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View Full Version : 50th anniv of "I have a dream",Now Democrats have only condescension and race-baiting

08-28-2013, 10:19 AM

50 years ago today, Martin Luther King told everyone that he dreamed of a society in which people would be judged, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

But since then, we have seen more and more government programs that put minorities into government dependence, with an attitude that those minorities can't handle life without government "assistance", even while whites need no such assistance. The most obvious result of that dependence, has been the disintegration of the black family, with 70% of black children today being born out of wedlock, and the majority of them living in single-parent homes - far greater than the proportion of children of other ethnic groups.

That, plus the increasing attitude today that whites today are more and more against blacks (in the complete absence of any evidence that direct racial discrimination is increasing instead of diminishing) has resulted in worsening race relations instead of the fulfillment of King's dream.

What would Martin Luther King say about this progression if he were alive today?

"I HAD a dream"?

08-28-2013, 02:39 PM
I heard part of what Dr. Kings youngest daughter was saying, where she said how proud she was to see THREE presidents there today. And then...she noted....The president at the time of Dr. King's speech DID NOT SHOW UP.

Unfortunately. She managed NOT to tell the audience how that Missing President was LBJ, and a Democrat.

DOUBLE STANDARDS are really hard to break.

08-28-2013, 03:28 PM
I heard part of what Dr. Kings youngest daughter was saying, where she said how proud she was to see THREE presidents there today. And then...she noted....The president at the time of Dr. King's speech DID NOT SHOW UP.

Unfortunately. She managed NOT to tell the audience how that Missing President was LBJ, and a Democrat.

DOUBLE STANDARDS are really hard to break.

Correction. JFK was still president at the time. He died in November. But he was a Democrat, and they still didn't tell the people there that FACTOID.

08-28-2013, 04:05 PM
Would be kinda hard for JFK and LBJ to show up. But I suggest she hold her breath until they arrive.

08-28-2013, 06:19 PM
Would be kinda hard for JFK and LBJ to show up. But I suggest she hold her breath until they arrive.

Gaffer. Looked like the entire day was totally 180 out from what Dr. King would have wanted to hear on this anniversary. From the little I dared to listen to.
The day became more of a SLAM anyone who didn't look like most of the people who showed up. Looking for entertainment, and food to keep them there.

A sad day in reality when so many are still convinced, despite driving there in their expensive car's, and probably staying in expensive hotel rooms, then eating at expensive restaurants...how their POVERTY drove them there to WORSHIP TREVON, and OBAMA.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2013, 08:31 PM
http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/08/28/the-nations-only-black-senator-was-not-invited-to-speak-at-event-commemorating-mlk-march-on-washington/ The Nation’s Only Black Senator Was Not Invited to Speak at Event Commemorating MLK March on WashingtonAug. 28, 2013 6:19pm Jason Howerton (http://www.theblaze.com/author/jason-howerton/) Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the only black person serving in the U.S. Senate, was not invited speak at Wednesday’s event commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic march on Washington. There were, however, a number of Democratic lawmakers who were invited to appear.
A spokesman for Scott confirmed to the Washington Examiner (http://washingtonexaminer.com/sen.-tim-scott-wasnt-invited-to-event-commemorating-mlk-march-on-washington/article/2534830) that the senator “was not invited to speak at the event.”
“The senator believes today is a day to remember the extraordinary accomplishments and sacrifices of Dr. King, Congressman John Lewis, and an entire generation of black leaders. Today’s anniversary should simply serve as an opportunity to reflect upon how their actions moved our country forward in a remarkable way,” the spokesman said in the statement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Think if he was a democrat he would have not been invited to speak? These scum can't help but be the damn scum they are!--Tyr

08-29-2013, 07:51 AM
...most Republicans genuinely believe that a color-blind society lies down the road of individual choice and dynamic change, not down the road of state regulation and unequal treatment before the law. The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers'. http://www.claremont.org/publications/crb/id.928/article_detail.asp

This is why the NAACP Democrats hate Republicans.

Truth Detector
08-29-2013, 09:41 AM
Obama's speech; uninspiring, partisan and, as usual, too long and too predictable.