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View Full Version : I Hope the Hiltons Crush Michael T. Sauer

Joe Steel
06-09-2007, 05:55 AM
Michael T. Sauer is the judge who's been dealing with Paris Hiltion. Apparently, he's give her "special treatment," unusually harsh special treatment.

Baca charged that Hilton received a more severe sentence than normal, which he said would have been either no time in jail or being directly placed in home confinement with electronic monitoring.

"The only thing I can detect as special treatment is the amount of her sentence," the sheriff said.

Hilton starts, ends week behind bars (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070609/ap_on_en_tv/paris_hilton)

Well, the Hiltons have money and connections. I hope the use it to crush the judge; removed from the bench, disbarred and maybe ruined financially. I believe in fair application of the law but what he did isn't fair.

06-09-2007, 06:00 AM
I totally disagree. She could have killed someone with her DUI, and then thumbed her nose at the law after having her license suspended.

She was issued a sentence and it was reduced for good behavior BEFORE she even entered the facility! Then she gets released for medical issues, something that just doesn't happen for 'normal' inmates.

I applaud the judge for making her come back to serve her debt to society. Maybe others will now think twice about thinking they're above the law.

Joe Steel
06-09-2007, 06:12 AM
I totally disagree. She could have killed someone with her DUI, and then thumbed her nose at the law after having her license suspended.

She was issued a sentence and it was reduced for good behavior BEFORE she even entered the facility! Then she gets released for medical issues, something that just doesn't happen for 'normal' inmates.

I applaud the judge for making her come back to serve her debt to society. Maybe others will now think twice about thinking they're above the law.

Indeed, DUI is a serious offense. The Community has to deal with it in a way which makes an impression on the offender. Apparently, though, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer went far beyond what was necessary. He had other options.

I think something else is at work here. I think Sauer is letting his personal feelings toward Paris Hilton or Sheriff Lee Baca affect his official duties. That's nearly as dangerous as DUI. The Hiltons would be serving their community, and all of us, if they put a stop to this kind of judicial activism.

06-09-2007, 06:27 AM
Unfortunately, proper channels should be used when the public wishes to cease such activities. Seeing a celebrity sneak out at 2am while others remain just screams of favoritism.

Judges always have a minimum and maximum sentence they can provide to those who break the law. He chose to give Paris a long sentence. Maybe some feel it's too harsh, and others feel lenient - but it was lawful.

Personally, I'm tired of seeing celebs get slaps on the wrist for offenses that would place others behind bars.

06-09-2007, 06:28 AM
Well, the Hiltons have money and connections. I hope the use it to crush the judge; removed from the bench, disbarred and maybe ruined financially. I believe in fair application of the law but what he did isn't fair.

How is what he did not fair? She has been stopped a bare minimum of 3 times; once for driving drunk, and two of them she had no license (and may still have been drunk - the article didn't specify). This, from the story:

Hilton's path to jail began Sept. 7, when she failed a sobriety test after police saw her weaving down a street in her Mercedes-Benz on what she said was a late-night run to a hamburger stand.

She pleaded no contest to reckless driving and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.

In the months that followed, she was stopped twice by officers who discovered her driving on a suspended license. The second stop landed her in Sauer's courtroom, where he sentenced her to jail.

So, since Septembers DUI which got her 3 years probation, alcohol education (which she probably didn't attend), and $1500 in fines (which can be dug out from under her car seat, probably), she got nailed two more times, which means in *addition* to the driving without a license, she was also breaking parole. Breaking parole ONCE is enough to get 99% of all people thrown in jail.

The article also said she was yanked out and taken home for a medical disorder - the disorder was that she wasn't taking her friggen loony pills. Give her the pills and stick her back in the jail cell.

The judge did nothing wrong, IMO. Paris, and the people who went over the judges head after he gave specific orders at her sentencing that she *would* serve her time are the ones who are wrong.

Joe Steel
06-09-2007, 06:42 AM
The judge did nothing wrong, IMO. Paris, and the people who went over the judges head after he gave specific orders at her sentencing that she *would* serve her time are the ones who are wrong.

I'm not arguing with the need to escalate the Community's response to Hilton's behavior. I'm saying the Judge went further than he had to go. According to Sheriff Baca, offenders such as Hilton, presumably including those who have violated probation, normally don't get jail time. Sauer apparently skipped intermediate steps.

06-09-2007, 06:47 AM
I'm not arguing with the need to escalate the Community's response to Hilton's behavior. I'm saying the Judge went further than he had to go. According to Sheriff Baca, offenders such as Hilton, presumably including those who have violated probation, normally don't get jail time. Sauer apparently skipped intermediate steps.

