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View Full Version : This is for all the damn black drivers out there!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2013, 10:46 PM
Call me a racist I don't give a damn. I am just damn tired of these freaking black drivers almost never giving their signal lights. In any given day here I can count on a twenty minute drive around town about a hundred times they turn and never give a signal of any kind. And don't get me started on how damn often they run stop signs over in their neighborhoods! So just in case any of the non-driving stupid bastards may see this I post for their ffing education!!!! -Tyr https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1016998_605311019491778_1306898659_n.jpg
Read and learn and while you are at it, pulling your ffing pants up asshole!!

red state
08-28-2013, 11:29 PM
Tyr...it isn't just blacks but I hear what you're saying. I escaped the area you live in but still find myself there on a fairly regular basis. In my area, it is usually the trailer trash types who never give a signal. When it boils down to it.....it is simply the trashier, lower life folks who really couldn't give a rat's @$$ about themselves or anyone else who are guilty of this $#!T. Even if they are in nice, fancy cars/trucks/SUVs, they are still the low life scum of our society (most of which have a big B.O. sticker on their bumper).

I was in your area seeing a movie this past Sat. and I ate at Milanos Pizza while waiting on our show and I went out of my way to hold the door open for a few gals who happened to have a baby stroller to get through Milanos doorway. Not a "Thank you", "Kiss my @$$" or nothing. later I did the same for a couple who were of the same genetic code and they smiled and gave a very warm thanks. Mind you....the first happens more often but it really gripes my @$$ when it does. One would think that we'd be accustomed to this behavior/lack of courtesy by now. As Gaffer said in another post or something....morality is not simply at an all time low....morality is abysmal.

08-28-2013, 11:37 PM
It's not just blacks. Today I pulled into a parking lot to find a guy just sitting in his pickup truck, blocking road by being dead-center and not moving. No signal. I had no idea what he was doing.

I had planned to park past him, but had to swing wide to turn 90 degree right into a space, so instead cut it short and parked ahead of him. I secured the car, gear in P, parking brake, ignition off. Then I took my sunglasses off, searched for my other glasses found may mail box keys, and then opened the door.

Mr. Pickup then decides to zoom into the space next to me like he's entering a NASCAR pit stop. Asshole nearly took my door off.

I slam the door shut to avoid losing my arm and then gingerly get out of the car. I look over at the guy and he says something. I don't know what he said, but it was something like 'sorry', and a lame excuse. I said "what the fuck man, don't you know what a turn signal is for?" He blabbers something else and I explain "you know, blink, blink; turn signal"? He said that he was waiting for me to get out of the car.

I was done with this idiot at that point. He waited all right, for the perfect moment to try and kill me. And that was after he didn't signal his intention to turn left.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-29-2013, 08:42 AM
Around here 19 times out of twenty its a black driver ,usually male , doing the really stupid crap driving. I am convinced that most of them do not truly pass either the written or the driving part of the driving test. I think its a official policy given to those administrating the test to add enough points to pass them. Nothing else could explain it IMHO. Trust me on this, they are extremely bad drivers and get this ,its the young ones not the really old ones. I also take note of the new cars they are driving and notice how many clear signs of mishaps are evident on the vehicles. I bet we pay much higher monthly auto insurance premiums because of their inability to either drive safely or even attempt to drive cautiously! --Tyr