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View Full Version : Rally with Obama stokes talk of another Biden presidential run

08-26-2013, 07:09 AM
Looks like a mini circle jerk if ya ask me, Obama actually stated Biden was the best political move he ever made ( well that may be true considering everything else he did was a failure at least slow Joe added amusement )Personally I want to see him run, yea the old Rodham will blow him out of the water but Biden can debate and he is liable to really hurt her in the public's eye trying to get the nomination , at the very least it will be better than married with Children ( yes the real last good TV show :laugh: ) to watch Biden slam her and to watch her eyes and veins pop as she lies through her teeth has me excited to watch :laugh:

SCRANTON, Pa. — Five years after they joined forces as a presidential ticket, President Barack Obama made a rare joint appearance with Joe Biden at a campaign-style rally that offered a hint of what the vice president's possible future run for the White House could look like.
The setting was Biden's hometown, the final stop of Obama's two-day bus tour, which highlighted the president's proposals to make college more affordable.
Speaking first, appearing at home behind a lectern adorned with the seal of the president, Biden said the working-class community helped shape his views, such as his "absolute conviction that if you give ordinary folks a fighting chance, they can and do do extraordinary things."
He then introduced Obama, who said he loved the city because "if it weren't for Scranton, I wouldn't have Joe Biden."
Obama called it a "special day" for him and Biden, noting that it was on Aug. 23, 2008, that he announced Biden as his running mate. That was "the best decision that I ever made politically," he said.
"Because I love this guy. And he's got heart. And he cares about people. And he's willing to fight for what he believes in. And he's got some Scranton in him," Obama said.
"I just want all of you to know that I am lucky to have Joe, not just as a running mate but more importantly as a friend, and we love his family and I am so blessed to be here, and thank you Joe for saying yes five years ago."


Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/08/23/200210/scranton-rally-stokes-talk-of.html#.UhnPc1MXilg#storylink=cpy