Don't you see a problem with this? The fact that you just stated "such as Hilton" indicate you think they're entitled to a less restrictive sentence just because of who they are. I think the judge was dead on in this one. Paris thinks she's invincible just because of who she is. Obviously, getting pulled over the first time didn't phase her. Nor did the second. At this point, what do you think the judge SHOULD have done?

THIS may teach her that she's human like the rest of us, and that actions have consequences.

06-09-2007, 06:58 AM
Michael T. Sauer is the judge who's been dealing with Paris Hiltion. Apparently, he's give her "special treatment," unusually harsh special treatment.

I agree, that judge has decided to make an example of Ms. Hilton. He is.....
1. From a poor background and hates the rich for what they get away with.
2. A drunk himself, that in an extremely hypocritical way, takes it out on her. I knew a judge like that. He was well known to be a tyrant in the court room against drunk offenses but when you would see him at social events he was easily the most fucked up at the party.
3. He's writing a book and needs more attention and story line.
4. Just a wannabe media whore himself and is jealous of the celebrities that come into his courtroom.
5. Didn't feel the bribe offered, under the table, was high enough so he's really going to show those damn rich Hiltons.
6. His idol has beenJudge Lance Ito and he wants his 15 minutes too, maybe he can get a Sony laptop too.

Well, the Hiltons have money and connections. I hope the use it to crush the judge; removed from the bench, disbarred and maybe ruined financially. I believe in fair application of the law but what he did isn't fair.

I too am tired of the asshole mental cases employed by the "Justice" system, whether it be the cheating judges with penis pumps under their ridiculous robes, cops with inferiority complexes that can only get it up when they wear a badge, the asshole TSA agent that stole my unopened Red Bull the other morning when I was going to work and had to go through that bullshit they call airport security.....power corrupts unless the person that gains it has a superior intellect that can handle it with humbleness and integrity, few do. :fu:to that TSA agent....I hope you choked on my Red Bull you fuckin punk!:upyours:

Joe Steel
06-09-2007, 07:03 AM
Don't you see a problem with this? The fact that you just stated "such as Hilton" indicate you think they're entitled to a less restrictive sentence just because of who they are. I think the judge was dead on in this one. Paris thinks she's invincible just because of who she is. Obviously, getting pulled over the first time didn't phase her. Nor did the second. At this point, what do you think the judge SHOULD have done?

THIS may teach her that she's human like the rest of us, and that actions have consequences.

You've quoted me out of context. I was talking about offenders who violated probation "such as Hilton" did. They don't go to jail. Why did Sauer send Hilton to jail?

Maybe he felt he wasn't being shown the proper amount of respect by jail personnel:

Another of her attorneys, Steve Levine, said, "The sheriff has determined that because of her medical situation, (jail) is a dangerous place for her."

"The court's role here is to let the Sheriff's Department run the jail," he said.

The judge interrupted several times to say that he had received a call last Wednesday from an undersheriff informing him that Hilton had a medical condition and that he would submit papers to the judge to consider. He said the papers never arrived.

Every few minutes, the judge would interrupt proceedings, state the time on the clock, and note that the papers still had not arrived.

Sauer was acting like someone who had been insulted. Unfortunately, for Paris Hilton, he extracted his revenge from her.

06-09-2007, 07:05 AM
Don't you see a problem with this? The fact that you just stated "such as Hilton" indicate you think they're entitled to a less restrictive sentence just because of who they are. I think the judge was dead on in this one. Paris thinks she's invincible just because of who she is. Obviously, getting pulled over the first time didn't phase her. Nor did the second. At this point, what do you think the judge SHOULD have done?

THIS may teach her that she's human like the rest of us, and that actions have consequences.

Why do I think that the whole reason those swarmy asshole papparazzi jerks can make a living is because of closet celebrity wannabes that buy their bullshit photo stories( and secretly dream of being her).......do you have a subscription to "STAR" by any chance?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

06-09-2007, 07:08 AM
You've quoted me out of context. I was talking about offenders who violated probation "such as Hilton" did. They don't go to jail. Why did Sauer send Hilton to jail?

Maybe he felt he wasn't being shown the proper amount of respect by jail personnel:

Sauer was acting like someone who had been insulted. Unfortunately, for Paris Hilton, he extracted his revenge from her.

Hilton went to jail because fines don't phase her, and within just a couple months, she had multiple repeat offenses. The repeat offenses would have just kept repeating themselves had someone not actually done something to put a stop to it.

