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View Full Version : Two Million Bikers Plan Their Own 9/11 March to Washington D.C.

08-25-2013, 06:58 AM
UH OO looks like this getting serious, when Bikers start getting organized and start posting routes and such it is getting serious, now maybe not many will show up but there will be Bikers in DC on 9/11, and personally I can't wait to see when one of these animals decide it is OK to scream in one of the Biker's faces :laugh: Yes the Bikers are going into this as a peaceful run but they also say they will stand there ground, I truly hope this turns out to just be a peaceful march but it is all up to the Muslim animals at this point.

By now you've probably heard about the "Million Muslim March" coming to Washington D.C. on 9/11. Last week (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/08/20/911-million-muslim-march-organizer-being-antizionism-isnt-antisemitic-n1668813)Chris Phillips, the organizer of the march, appeared on Hannity and refused to condemn hateful groups like the Muslim Brotherhood while arguing the U.S. government has been hateful toward Muslim-Americans since 9/11/2001.

Now in response to the march, (http://www.bizpacreview.com/2013/08/22/bikers-organize-massive-counter-protest-to-million-muslim-march-82030) bikers are also planning to show up in Washington D.C. on 9/11....with two million people.

Thousands of America’s patriotic bikers are organizing an enormous counter protest to the planned Million Muslim March on DC this Sept. 11.

The Facebook Page, “2 Million Bikers to DC,” has over 18 thousand “likes,” as of Thursday morning and individual state chapters of riders have launched pages on Facebook, as well.

The bikers are riding “To remember those who were killed on 911 and honor our armed forces who fought those who precipitated this attack,” the Facebook page said.
Here are the objectives for the ride, which will be peaceful.


08-25-2013, 08:00 AM
So what you are doing in effect is calling all of us terrorists who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

08-25-2013, 08:59 AM
can't stand townhall. too much spam to read it. but go bikers!

08-25-2013, 03:20 PM
So what you are doing in effect is calling all of us terrorists who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

YOU GOT IT 'JAFAR'! If YOU were a terrorist on 9/11 set on the destruction, and killing of Americans. YOU WERE RESPONSIBLE.

Thinly veiled admissions of guilt never seem to escape you.

08-25-2013, 03:23 PM
Good thing about this story, as it develops is.

If only ONE Biker arrives in Washington on September 11th.

That will outnumber the HONEST, SINCERE, REAL, Muslim's who go there to make trouble.

08-25-2013, 05:45 PM
Our nation is in real trouble if Americans allow this....

5417 No need to enlarge it.
This is just as bad as supporting Terrorists like Obama.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2013, 06:35 PM
Our nation is in real trouble if Americans allow this....

5417 No need to enlarge it.
This is just as bad as supporting Terrorists like Obama. My friend there is no stopping it. Stupidity has become a canned product fed to the kids at our public schools. People that stupid to desecrate the American flag like that are barely worth the price of a bullet to end their miserable and totally ignorant lives. When the shit hits the fan and it will I hope to see those folks get theirs. I hope to be able to spit in their faces and laugh at them while saying --now enjoy what you supported and belittled decent folks for protesting. FFKK 'em, I save my pity for deserving souls not such scum.--Tyr

08-25-2013, 07:38 PM
Now that's a flag just crying out to be burned.

red state
08-25-2013, 09:11 PM
(IF) there is any trouble, I suspect......

NO, let me change that....I PREDICT that if there is any trouble, the DOJ will place the bikers UNDER the jail while handing out medals for their muSLUM comrades.

I also predict that there will be plants to stir up such trouble and (IF) the muSLUMS aren't simply sacrificial ploys to start such trouble and/or don't have the grit or know-how to finish what they've started, it'll look as though the muSLUMs were innocent victims of racism. BUT, whatever little damage the muSLUM scum, who do have a little grit and know-how, are able to do to the bikers, it'll come through aid that B.O. and liberals have provided (one way or another) by biased clampdowns on conservative groups or white groups, while turning a blind eye to sleeper cells, terrorist training and even providing weapons as we've seen in Fast and Furious.

We only know about Fast & Furious.....no telling what all this evil administration has had a hand in that we don't know. Proof is in the pudding....THEY look at and attack conservatives, Christians and returning vets for being possible/probably terrorists while allowing obvious warning signs from such scum as the Boston Bombing Brothers, and the Fort Hood Terrorists (NOTE: I don't mention his name NOR do I call him the Fort Hood "SHOOTER"). He was a terrorist, murderous coward....I'm a shooter.

