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View Full Version : SCREW THEM: Spokane Cops Blame WWII Vet’s Death on ‘Fighting Back’, Says No ‘Racism’

08-27-2013, 02:09 PM
So now if you fight back against black thugs it is your own fault if ya get killed , A cop in Spokane says no racism involved if he would of just did what the poor black boys told him to he would be alive today

Doug Giles – So, I guess now (according to this dillweed), we’re supposed to let black teenage thugs beat the crap out of us lest we become responsible for our own death. Should we curl up in the fetal position? Should we also pee our pants? Straub’s a disgrace. The 88-year-old World War II veteran who was randomly beaten to death Wednesday likely died because he tried to fend off his attackers. Two teenage boys are charged in the bloody beating of Delbert Belton outside a Spokane, Washington ice skating rink and investigators are now suggesting the soldier—who took a bullet in the Battle of Okinawa—tried to stop the apparent robbery. Police say that enraged the teens and turned their petty theft into full-blown murder as they continued to beat him into submission with ‘big, heavy flashlights.’


Marcus Aurelius
08-27-2013, 02:25 PM
I'd read the whole Daily mail article they reference before jumping the gun here, Jeff...

from the Daily Mail UK article referenced in the OP article...

‘Our information is that the individual fought back and that may have made this, you know, a worse situation,’ said Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub in a Monday press conference.

Straub was quick to maintain Belton’s innocence in the matter.

‘I'm not being critical of Mr. Belton,’ he clarified. ‘We certainly encourage individuals to fight back, and he should have. But it shouldn't have happened to begin with.’

08-27-2013, 02:29 PM
Washington, Oregon, and Californication are all bastions of Liberal Stupidity, Ignorance, and generally Dumb Democrat, Progressive, Tree Hugging, Pot Smoking, Dirt-bags, and Scum-balls who prove to the rest of the nation....WHY we should never bother living there.

If that offended anyone. GOOD!

08-27-2013, 03:04 PM
I'd read the whole Daily mail article they reference before jumping the gun here, Jeff...

from the Daily Mail UK article referenced in the OP article...Marcus I figured that was the story but it still just doesn't sound right to me, as a man we both know if we are being robber we are going to fight back, I see what you are saying but just don't think that those words should of even passed the cops lipseven though he is correct it in a way does justify or not justify but soften the blow of exactly what happened

Washington, Oregon, and Californication are all bastions of Liberal Stupidity, Ignorance, and generally Dumb Democrat, Progressive, Tree Hugging, Pot Smoking, Dirt-bags, and Scum-balls who prove to the rest of the nation....WHY we should never bother living there.

If that offended anyone. GOOD!I am going to step out on a limb here and say i don't think you like those people to much :laugh:

All these attacks have one thing in common Blacks attacking Whites and according to many all the ammo the Government is buying is for the racial war coming , well it is here , I have to wonder if maybe all that ammo is just for when the whites fight back ?

Marcus Aurelius
08-28-2013, 12:34 PM

One of the 16-year-olds charged in Washington state with the killing (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/08/23/world-war-ii-veteran-beaten-to-death-by-2-teenagers-in-washington-parking-lot/) of a World War II veteran reportedly suggested Tuesday that the attack came after the veteran shorted him and another teen on a sale of crack cocaine.

Haskell said the letter contends that Adams-Kinard and Demetrius L. Glenn, 16, were buying crack cocaine from Delbert Belton, 88, when the attack occurred Aug. 21.

The paper pointed out that Spokane police said they have no evidence to support the drug deal claim.

I'm not sure which is sadder... that they tried this line to begin with, or that in their minds, a drug deal gone bad justifies murder.

08-28-2013, 01:40 PM
So now if you fight back against black thugs it is your own fault if ya get killed , A cop in Spokane says no racism involved if he would of just did what the poor black boys told him to he would be alive today

Doug Giles – So, I guess now (according to this dillweed), we’re supposed to let black teenage thugs beat the crap out of us lest we become responsible for our own death. Should we curl up in the fetal position? Should we also pee our pants? Straub’s a disgrace. The 88-year-old World War II veteran who was randomly beaten to death Wednesday likely died because he tried to fend off his attackers. Two teenage boys are charged in the bloody beating of Delbert Belton outside a Spokane, Washington ice skating rink and investigators are now suggesting the soldier—who took a bullet in the Battle of Okinawa—tried to stop the apparent robbery. Police say that enraged the teens and turned their petty theft into full-blown murder as they continued to beat him into submission with ‘big, heavy flashlights.’


So the victim becomes the perpetrator just by defending him self, That's a racist spin if i ever heard one, or they sure this was a cop, Sounds like Al or Jesse to me.

Truth Detector
08-29-2013, 09:17 AM
Washington, Oregon, and Californication are all bastions of Liberal Stupidity, Ignorance, and generally Dumb Democrat, Progressive, Tree Hugging, Pot Smoking, Dirt-bags, and Scum-balls who prove to the rest of the nation....WHY we should never bother living there.

If that offended anyone. GOOD!

I live in California and wasn't offended. You're right and we are definately proof of why leftist politicians should be kept at the margins of political power.

California is a sad testimony to the slow march toward Detroitism America is on and how low information voters can ruin a once great state.

08-29-2013, 01:45 PM
I live in California and wasn't offended. You're right and we are definately proof of why leftist politicians should be kept at the margins of political power.

California is a sad testimony to the slow march toward Detroitism America is on and how low information voters can ruin a once great state.

Truth Detector. It must be a really lonely, dangerous place for you to live in. And, expensive too?

Most of the rest of the country...that pays attention. Also knows why so many are LEAVING your state, searching for a political atmosphere that isn't being Run Down by Obama, and Washington, controlling, and changing the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE....like Prop 8. For starters.

There's a really great....REST OF THE COUNTRY...that would be much more appealing to you, and for you to live in. You should really consider leaving...WHILE YOU CAN, before the Govt. steps in and taxes you FOR TRYING TO LEAVE.