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08-28-2013, 05:54 AM
Well here we go again with the WMD being the reason to go to war but I don't see the Liberals screaming about it, so we gave Iraq these wepans years ago to keep Iran in order but they didn't have any but now Kerry is sure syria has them, Guess what they are over there somewhere for sure , but I am shocked the liberals aren't screaming NOT

Now, this Syria business. If you listen to John Kerry, is it true that we’re going to war over the claim that there are weapons of mass destruction in Syria? That’s what chemical weapons are. Haven’t we already seen this movie? Haven’t we all seen it? The very people now thinking of taking us into war in Syria, aren’t they the ones who steadfastly opposed this in Iraq? And then aren’t these the same people that threw a party, practically, when there were no WMDs found?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2013, 07:22 AM
Well here we go again with the WMD being the reason to go to war but I don't see the Liberals screaming about it, so we gave Iraq these wepans years ago to keep Iran in order but they didn't have any but now Kerry is sure syria has them, Guess what they are over there somewhere for sure , but I am shocked the liberals aren't screaming NOT

Now, this Syria business. If you listen to John Kerry, is it true that we’re going to war over the claim that there are weapons of mass destruction in Syria? That’s what chemical weapons are. Haven’t we already seen this movie? Haven’t we all seen it? The very people now thinking of taking us into war in Syria, aren’t they the ones who steadfastly opposed this in Iraq? And then aren’t these the same people that threw a party, practically, when there were no WMDs found?


I was ridiculed and scoffed at on 5 different forums hundreds of times for saying Iraq had WMDS AND THEY WERE SENT TO SYRIA. Now the same people are proudly pointing to Syria having them as proof that Syrian government used them! And these people haven't a clue how hypocritical and damn stupid they look for doing this. When I presented what little proof there was of my conclusion that Saddam had sent the WMDS into Syria they laughed and ridiculed me. Now that its convenient to cover Obama 's sorry worthless ass they gladly use that and pretend that they DID NOT formerly claim the WMDS were not there. Folks, that is a liberal for you, nothing is true in this world until it suits their damn purposes ,only then is it true! They are so dangerous because they believe in socialism and operate in a fantasy world that permits any action to advance that narrative! That's any action no matter how evil or brutal. Obama the bastard is their guy and as such must be protected at all costs. Same way Islam functions--the Koran, Mohammad and Allah must be protected at any and all costs. such THINKING JUSTIFIES ANY ATROCITY AND ALL EVIL TO GAIN THE WIN.--Tyr

08-28-2013, 08:25 AM
... WMDS AND THEY WERE SENT TO SYRIA... Exactly. And now they have been used in Syria.

08-28-2013, 08:37 AM
I was ridiculed and scoffed at on 5 different forums hundreds of times for saying Iraq had WMDS AND THEY WERE SENT TO SYRIA. Now the same people are proudly pointing to Syria having them as proof that Syrian government used them! And these people haven't a clue how hypocritical and damn stupid they look for doing this. When I presented what little proof there was of my conclusion that Saddam had sent the WMDS into Syria they laughed and ridiculed me. Now that its convenient to cover Obama 's sorry worthless ass they gladly use that and pretend that they DID NOT formerly claim the WMDS were not there. Folks, that is a liberal for you, nothing is true in this world until it suits their damn purposes ,only then is it true! They are so dangerous because they believe in socialism and operate in a fantasy world that permits any action to advance that narrative! That's any action no matter how evil or brutal. Obama the bastard is their guy and as such must be protected at all costs. Same way Islam functions--the Koran, Mohammad and Allah must be protected at any and all costs. such THINKING JUSTIFIES ANY ATROCITY AND ALL EVIL TO GAIN THE WIN.--Tyr

Well anyone with a Brain new when we found gas mask and suites along with antidotes at the hospitals in Iraq they had them ( let alone we knew they had them because we gave them to them ) but they sure enough where sent somewhere that we didn't find them in Iraq

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2013, 08:46 AM
Exactly. And now they have been used in Syria. Either way ,either it was Assad or it was the rebel forces that captured some of them and then used those they captured or even a couple were given to the rebel forces by Obama's orders so they could then do this false flag attack and give Obama cover to help the rebel terrorists win . There are no good sides to take in this war. Yet Obama has repeated in the past and again now chosen the side that hates America the most. And that's not by accident.... --Tyr

08-28-2013, 08:53 AM
It is interesting to reflect back 10 years ago, when there were non-stop debates about any potential movement of WMD's from Iraq to Syria. Those who stated as much were in fact dismissed, even though they posted "proof" and it wasn't just guesses. I say "proof" as we all know there are various levels of what we call proof, and one mans proof is not up to par with another mans expectations. But there were many reports about movements to/from suspected areas and satellite video/images showing as much.

Does anyone know about any chemical weapons that may have already been in Syria? It's still an assumption at this point that they may have come from Iraq, but what was posted way back when is certainly looking much more believable now.

08-28-2013, 09:13 AM
I'msure assad already had some weapons of his own, the iraqi weapons were just mixed in with them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2013, 09:26 AM
I'msure assad already had some weapons of his own, the iraqi weapons were just mixed in with them. I read somewhere a couple weeks ago that the rebel forces had captured a munitions /weapons warehouse that had belong to the Syrian government. Simply can not remember where or else I would post it. If true that could also be where they got some chem weapons. Tyr

08-28-2013, 09:37 AM
I read somewhere a couple weeks ago that the rebel forces had captured a munitions /weapons warehouse that had belong to the Syrian government. Simply can not remember where or else I would post it. If true that could also be where they got some chem weapons. Tyr

I recall something about that too. But it was just a blurb with no information.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2013, 09:47 AM
I recall something about that too. But it was just a blurb with no information. I was reading it when my wife gave me a couple honey-do tasks. Came back to my computer about 20 minutes later and my son was on it playing video games! I should have bookmarked it but one task required immediate attention so I rushed to go do it. I have to tell ya that I get interrupted about a hundred times a day when I am on here or researching for posts here. One reason why my posts are often sloppy... ;). Sometimes I just hit send and rush off to do errands. The wife keeps me busier than a one legged man at an ass kickin' contest....:laugh:--Tyr

Truth Detector
08-28-2013, 10:00 AM
It is ironic and comedic watching the "haughty" John Kerry whining about WMDs again. Once again he is FOR going to war before he reverses and goes "AGAINST" war.

Its so very hard watching this inep President and his traveling comedy club Administration. Sadder still are the leftist media carrying so much water for this President. Theyre going to need a super tanker.

08-28-2013, 12:08 PM
... I say "proof" as we all know there are various levels of what we call proof, and one mans proof is not up to par with another mans expectations. .... This is another way the The Obama can avoid this, by saying that the proof that WMDs were used is refutable. :laugh: