part of allowing/promoting this type of "training" material for a long time. i've read similar under Bush. i would not be surprised to find out that this was written during Bush's era or under Clinton even. When they pop up into public view the offenders often claim "i'm shocked ,shocked...".

As far a Rebuplicans Go that are DOING anything about this type of thing. I ask you folks to Point them out for me and i will consider supporting them.
did they vote to repeal -SUNSET- the patriot act? Vote against the NDAA, Against the telecom spying protect, For Defending the NSA, Against the growing the TSA, against VIPER teams, etc etc.. what the record of ACTIONS?

Result of the Overton Window effect.
Overton Window:



the interesting thing is during and after the revolution , revolution was POLICY and after it was maybe more POPULAR than when started.

People that spoke like Tom Paine and Patrick Henry AND the federalist Papers were SENSIBLE and POPULAR.
Today their thoughts are often Admired but are UNTHINKABLE and RADICAL. At least we are told they are.

Tyr mentions globalist and what not, there's that no doubt there's that, but i think one of the main drivers is the Status Quo. During the 60's cointelpro against MLK and others run by the hard right Hover FBI was concerned with "the powers that be". Not so much communism as much as Maintaining the current power structure. Hoover was a prime example of consolidating power at the top and keeping it at all cost. While putting up a public face of protecting the public.

cointelpro the Senate exposed in the Senate
"The reasoning behind the program, as detailed in a 1976 Senate report, was that the FBI had “the duty to do whatever is necessary to combat perceived threats to the existing social and political order.” The fact that the “perceived threats” were usually American citizens engaging in constitutionally protected behavior was apparently overlooked. The stated goal of COINTELPRO was to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” any individual or group deemed to be subversive or a threat to the established power structure.

In 1940, Attorney General Robert Jackson saw the same risk. He recognized that using broad labels like "national security" or "subversion" to invoke the vast power of the government is dangerous because there are "no definite standards to determine what constitutes a 'subversive activity, such as we have for murder or larceny." Jackson added: Activities which seem benevolent or helpful to wage earners, persons on relief, or those who are disadvantaged in the struggle for existence may be regarded as 'subversive' by those whose property interests might be burdened thereby. Those who are in office are apt to regard as 'subversive' the activities of any of those who would bring about a change of administration. Some of our soundest constitutional doctrines were once punished as subversive. We must not forget that it was not so long ago that both the term 'Republican' and the term 'Democrat' were epithets with sinister meaning to denote persons of radical tendencies that were 'subversive' of the order of things then dominant. 10 "

08-24-2013, 10:55 AM
Rev, thank you for a very insightful post.
Your quote from AG Robert Jackson is most apt in the context of the power struggle we encounter today, if not througout the enitre existence of our Republic.
I also had to Google the term COINTELPRO. I learned something new on that account :)

Aside from that, your new avatar stinks!! Your old one fit you like a glove and my brain, becoming so accustomed to the image and the mind behind it, has since had to make the extra leap in identifying you.

Abbey Marie
08-24-2013, 11:46 AM
"Judicial Watch obtained Defense Department (http://www.judicialwatch.org/document-archive/judicial-watch-obtains-defense-department-teaching-documents-suggests-extremists-to-mainstream-conservative-views/)training materials on Friday that described conservative and civil liberties organizations as “hate groups.”

The training materials used by the Air Force were created to help students “recognize extremists ideologies.” The materials identified conservative values, such as individual liberties and states’ rights, as recruiting rhetoric used by “extremists.”
According to Judicial Watch:
Under a section labeled “Extremist Ideologies” the document states, “In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.”

The documents were published by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (http://www.scribd.com/doc/162321199/2161-docs#page=32) in January 2013. They cited the leftwing Southern Poverty Law Center repeatedly as a source to use when identifying hate groups."..


nothing to worry about if you don't do anything wrong...

I guess in a sense they are correct, but the fact that they seem to be put in derogatory terms and use them as an example is concerning. How about the Black Panthers or the KKK instead?

08-24-2013, 07:33 PM
Rev, thank you for a very insightful post.
Your quote from AG Robert Jackson is most apt in the context of the power struggle we encounter today, if not througout the enitre existence of our Republic.
I also had to Google the term COINTELPRO. I learned something new on that account :)

Aside from that, your new avatar stinks!! Your old one fit you like a glove and my brain, becoming so accustomed to the image and the mind behind it, has since had to make the extra leap in identifying you.