08-25-2013, 09:57 PM
(IF) there is any trouble, I suspect......

NO, let me change that....I PREDICT that if there is any trouble, the DOJ will place the bikers UNDER the jail while handing out medals for their muSLUM comrades.

I also predict that there will be plants to stir up such trouble and (IF) the muSLUMS aren't simply sacrificial ploys to start such trouble and/or don't have the grit or know-how to finish what they've started, it'll look as though the muSLUMs were innocent victims of racism. BUT, whatever little damage the muSLUM scum, who do have a little grit and know-how, are able to do to the bikers, it'll come through aid that B.O. and liberals have provided (one way or another) by biased clampdowns on conservative groups or white groups, while turning a blind eye to sleeper cells, terrorist training and even providing weapons as we've seen in Fast and Furious.

We only know about Fast & Furious.....no telling what all this evil administration has had a hand in that we don't know. Proof is in the pudding....THEY look at and attack conservatives, Christians and returning vets for being possible/probably terrorists while allowing obvious warning signs from such scum as the Boston Bombing Brothers, and the Fort Hood Terrorists (NOTE: I don't mention his name NOR do I call him the Fort Hood "SHOOTER"). He was a terrorist, murderous coward....I'm a shooter.

red state. Believe it or not. I happen to have several (5) Vietnam veteran friends who enjoy taking part in ROLLING THUNDER, every chance they get.
And, knowing them personally. I am confident. No matter what might take place on Sept. 11th in Washington. They will remain the calm, sincere, protective, Honorable Americans I know them to be...as will EVERY OTHER person riding their Chrome Pony that day.
In fact. We can count on the LAME STREAM PRESS going out of their way to find, and photograph members in order to make them look bad.
So. If there is any fighting of any kind. Look for members of the Press to accidentally get injured in some way...as to blame members of Rolling Thunder.
They need such things to happen while they CYA every trouble maker who will be planted within the Muslim crowds.

08-25-2013, 10:36 PM
So what you are doing in effect is calling all of us terrorists who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

You don't seem too happy with the response to the Muslims planning their own march, Jafar.

So tell us, what ELSE did you expect ?? Did you think that Americans would sit back, passively, while your kind deliver their insult of such a march being timed for the 9/11 anniversary ?

Muslims clearly want trouble, since they have chosen that day, of all days, to take their mass action. It remains to be seen just what their deliberate provocation earns them. For my part, I hope they are taught a sharp lesson, one they'll never forget - just as America, and the world, will never forget the Muslim savagery of that day.

red state
08-25-2013, 10:50 PM
About Time and Drummond are spot on and I'm glad Drummond pulled jafart back into it. It would be nice if only 100 muSLUMS showed up to see THOUSANDS of noisy, partriotic bikers on THEIR land that THEY fought for and lost loved ones who did the same. I dare say that HALF of the million muSLUMs who may or may not show up are legal citizens but (IF) 99.9% are legal citizens, they probably make up 0.0000000000000001% of those who fought for or have family/friends who DIED for this country. Sadly, most of them probably are or KNOW of muSLUMS who have killed or plotted against OUR GUYS who shed blood to free and protect THEM!!!! Sorry if my ranting is in a hard-to-follow format but I am very passionate about what I've said and I believe I am spot on.....maybe not mathmatically but I truly see THEM as an enemy from within, just as the leftists and blood thirsty media are in making way and lowering the draw-bridge for our enemies.

08-26-2013, 06:06 AM
So what you are doing in effect is calling all of us terrorists who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

Not at all jafar yes I have acted out in a very stupid way towards you and that was wrong, I try to treat people as I am treated and at the time felt I gave what I got but the bikers in the article clearly state they are going for a peaceful rally it will be up to the muslims if it stays that way( I hope it does) I have said right from the begining that any other day this wouldn't even be news, but what I honestly do have a problem with is all those Muslims that celebrated on 9/11 and yes if they start that then yes I do call those particular Muslims terrorist

jafar when I see my brothers and Sisters get together for something they believe in I am proud of them ( the same as you with yours ) it just so happens that my brothers don't take Sh** from no one , the bikers are marching in remembrance and for all that are or have served and that is it, it just so happens that there will be 2 million of them there the same day some of those that celebrated the attack on America will be there , so advice to Muslims behave be polite and act like you have some sense and I see this all going off without any problems ( lets not forget Obama will protect his brothers so there will be police , National guard and Obama's personal army everywhere , another words two cops for every biker and that is American born and raised biker but heck a little thing like that means nothing to Obama )

