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View Full Version : Shocking Legal Battle: Convicted Rapist Wants Visitation Rights With Child

08-28-2013, 04:37 AM
Ok at the time of conception he was 17 she was 14 ( a bigger age gap than I would like to see) but here is my question, a lot of these statutory rape cases where all peaches and cream until the girl winds up pregnant or they break up ( according to this that wasn't the case but every case I have personally witnessed where the couple was that close in age the girls parents where OK with the relationship until there little darling got her heart broke or she became pregnant ) I had a friend in SC where as he was 17 she 15 and the parents knew it was a sexual active relationship until they broke up , then they decided to bring him up on Statutory rape charges and he pulled a 7 year sentence out in 5 ( that doesn't seem fair ) many people are married with that much age difference the wife and I have a 10 year difference , but now this young man has decided if he has to pay $110 a week child support he wants to see the child ( and this is why I am skeptical about the whole victim thing ) the lawyer for the girl ( now 19 ) says she shouldn't have to face her rapist every weekend ( well she doesn't have to at first I am sure he will have guarded visits probably at child services )as time goes on if he shows he is sincere and the courts deem it OK she could drop the child off at a mutual friends ( or somewhere that she didn't have to face him at all ) Having to have dealt with a woman scorned I went through the ringer to see my kids that I paid child support religiously for , I would have to drive 3 hours one way to pick them up ( sometimes after driving 5000 miles during the week and then drive another 3 to take them home before I headed out for the week and half the time the ex wife was a no show a hour or two late ( yall got the idea ) then my current wife would make the trip alone with two babies ( 101/2 months apart ) because I didn't get in to late Friday night or sometimes Saturday morning, and then she again would make the trip on Sunday ( again with two babies that needed feedings , diaper changes and such ) then my EX decided to fall off the face of the earth for a year and a half , she had moved got one of those house phones from Bilo ( that doesn't get listed ) had her bosses at work tell me she no longer worked there, so I finally showed up at the school and she had strict rules that I was not to see the kids ( she worked for the school system ) well I had child services with me and then they had no choice but it took me a year and a half to see my boys, now of course I could of paid a attorney to file papers to see them in family court but that cost $2500 was the cheapest I was quoted and as far as a lawyer someone told the EX wife to call and talk to as many attorneys as she could because then they couldn't take my case due to conflict of interest , as for filing the papers myself there where 30 different forms hanging on the wall and they aren't allowed to tell you the ones that ya have to fill out ( we tried it and they sent us a letter saying we had filed the wrong forms, and you also had to be able to get the Sheriff department to deliver the warrant to her which they where not going to do unless it came from a attorney and who suffered , sure I did but the kids where the ones that really suffered , both boys are grown now and neither want anything to do with her, the oldest lived here for a couple years and then hooked up with a young girl had a child and once times got tough disappeared ( his Mom was a great influence on him )the younger one came to live with me when he was 11 and has since graduated HS and has a good job in construction , all this rambling was just to say a child needs a Mom and a dad if at all possible and should never be used as a trophy for who won on the adult relationship , In this case I am afraid it is like so many that once they broke up the guy became no good ( notice he didn't get any jail time just a heck of a lot of probation ) I have to believe if he forced her to have sex he would of pulled jail time as i said earlier a friend did 5 years and it was consensual up until he broke it off.

A shocking legal battle is playing out in Massachusetts, where a man convicted of statutory rape could be allowed to visit the child that he fathered with his victim.

Jamie Melendez pleaded guilty to four counts of statutory rape in 2011 and was sentenced to 16 years of probation. In his request for visitation rights, Melendez argues he should be allowed to see his child since he is required to pay $110 a week for child support.
