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08-26-2013, 05:12 PM
More tax increases from the usual suspects.

THis is very similar to the National Firearms Act of 1934, which put a tax of $200 on each and every transfer of a short-barrelled shotgun, machine gun, and (oddly) any silencer. That was at a time when $200 was more than a month's pay for most people, and many of the items taxed cost less than 1/10 of that amount to purchase.

A lawsuit was brought, and the Federal District Court immediately ruled that the 1934 NFA was an unconstitutional violation of the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. The judge pointed out that the NFA was clearly an act meant to restrict firearms, not to collect revenue, since very few people would pay a $200 tax to transfer an old $5 shotgun such as the one owned by the defendant.

The case was appealed to the Supreme Court. When the trial date came, no one from the Defense showed up, and the Court rubber-stamped a number of false statements from the government Prosecution team, into an Opinion Of The Court. The Opinion says that, since no one refuted what the Prosecution said, the Court was ruling in their favor. The case was US v. Miller in 1939, 307 US 174.


Looks like the Democrats are trying to find a similar windfall. If you can lie and cheat once and get away with it, why not try it again?



Dem bill would trigger huge new taxes on guns, ammo

By Perry Chiaramonte
Published August 26, 2013

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are proposing steep new taxes on handguns and ammunition, and tying the revenues to programs aimed at preventing gun violence.

Called the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act," the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.

“What the anti-gun interests can’t ban, they want to tax it out of existence,” Alan Gottlieb, chairman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told FoxNews.com. “It’s nothing more than confiscatory taxation.

The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.

The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments, from paying the tax.

08-26-2013, 05:30 PM
Wonder how quickly they (the Dems) would reverse such taxes if their Invisible Body Guards who carry Hidden weapons...told them they (the Dems) are On Their Own, and nobody is willing to provide security for them since....it costs too much????

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2013, 07:44 PM
More tax increases from the usual suspects.

THis is very similar to the National Firearms Act of 1934, which put a tax of $200 on each and every transfer of a short-barrelled shotgun, machine gun, and (oddly) any silencer. That was at a time when $200 was more than a month's pay for most people, and many of the items taxed cost less than 1/10 of that amount to purchase.

A lawsuit was brought, and the Federal District Court immediately ruled that the 1934 NFA was an unconstitutional violation of the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. The judge pointed out that the NFA was clearly an act meant to restrict firearms, not to collect revenue, since very few people would pay a $200 tax to transfer an old $5 shotgun such as the one owned by the defendant.

The case was appealed to the Supreme Court. When the trial date came, no one from the Defense showed up, and the Court rubber-stamped a number of false statements from the government Prosecution team, into an Opinion Of The Court. The Opinion says that, since no one refuted what the Prosecution said, the Court was ruling in their favor. The case was US v. Miller in 1939, 307 US 174.


Looks like the Democrats are trying to find a similar windfall. If you can lie and cheat once and get away with it, why not try it again?



Dem bill would trigger huge new taxes on guns, ammo

By Perry Chiaramonte
Published August 26, 2013

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are proposing steep new taxes on handguns and ammunition, and tying the revenues to programs aimed at preventing gun violence.

Called the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act," the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.

“What the anti-gun interests can’t ban, they want to tax it out of existence,” Alan Gottlieb, chairman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told FoxNews.com. “It’s nothing more than confiscatory taxation.

The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.

The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments, from paying the tax. Miller didn't show up because he lay shot in the back of the head in a ditch on his property, obviously an execution and guess who won the case --the government. Any guess who shot him the day before he was to appear??? Need any hints?? --Tyr

Marcus Aurelius
08-26-2013, 10:05 PM
If this were to pass, which I seriously doubt, it would eventually be overturned as a violation of the 2nd.

08-27-2013, 01:11 AM
If this were to pass, which I seriously doubt, it would eventually be overturned as a violation of the 2nd.
This bill is DOA at the ways and means, but as if that wasn't enough,
08/02/2013 Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committees on Natural Resources, the Judiciary, Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

08-27-2013, 09:29 AM
More tax increases from the usual suspects.