08-26-2013, 08:25 AM
Not at all jafar yes I have acted out in a very stupid way towards you and that was wrong, I try to treat people as I am treated and at the time felt I gave what I got but the bikers in the article clearly state they are going for a peaceful rally it will be up to the muslims if it stays that way( I hope it does) I have said right from the begining that any other day this wouldn't even be news, but what I honestly do have a problem with is all those Muslims that celebrated on 9/11 and yes if they start that then yes I do call those particular Muslims terrorist

We are also very much ashamed and horrified at all 15 or so people in "that" video though there is a well founded belief that they were just happy to be given free cake and jumped about for the camera for something unrelated to the 9/11 attacks.
You can't condemn the rest of us for what a few people did just as we can't condemn all of you for the crimes people who call themselves Christians or Atheists do.

I hope and pray the marches don't turn ugly. If it is anything like I've seen before (I tried to find the video but failed) like the time a bunch of non Muslims heckled and insulted Muslims attending a charity dinner it would be a good thing. Not one Muslim reacted in a negative way which is a good example of the integrity and honour of American Muslims. I hope all (3?) marches are full of people with self restraint and respect for the other's views.

08-26-2013, 08:56 AM
We are also very much ashamed and horrified at all 15 or so people in "that" video though there is a well founded belief that they were just happy to be given free cake and jumped about for the camera for something unrelated to the 9/11 attacks.
You can't condemn the rest of us for what a few people did just as we can't condemn all of you for the crimes people who call themselves Christians or Atheists do.

I hope and pray the marches don't turn ugly. If it is anything like I've seen before (I tried to find the video but failed) like the time a bunch of non Muslims heckled and insulted Muslims attending a charity dinner it would be a good thing. Not one Muslim reacted in a negative way which is a good example of the integrity and honour of American Muslims. I hope all (3?) marches are full of people with self restraint and respect for the other's views.

But the answer to all of this is simple. IF Muslims genuinely feel aggrieved, IF the Muslims out there just want nothing but peace and to only make a point, AND to have any hope of being sympathetically heard, then their proper action would have been to choose ANOTHER day for their march. Instead, to choose the very day when it was AMERICAN SOIL that was attacked, and the one day when, above all other days, Americans will feel most acutely about what THEY suffered that day ... and then to have Muslims march en masse demanding that sympathy be meted out to THEM, INSTEAD ... is nothing but an insult.

It cannot be otherwise. The intention MUST be to be provocative.

Imagine relatives of one of those VICTIMS of 9/11, one, say, who leaped to his death from a crumbling Twin Tower ... facing the spectre of a MILLION MUSLIMS DEMANDING THAT THEY GET SYMPATHY, INSTEAD, THAT SYMPATHIES BE CONCENTRATED IN THEIR DIRECTION ON THAT SPECIAL DAY OF ANNIVERSARY. WHAT COULD BE A WORSE INSULT ??

08-26-2013, 09:03 AM
We are also very much ashamed and horrified at all 15 or so people in "that" video though there is a well founded belief that they were just happy to be given free cake and jumped about for the camera for something unrelated to the 9/11 attacks.
You can't condemn the rest of us for what a few people did just as we can't condemn all of you for the crimes people who call themselves Christians or Atheists do.

I hope and pray the marches don't turn ugly. If it is anything like I've seen before (I tried to find the video but failed) like the time a bunch of non Muslims heckled and insulted Muslims attending a charity dinner it would be a good thing. Not one Muslim reacted in a negative way which is a good example of the integrity and honour of American Muslims. I hope all (3?) marches are full of people with self restraint and respect for the other's views.

jafar so I am to believe that all good Muslims can's count either , because there was 15 in one party on the Jersey side of the Hudson and as I said that was the first party

08-26-2013, 12:46 PM
We all know. If those American Muslim's who have planned to march on September 11th were Honorable, and had no intentions of Inciting trouble...THE HONORABLE thing for them to do would be...CANCEL the march on that date.

That is what AMERICANS would do. Unless those Muslims who plan to march, place their Brotherhood leanings higher than the Freedom, Liberty, and Rights they enjoy as Americans.

They have no options as far as I can see, as an American FIRST.

If they honestly want to feel, and enjoy those Freedoms, Rights, and Liberties. They WON'T SHOW UP.

08-26-2013, 01:23 PM
(IF) there is any trouble, I suspect......

NO, let me change that....I PREDICT that if there is any trouble, the DOJ will place the bikers UNDER the jail while handing out medals for their muSLUM comrades.

