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View Full Version : About that violent gang, the 'Obama Boyz'

08-27-2013, 09:55 PM
Man just what every Presidents wants to be known for , having a street gang named after him, well Obama has one

There are four felony counts of first-degree assault, four felony counts of armed criminal action and two felonies for allegedly firing a gun from a vehicle and hitting people pending against a St. Louis suspect whom police identified as being a member of the “Obama Boyz” gang.
Obama Boyz?

Is this related to President Barack Obama’s comment when he implied he was taking sides in the Trayvon Martin shooting case in Florida that, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon?”

Or maybe it has more to do with a comment from WND columnist Jack Cashill (http://wnd.com/?p=506345) about two thugs who allegedly shot and killed an athlete in Oklahoma, for fun.