THis is very similar to the National Firearms Act of 1934, which put a tax of $200 on each and every transfer of a short-barrelled shotgun, machine gun, and (oddly) any silencer. That was at a time when $200 was more than a month's pay for most people, and many of the items taxed cost less than 1/10 of that amount to purchase.

A lawsuit was brought, and the Federal District Court immediately ruled that the 1934 NFA was an unconstitutional violation of the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. The judge pointed out that the NFA was clearly an act meant to restrict firearms, not to collect revenue, since very few people would pay a $200 tax to transfer an old $5 shotgun such as the one owned by the defendant.

The case was appealed to the Supreme Court. When the trial date came, no one from the Defense showed up, and the Court rubber-stamped a number of false statements from the government Prosecution team, into an Opinion Of The Court. The Opinion says that, since no one refuted what the Prosecution said, the Court was ruling in their favor. The case was US v. Miller in 1939, 307 US 174.


Looks like the Democrats are trying to find a similar windfall. If you can lie and cheat once and get away with it, why not try it again?



Dem bill would trigger huge new taxes on guns, ammo

By Perry Chiaramonte
Published August 26, 2013

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are proposing steep new taxes on handguns and ammunition, and tying the revenues to programs aimed at preventing gun violence.

Called the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act," the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.

“What the anti-gun interests can’t ban, they want to tax it out of existence,” Alan Gottlieb, chairman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told FoxNews.com. “It’s nothing more than confiscatory taxation.

The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.

The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments, from paying the tax.More BS, liberals trying to find a way to deny us of our rights, Fox hit the nail on the head "Confiscatory Taxation"

08-27-2013, 12:41 PM
Larry. I also read on the Drudgereport about Ca. Gonna tax Boy Scouts, and Little League Baseball too!

The circle of EVIL keeps getting bigger, and the Politicians wonder why nobody likes them???

08-27-2013, 01:32 PM
Larry. I also read on the Drudgereport about Ca. Gonna tax Boy Scouts, and Little League Baseball too!

The circle of EVIL keeps getting bigger, and the Politicians wonder why nobody likes them???It seems the Democrats think the meddle classic pocket has no bottom. Or it could be they just intend to empty regardless?

08-27-2013, 02:31 PM
It seems the Democrats think the meddle classic pocket has no bottom. Or it could be they just intend to empty regardless?

Larry. We're all in trouble when that day arrives, and Liberal, Democrat, Obama-fans actually begin to become more educated with Honest Facts. It might make more of them volunteer for Really, Really, Really...LATE TERM ABORTIONS.

08-27-2013, 02:55 PM
If this were to pass, which I seriously doubt, it would eventually be overturned as a violation of the 2nd.

Marcus I sure hope you are right and I know the law just well enough to know in theory you are exactly right but man the things that have gone on in this Country over thye last 5 years scare the heck out of me every time a new law is even suggested

08-27-2013, 02:58 PM
Larry. We're all in trouble when that day arrives, and Liberal, Democrat, Obama-fans actually begin to become more educated with Honest Facts. It might make more of them volunteer for Really, Really, Really...LATE TERM ABORTIONS.

Its a good thiong I don't think to many of them can get educated :laugh:

08-27-2013, 03:12 PM
Its a good thiong I don't think to many of them can get educated :laugh:

Jeff. Right you are. If...God forbid. They suddenly became educated, contrary to the wishes of Obama, and the Democrats. They'd all deny it since they depend on being considered Low Class, and Needing HELP from the Government...forever.
If they became educated. There would be no more DEMOCRATS.

08-27-2013, 03:57 PM
Jeff. Right you are. If...God forbid. They suddenly became educated, contrary to the wishes of Obama, and the Democrats. They'd all deny it since they depend on being considered Low Class, and Needing HELP from the Government...forever.
If they became educated. There would be no more DEMOCRATS.

That's why he is importing so many undocumented democrats over the border. He needs to replenish his base as some of them become more educated.

08-27-2013, 04:04 PM
That's why he is importing so many undocumented democrats over the border. He needs to replenish his base as some of them become more educated.

Gaffer. And, to take it further. It also explains why Holder is suing Texas, and many other states for the VOTER ID they claim is DISCRIMINATORY. But, people with brains know...that's nothing but a racist excuse Jesse, Al, and Barack like to use to FOOL the people who voted for Obama AGAIN.