I also predict that there will be plants to stir up such trouble and (IF) the muSLUMS aren't simply sacrificial ploys to start such trouble and/or don't have the grit or know-how to finish what they've started, it'll look as though the muSLUMs were innocent victims of racism. BUT, whatever little damage the muSLUM scum, who do have a little grit and know-how, are able to do to the bikers, it'll come through aid that B.O. and liberals have provided (one way or another) by biased clampdowns on conservative groups or white groups, while turning a blind eye to sleeper cells, terrorist training and even providing weapons as we've seen in Fast and Furious.

We only know about Fast & Furious.....no telling what all this evil administration has had a hand in that we don't know. Proof is in the pudding....THEY look at and attack conservatives, Christians and returning vets for being possible/probably terrorists while allowing obvious warning signs from such scum as the Boston Bombing Brothers, and the Fort Hood Terrorists (NOTE: I don't mention his name NOR do I call him the Fort Hood "SHOOTER"). He was a terrorist, murderous coward....I'm a shooter.

Brother it is going to be like Daytona in 86 was, there where 2 cops for every biker ya couldn't spit without getting a ticket, I lost a good friend down there that year, we where all staying at a hotel and were out and about he got a speeding ticket ( of course during Daytona ya have to pay right then or go to jail until you can being everyone was from out of state) this guys name was T ( his road name ) he was a diamond cutter and had two diamonds in his front teeth before the blacks ever thought of putting up a grill, and well lets just say if ya where try to pick up a girl ya didn't want T around he would yawn and his tongue could basically touch the bridge of his nose so the girls kind of lost interest in anyone else once he did that :laugh: and he was a black belt in Karate , well the cops story was, we got him out the next morning and that night as he pulled up to 7/11 the cop that had arrested him the night before pulled up along side of him and said I see your a free man tonight and according to the cops he looked smiled and said nope I am a dead man pulled his knife from his side and slashed his throat. His Mom nor did anyone believe this BS, this guy was making enough money that he had a vette and about 5 Harley s , a good looking guy you know the drill so his Mom hired a private investigator and right away found out he had been beat bad he had been beat by a baton up and down his back he had a couple broken ribs , he was in bad shape, that was the year I moved south so I don't know the outcome of how they settled but according to friends it was all settled out of court

That same year they wrote so many tickets there was talk about people boycotting it the following year and it did lose a lot of people coming for a couple of years but they say now it is a big party again

There was alos another biker lost his life that year, the cops said he was reaching for his gun that was in a shoulder holster on his left side and they shot him through the heart , no injury at all to his hand not even powder residue ( this one was in a Magazine ) but yes cops can be rather corrupt when they want to be

Well let the bikers pull into DC and that will look tame, Obama is going to protect his buddies I know

08-26-2013, 02:02 PM
But the answer to all of this is simple. IF Muslims genuinely feel aggrieved, IF the Muslims out there just want nothing but peace and to only make a point, AND to have any hope of being sympathetically heard, then their proper action would have been to choose ANOTHER day for their march. Instead, to choose the very day when it was AMERICAN SOIL that was attacked, and the one day when, above all other days, Americans will feel most acutely about what THEY suffered that day ... and then to have Muslims march en masse demanding that sympathy be meted out to THEM, INSTEAD ... is nothing but an insult.

It cannot be otherwise. The intention MUST be to be provocative.

Imagine relatives of one of those VICTIMS of 9/11, one, say, who leaped to his death from a crumbling Twin Tower ... facing the spectre of a MILLION MUSLIMS DEMANDING THAT THEY GET SYMPATHY, INSTEAD, THAT SYMPATHIES BE CONCENTRATED IN THEIR DIRECTION ON THAT SPECIAL DAY OF ANNIVERSARY. WHAT COULD BE A WORSE INSULT ??

Yep, well said. And hopefully some fine Americans will show them how we feel about animals trying to insult us on such a day. They will either be good little silent animals, or they will hopefully be shouted down and pushed back to their cages.

08-26-2013, 02:02 PM
jafar so I am to believe that all good Muslims can's count either , because there was 15 in one party on the Jersey side of the Hudson and as I said that was the first party

almost 7 out of 10 can't count or read. They are illiterate animals.

08-26-2013, 02:30 PM
almost 7 out of 10 can't count or read. They are illiterate animals.

jimnyc. Is it any wonder they vote Democrat too? Seems like the less educated always flock toward the political party that makes the most promises, but never follows through.

Like a large percentage of the American people who Fell for the LBJ "GREAT SOCIETY" trick, and have been waiting for it ever since???