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View Full Version : What to do with a weekend?

08-24-2013, 10:12 AM
Obviously weekends are needed to rest your brain. We cut cable TV, but subscribed to Dishworld.com so the wife can watch her Brazilian channels online or on ROKU. Just sleeping the whole time doesn't seem like a good idea. The kids are happy playing MineCraft and Team Fortress II all weekend. The wife is content watching TV and playing Farmville. We are on an austerity budget so we can move to a less dense area next year.

08-24-2013, 10:21 AM
Obviously weekends are needed to rest your brain. We cut cable TV, but subscribed to Dishworld.com so the wife can watch her Brazilian channels online or on ROKU. Just sleeping the whole time doesn't seem like a good idea. The kids are happy playing MineCraft and Team Fortress II all weekend. The wife is content watching TV and playing Farmville. We are on an austerity budget so we can move to a less dense area next year.Get You a Case and a Pole and go to the Fishing Hole.

08-24-2013, 11:07 AM
Get You a Case and a Pole and go to the Fishing Hole.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-24-2013, 11:09 AM
Try reading books. Or find a hobby that costs very little. Improve your brain with information non-work related. Grow a garden, build furniture, do something charitable for a neighbor, etc. -Tyr

08-24-2013, 11:17 AM
Try reading books. Or find a hobby that costs very little. Improve your brain with information non-work related. Grow a garden, build furniture, do something charitable for a neighbor, etc. -Tyr
Or teach a homeless man to code JavaScript?

08-24-2013, 11:35 AM
Try reading books. Or find a hobby that costs very little. Improve your brain with information non-work related. Grow a garden, build furniture, do something charitable for a neighbor, etc. -TyrYea sure that's another option, personally i like mine.:laugh:

08-24-2013, 12:20 PM
Or teach a homeless man to code JavaScript?

Why, do you want him to remain homeless?

08-25-2013, 02:10 PM
Well I tend to catch up on chores. The amount of hours I am out of the place during the week doesn't allow a lot of time for getting anything done so weekends are for catching up. I also spend some time at the library when I can. Our local one is pretty good. Of course MD and dentist appointments are also usually weekends. If I sit to watch TV I generally pick up my knitting or other needlework. That way I don't feel like the time is wasted.

08-25-2013, 02:25 PM
Well I tend to catch up on chores. The amount of hours I am out of the place during the week doesn't allow a lot of time for getting anything done so weekends are for catching up. I also spend some time at the library when I can. Our local one is pretty good. Of course MD and dentist appointments are also usually weekends. If I sit to watch TV I generally pick up my knitting or other needlework. That way I don't feel like the time is wasted.

In this phase of my life, I'm even more than before avoiding lower level tasks like the plague. Instead of teaching my oldest son C++, I'm considering hiring somebody. I happened to play Civilization V: Brave New World most of this weekend and we will be leaving for the Brazilian church in Framingham in about two hours. Going to the American church in the morning then the Brazilian in the evening is just too much. I'm surprised, but my wife is even less interested in assimilating into American society than I am, yet she is fully functional in a medical sense. Beyond our carefully selected sphere, our entire family sees the "general public" as a hostile entity.

08-25-2013, 03:01 PM
Well I don't know that I would say I see them as hostile but I would have to say I am mostly disinterested in people outside of my family or friends. And I tend to be cautious as to who I allow in to my own personal sphere.