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View Full Version : US Prepares for Possible Cruise Missile Attack on Syria

08-25-2013, 06:50 AM
I have to stand with Obama on this, if they can prove that chemicals where used then we need to follow up on his warning, we can't allow these animals to just gas people when ever they get mad, but being the kind of person I am I doubt Obama will ever follow through with his threat, heck he may hurt some of the brotherhood

The Obama administration is rapidly making the initial preparations for a cruise missile attack on Syrian government forces, CBS News reported Saturday. (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_162-57599944/u.s-preps-for-possible-cruise-missile-attack-on-syrian-govt-forces/)

The Pentagon's "initial preparations" will only give President Obama the immediate option of an attack. Indications Friday, based on an interview the president gave to CNN, is that he hasn't reached that point yet.

Despite the mounting indications that some sort of attack involving chemicals occurred in Syria last week, the "who" and the "what" are still far from clear. There has been no conclusive evidence -- such as toxicology reports using tissue samples from the victims -- that internationally banned chemicals like sarin were used.

President Obama personally warned Syria a year ago this month that a "red line" in the conflict was the use of chemical weapons. Thus far, however, the US has not acted on Obama's threat.

President Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, sent out a Tweet on Friday calling what happened "an apparent CW (chemical weapons) attack." And the commander of US forces in the Mediterranean has ordered Navy warships to move closer to Syria to be ready for a possible cruise missile strike.

Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is strongly suggesting that the Pentagon is moving forces into place ahead of possible military action against Syria.


08-25-2013, 07:54 AM
I have to stand with Obama on this, if they can prove that chemicals where used then we need to follow up on his warning, we can't allow these animals to just gas people when ever they get mad, but being the kind of person I am I doubt Obama will ever follow through with his threat, heck he may hurt some of the brotherhood

Are you trying to say Assad and Ikhwan have links?

BTW, I also support strikes against the Assad regime. Bashar Assad is fast becoming the worst mass murdering dictator in all history.

08-25-2013, 07:58 AM
Are you trying to say Assad and Ikhwan have links?

BTW, I also support strikes against the Assad regime. Bashar Assad is fast becoming the worst mass murdering dictator in all history.

How about if we try just reading what I typed , and I am glad you do support them there is no room for chemicals to be used anywhere

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2013, 08:57 AM
Are you trying to say Assad and Ikhwan have links?

BTW, I also support strikes against the Assad regime. Bashar Assad is fast becoming the worst mass murdering dictator in all history. You have not a shred of proof who used any chemical attack. And do not act as if the rebel forces wouldn't do it to get major aid and action from U.S. which IS EXACTLY WHAT IS THE MOST LIKELY WAY IT WENT DOWN. This civil war there is really all about installing muslim governments in order to bring about the Caliphate...--TYR

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2013, 09:04 AM
I have to stand with Obama on this, if they can prove that chemicals where used then we need to follow up on his warning, we can't allow these animals to just gas people when ever they get mad, but being the kind of person I am I doubt Obama will ever follow through with his threat, heck he may hurt some of the brotherhood


Prove chemicals were used is one thing! Proving who did it is another. Don't fall for a false flag attack is my suggestion. Anybody that thinks the muslim rebels would not chem attack some of their own or some of the civilians not fighting in order to bring in more assistance has a major problem understanding exactly who and what they are. We must remember these are animals too, not the glorious freedom fighters are sold out lying media tries to portray. You can bet your last nickel if Obama is for them they are bad and are our enemies. Strange how that just seems to always work out to be the case! I suggest waiting for irrefutable proof of the true guilty party in this attack. -Tyr