06-09-2007, 07:10 AM
Why do I think that the whole reason those swarmy asshole papparazzi jerks can make a living is because of closet celebrity wannabes that buy their bullshit photo stories( and secretly dream of being her).......do you have a subscription to "STAR" by any chance?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Just because your liberal whiney ass has a problem with authority figures, don't take it out on me. Either keep to the context of the discussion, and stop stalking my posts, or simply STFU and drop dead.

06-09-2007, 07:30 AM
Just because your liberal whiney ass has a problem with authority figures, don't take it out on me. Either keep to the context of the discussion, and stop stalking my posts, or simply STFU and drop dead.

Liberal???? You are a fool and a mental midget, you actually feel that my answering your pathetic points on a couple of threads is stalking? I sure wouldn't get in an empty elevator with you, you're the type that cries rape to try to get attention. Sorry that your anti male attitude has made it so hard for you to get a date shattered, your screen name makes a lot more sense to me.

Get a sense of humor dumbass, life will be a lot more fun for you.:fu:

06-09-2007, 07:32 AM
Liberal???? You are a fool and a mental midget, you actually feel that my answering your pathetic points on a couple of threads is stalking? I sure wouldn't get in an empty elevator with you, you're the type that cries rape to try to get attention. Sorry that your anti male attitude has made it so hard for you to get a date shattered, your screen name makes a lot more sense to me.

Get a sense of humor dumbass, life will be a lot more fun for you.:fu:

You have yet to answer a single point that I made with anything other than personal insults, and accusations. Definitely a liberal.

Oh, and thanks for the positive rep. That *had* to hurt. :laugh2:

06-09-2007, 07:32 AM
Just because your liberal whiney ass has a problem with authority figures, don't take it out on me. Either keep to the context of the discussion, and stop stalking my posts, or simply STFU and drop dead.

toxic? yea, I bet......ewww.

06-09-2007, 07:34 AM
No one should get a slap on the wrist for impaired driving.

Paris Hilton is in the public eye, as mush as I dislike her (Yes Sitarro, I AM jealous of her money, but I'm way prettier, smarter and just better in everyway, so there) there are young people who look up to her and that other twit, Lohan. They have to be made aware of the example they are setting, perhaps moreso than the average shumck. When you'er in the public eye, you don't live your own life.

06-09-2007, 07:38 AM
It's odd how similar the reactions to Paris' jail time is similar to how people feel about Libbys' sentencing

06-09-2007, 07:39 AM
You have yet to answer a single point that I made with anything other than personal insults, and accusations. Definitely a liberal.

Oh, and thanks for the positive rep. That *had* to hurt. :laugh2:

You actually think that I didn't mean to rep you dumbass? Isn't that what you want? If I was the asshole you are I would have recipricated your negative rep against me by doing the same to you, I haven't done that have I, you pathetic little girl..... excuse me .....old maid.:finger3:

What's it like going through life without the ability to laugh you bitter shit?

06-09-2007, 07:41 AM
You actually think that I didn't mean to rep you dumbass? Isn't that what you want? If I was the asshole you are I would have recipricated your negative rep against me by doing the same to you, I haven't done that have I, you pathetic little girl..... excuse me .....old maid.:finger3:

What's it like going through life without the ability to laugh you bitter shit?

Shut up, both of you. Take it to PM.

STOP WRECKING THIS BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-09-2007, 07:42 AM
You actually think that I didn't mean to rep you dumbass? Isn't that what you want? If I was the asshole you are I would have recipricated your negative rep against me by doing the same to you, I haven't done that have I, you pathetic little girl..... excuse me .....old maid.:finger3:

What's it like going through life without the ability to laugh you bitter shit?

Somehow, I'm not thinking this was meant to be positive: (vulgar disgusting comments having nothing to do with thread in question have been edited out after reading rules - sorry..).

Nor did it have much to do with the post of mine it was attached to...

Now, do have a nice day, try to turn those lemons into lemonade, and let's get back on topic, eh?

06-09-2007, 07:43 AM
Shut up, both of you. Take it to PM.

STOP WRECKING THIS BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I didn't start it, but I ain't backing down, either..

06-09-2007, 09:11 AM
I totally disagree. She could have killed someone with her DUI, and then thumbed her nose at the law after having her license suspended.

She was issued a sentence and it was reduced for good behavior BEFORE she even entered the facility! Then she gets released for medical issues, something that just doesn't happen for 'normal' inmates.

I applaud the judge for making her come back to serve her debt to society. Maybe others will now think twice about thinking they're above the law. I fully agree

06-09-2007, 10:10 AM
Thanks to two people, this thread has turned into a bitching fest.