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View Full Version : 11-Year-Old Girl Flees Yemen To Avoid Forced Marriage: ‘I’d Rather Kill Myself’

08-24-2013, 07:28 AM
I have seen this before if I have posted it before I apologize but in the same token it is worth a second watch, what sick people sell there kids at 11

The video of 11 year-old Nada al-Ahdal from Yemen threatening to commit suicide after her parents promised her marriage for money. She has now escaped to live with her uncle.


08-24-2013, 07:52 AM
I have seen this before if I have posted it before I apologize but in the same token it is worth a second watch, what sick people sell there kids at 11

The video of 11 year-old Nada al-Ahdal from Yemen threatening to commit suicide after her parents promised her marriage for money. She has now escaped to live with her uncle.

http://conservativevideos.com/2013/07/11-year-old-girl-flees-yemen-to-avoid-forced-marriage-id-rather-kill-myself/This is a heart breaking story, and even more so knowing that it is reality for many, my girls 21 and 26 are still my little princesses, at 11 they were still my babies. this is unimaginable to me.