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View Full Version : Iran: 'Thousands of missiles' to rain on Israel

08-28-2013, 04:23 PM
I see you shoot them and we will shoot them what a deal, Iran might want to watch Israel they aren't going to be a push over by no means

Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.
“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari (http://www.kayhan.ir/920606/2.htm) Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would “provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.”
The editor recalled the U.S.-led attack on Baghdad on March 20, 2003, and President George W. Bush’s boast to reporters seven days later that the “Iraq war is over.” But when the last U.S. soldiers were leaving Iraq in December 2011, nearly 4,500 Americans had been killed and the war had cost America trillions of dollars.


08-28-2013, 04:35 PM
I believe iran as much as I believe the used car guy up the street. or that gook in Korea.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2013, 05:50 PM
I see you shoot them and we will shoot them what a deal, Iran might want to watch Israel they aren't going to be a push over by no means

Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.
“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari (http://www.kayhan.ir/920606/2.htm) Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would “provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.”
The editor recalled the U.S.-led attack on Baghdad on March 20, 2003, and President George W. Bush’s boast to reporters seven days later that the “Iraq war is over.” But when the last U.S. soldiers were leaving Iraq in December 2011, nearly 4,500 Americans had been killed and the war had cost America trillions of dollars.

http://www.wnd.com/2013/08/iran-thousands-of-missiles-to-rain-on-israel/ With a threat like that its a damn wonder Obama hasn't flown over there and fired the missiles himself!!!!!!! Hell, Obama is wondering is that a threat or a promise?????? I bet Obama is saying to himself, "finally some damn cooperation"!! --Tyr

08-28-2013, 05:54 PM
HEADLINE...if Iran fires Thousands of Missiles. ISRAEL FIRES ONE, and Whoosh. A new WALMART PARKING LOT is created in Tehran. And this photo of Obama becomes his Legacy....5426

08-28-2013, 05:57 PM
As I said a few days ago, watch iran. They are the key player here. assad and hezbo are just puppets. If they really want to do some good there, they need to target the hezbo rocket sites. Even those in Lebanon.

08-28-2013, 06:00 PM
As I said a few days ago, watch iran. They are the key player here. assad and hezbo are just puppets. If they really want to do some good there, they need to target the hezbo rocket sites. Even those in Lebanon.

Gaffer. You won't find too many who disagree with that. But Obama hasn't got the courage, or peanuts to do such a thing without the blessings of Hesbolla, and Hamas.
He's their Puppet. Remember. Obama bowed down to them, and even admitted America was guilty of their PROBLEMS caused by Israel????

Liars are Always Liars. Just listen to Obama.

08-28-2013, 06:06 PM
... and to think that 'none of them are Muslims', because Islam is 'a religion of peace' ...

... eh, Jafar .. ??

Reminds me of what Saddam did. Remember his firing Scud missiles at Israel, when the going got a bit tough ?

Typical Islamist trick. Things don't go your way, look for some innocents to victimise. And to them, Israel is the ideal target (.. they think ..).

08-28-2013, 07:13 PM
I see you shoot them and we will shoot them what a deal, Iran might want to watch Israel they aren't going to be a push over by no means

Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.
“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari (http://www.kayhan.ir/920606/2.htm) Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would “provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.”
The editor recalled the U.S.-led attack on Baghdad on March 20, 2003, and President George W. Bush’s boast to reporters seven days later that the “Iraq war is over.” But when the last U.S. soldiers were leaving Iraq in December 2011, nearly 4,500 Americans had been killed and the war had cost America trillions of dollars.

http://www.wnd.com/2013/08/iran-thousands-of-missiles-to-rain-on-israel/So we take them out first!!

08-28-2013, 07:18 PM
I see you shoot them and we will shoot them what a deal, Iran might want to watch Israel they aren't going to be a push over by no means

Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.
“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari (http://www.kayhan.ir/920606/2.htm) Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would “provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.”
The editor recalled the U.S.-led attack on Baghdad on March 20, 2003, and President George W. Bush’s boast to reporters seven days later that the “Iraq war is over.” But when the last U.S. soldiers were leaving Iraq in December 2011, nearly 4,500 Americans had been killed and the war had cost America trillions of dollars.

http://www.wnd.com/2013/08/iran-thousands-of-missiles-to-rain-on-israel/I may have to dig up my Mickey Mouse Sign From 79 http://america1979.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/mickey2.jpg

08-28-2013, 07:21 PM
Gaffer. You won't find too many who disagree with that. But Obama hasn't got the courage, or peanuts to do such a thing without the blessings of Hesbolla, and Hamas.
He's their Puppet. Remember. Obama bowed down to them, and even admitted America was guilty of their PROBLEMS caused by Israel????

Liars are Always Liars. Just listen to Obama.

hezbo and iran are the enemies of the brotherhood and hama. So the DiC won't have a problem striking them. He's just a chicken shit and I don't see him doing much. He's a supporter of the brotherhood.

08-29-2013, 11:03 PM
Gaffer. You won't find too many who disagree with that. But Obama hasn't got the courage, or peanuts to do such a thing without the blessings of Hesbolla, and Hamas.
He's their Puppet. Remember. Obama bowed down to them, and even admitted America was guilty of their PROBLEMS caused by Israel????

Liars are Always Liars. Just listen to Obama.

You do know of course that Hezbollah and Hamas are two completely different things right?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-29-2013, 11:24 PM
You do know of course that Hezbollah and Hamas are two completely different things right? Why? ARENT THEY BOTH MUSLIM?;)

08-30-2013, 08:09 AM
You do know of course that Hezbollah and Hamas are two completely different things right?

Yes. Hezbo is shia and controlled by iran, and hamas is sunni and controlled by the brotherhood. And if hezbo and iran start launching missiles at Israel, hamas will happily join in with them.

08-30-2013, 10:06 AM
You do know of course that Hezbollah and Hamas are two completely different things right?

As compared to whom? You?
If that's what you are trying to tell us. Does it change anything about you?

See how easy it is to do what you do jafar?

Instead of answering questions. You Just ask more of them.

Attempts to make others look silly for your own selfish needs still doesn't work.

08-30-2013, 12:14 PM
I see you shoot them and we will shoot them what a deal, Iran might want to watch Israel they aren't going to be a push over by no means

Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.
“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Keyhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari (http://www.kayhan.ir/920606/2.htm) Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would “provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.”
The editor recalled the U.S.-led attack on Baghdad on March 20, 2003, and President George W. Bush’s boast to reporters seven days later that the “Iraq war is over.” But when the last U.S. soldiers were leaving Iraq in December 2011, nearly 4,500 Americans had been killed and the war had cost America trillions of dollars.


US: tens of thousands of missiles to rain on iran. Also tens of thousands of marines, soldiers, seals, green berets, rangers, and tanks.

08-30-2013, 02:40 PM
You do know of course that Hezbollah and Hamas are two completely different things right?


... Unless one group is Muslim, the other is not ?

Unless one group is a terrorist group, the other is not ?

How's your support for Hamas coming along, eh, Jafar ?

08-30-2013, 03:52 PM

... Unless one group is Muslim, the other is not ?

Unless one group is a terrorist group, the other is not ?

How's your support for Hamas coming along, eh, Jafar ?

jafar. You sound more like Obama, or any of our Democrat Politicians every day.

They repeat the SAME LIES all the time Too!