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View Full Version : California Rounding Up Legally Purchased Guns

08-28-2013, 06:09 AM
Well here we go and again California is leading the way, they turned a bill that looked passable into a whole different animal now if you owe taxes you can lose your gun rights

Alex Jones’ InfoWars and several other conservative websites are reporting that with a “minor” rule change, the state has greatly expanded its list of “armed prohibited persons” — people who for some reason no longer have their Second Amendment rights, according to the state. Like all such tyrannical power plays, this one sounded reasonable at the time. It was advertised as only affecting those who had felony records, mental health problems and domestic restraining orders that make allowing them to have guns unwise.
Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/articles/california-rounding-legally-purchased-guns/#1ut0T4j6EeW6e1F4.99
