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View Full Version : Bashar Assad flies to Tehran for surprise "visit" (unconfirmed)

08-27-2013, 05:16 PM
True or false?

If true, quite a significant move. Is Assad getting the heck out of Dodge ahead of the posse? Or ahead of the cruise missiles in this case?

BTW, if it turns out true that Assad has fled, and intends to stay in Iran, will the U.S. use this to call off what seems to be an impending attack on Syria?



Unconfirmed report: Syria's Assad makes surprise visit to Tehran

Al-Nahar news reports Syrian president lands in Iran with several gov't officials, family members. Earlier, UN official urges Iranian regime to influence Syria to go to peace talks with rebels

Ynet Published: 08.28.13, 00:32 / Israel News

Embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad arrived in Tehran, Iran in a surprise visit on Tuesday evening, al-Nahar news reported. The report has not been confirmed by any reliable source.

According to the Iranian state television, a source in the Iranian Foreign Ministry said that Assad's plane landed in Tehran's Khomeini Airport accompanied by several Syrian government officials and several members of his family. The report was unconfirmed by other sources.


In a related story:


Military strikes on Syria 'as early as Thursday,' US officials say

Aug. 27, 2013

NBC News reports that a military strike against Syria could come as early as Thursday. NBC's Jim Miklaszewski, Politico's Rebecca Sinderbrand, The Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., discuss.

By Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube and Erin McClam, NBC News

The U.S. could hit Syria with three days of missile strikes, perhaps beginning Thursday, in an attack meant more to send a message to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad than to topple him or cripple his military, senior U.S. officials told NBC News on Tuesday.


U.S. missile strikes would almost certainly be launched from Navy destroyers or submarines in the Mediterranean Sea. The U.S. in recent days has moved destroyers closer to Syria, which sits on the sea's eastern edge, but that was mostly a symbolic move. U.S. Tomahawk missiles are so precise that they can hit not just buildings but also specific windows, and they could hit Syrian targets from far farther west in the Mediterranean.

Navy officials said four destroyers are lined up ready to strike: the USS Barry, the USS Mahan, the USS Ramage and the USS Gravely.

08-27-2013, 05:33 PM
If the U.S. fires a bunch of cruise missiles at Syria....

...and then Iran shoots a bunch of missiles (non-nuclear, don't think they have those ready yet) at Israel, as they have said they will do...

...what does the U.S. do then?

08-27-2013, 05:39 PM
Not surprising the chinless one has got his ass out of dodge. He's as spineless as he is chinless. He also knows the strikes will encourage the rebels and his forces may well be overrun.

If they say expect the strike on Thursday then it will be done on Wednesday.

08-27-2013, 06:14 PM
I wouldn't believe anything coming out of Iran without much more proof. That place is filled with Baghdad Bob's and lying to the world is the norm for them.

08-27-2013, 07:52 PM
It's great to see Assad running from his own nation. This makes it much more probable that some Miss-directed DRONE might find his sorry ass during his travels.

Stuff Happens, ya know?