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View Full Version : What will Democrats do if Obama attacks Syria?

Marcus Aurelius
08-30-2013, 03:36 PM
Given that Democrats have vilified Bush for years over Iraq, and Obama faces a similar situation now, what will the Democrats do? Approve? Disapprove? Remain neutral?

08-30-2013, 03:41 PM
Given that Democrats have vilified Bush for years over Iraq, and Obama faces a similar situation now, what will the Democrats do? Approve? Disapprove? Remain neutral?

Marcus. Honestly? Democrats have no need to say anything about what Obama will be doing.

He's done all the damage THEY ELECTED HIM TO DO. He's on his way out in preparation for the other LIAR, Hillary to begin running, and become the Democrat's next answer to STUPIDITY.

Forget that the Dems, and Obama cut George W. Bush down so much. Now that Obama is doing the very same things. He get's a pass on everything because he's BLACK, Muslim, and Democrat.

All three qualifications for the destruction of America, and the creation of a Permanent Socialist, BROKEN, and BROKE Western nation soon to be controlled by the U.N.

I just voted. Dumbocrats will support Obama. Like Nancy Pelosi...the Democrat Hawk Turd.

08-30-2013, 03:47 PM
Well we will see a major war erupting in syria and surrounding areas with the chance iran will launch attacks against the US and Israel dragging us into a huge regional war. The dems will deny they had anything to do with it and be voted out of office then blame the whole war on the next republican president.

It's what dems do.

08-30-2013, 03:59 PM
Well we will see a major war erupting in syria and surrounding areas with the chance iran will launch attacks against the US and Israel dragging us into a huge regional war. The dems will deny they had anything to do with it and be voted out of office then blame the whole war on the next republican president.

It's what dems do.

Take notice how quiet HILLARY is these days. And, I do wonder why we haven't heard Obama find some way to BLAME BUSH again????

08-30-2013, 04:07 PM
Blame Bush. Although many seem disillusioned with Obama they don't want to be called racist by their fellow rabid followers of the cult of the left.

08-30-2013, 04:21 PM

08-30-2013, 04:28 PM

Bout time for Obama to tee off again anyway.

08-30-2013, 09:06 PM
Dumb question, its loaded at best and downright exemplary of this country's handling of political dissent of late and, might I ask, is anyone pleased with the current political climate -- no?
Well guess what, questions like this are par for the course-- congratulations on being part of this country's undoing whilst wagging your finger with self-righteous stupor.

I don't believe they ALL will do or feel the same way about it. Does anyone think all republicans felt the same in 2003? Now? Seems to me that those who paint with a broad brush, nourishing distemper rather than dialogue, are hardly in any position to then complain about the outcome's crudity.

08-30-2013, 11:04 PM
my bet is that they support Obama, while explaining how its totally different this time.

red states rule
08-31-2013, 04:45 AM
Blame Bush. Although many seem disillusioned with Obama they don't want to be called racist by their fellow rabid followers of the cult of the left.

The Gabby wing of the Dem party are bellowing loud and yes - are blaming Bush

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=281 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/122496" frameBorder=0 width=500 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

red states rule
08-31-2013, 04:46 AM
Dumb question, its loaded at best and downright exemplary of this country's handling of political dissent of late and, might I ask, is anyone pleased with the current political climate -- no?
Well guess what, questions like this are par for the course-- congratulations on being part of this country's undoing whilst wagging your finger with self-righteous stupor.

I don't believe they ALL will do or feel the same way about it. Does anyone think all republicans felt the same in 2003? Now? Seems to me that those who paint with a broad brush, nourishing distemper rather than dialogue, are hardly in any position to then complain about the outcome's crudity.

But a huge majority of libs WILL back Obama, make excuses for him, and do a 180 on their "core beliefs" in order not to oppose the black guy

I am sure in time -you and FU - will find a way to back whatever military action is taken by Obama

08-31-2013, 06:54 AM
Given that Democrats have vilified Bush for years over Iraq, and Obama faces a similar situation now, what will the Democrats do? Approve? Disapprove? Remain neutral?

They'll approve. Dems love cruise missile diplomacy. It gives the appearance of doing something while not actually accomplishing anything.

08-31-2013, 07:00 AM
But a huge majority of libs WILL back Obama, make excuses for him, and do a 180 on their "core beliefs" in order not to oppose the black guy

I am sure in time -you and FU - will find a way to back whatever military action is taken by Obama

"Where you stand depends on where you sit." - Nelson Mandela

I believe we have seen, and in the coming days and weeks will continue to see, the truth in this statement...

Anti-War John Kerry doing his best to sell the American people on a war...

Barack Obama declaring in 2007, "The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation..." (Hmmm... Can anyone say Libya 2011?)

Joe Biden proclaiming that he would seek to impeach then President Bush should he choose to strike Iran without Congressional authorization...

For all their criticism of Bush, things sure are starting to look familiar... I have a sense of déjà vu all over again...

And the voters who support our President? The vocal left who spent eight years railing against Bush for essentially the same things Obama has done and is doing? Oddly silent in their criticism...

A sad state of affairs indeed...

Truth Detector
08-31-2013, 09:52 AM
Dumb question, its loaded at best and downright exemplary of this country's handling of political dissent of late and, might I ask, is anyone pleased with the current political climate -- no?
Well guess what, questions like this are par for the course-- congratulations on being part of this country's undoing whilst wagging your finger with self-righteous stupor.

I don't believe they ALL will do or feel the same way about it. Does anyone think all republicans felt the same in 2003? Now? Seems to me that those who paint with a broad brush, nourishing distemper rather than dialogue, are hardly in any position to then complain about the outcome's crudity.

Its a great question which highlights the incredible hypocrisy of leftist liberals who battered Bush for six years with thier unadulterated whiney bullshit.

Biden and Obama both sit at the Pinacle of irony for such bloviating.

Obama once again swallows his foot whole when he foolishly uttered his "red line" statement which was nothing more than puffery intended for the idiots who elected and then re-elected this clown.

So yes, we will wag our fingers at liars, hypocrites and their buffoonery until the cows come home. Democrats gleefully set the low standard of partisan political buffoonery during the GWB presidency just as they have whenever they were not in power; let them sleep in the bed they made. Their constant whining today is an example of a party completely out of touch with reality and extremely poor winners.

I don't know what is worse; whiney Democrat losers, or whiney Democrat winners. Both are pathetic however.

As I stated time and time again; NOTHING is going to come of Syria. Russia and China will ensure that the UN will not act and the ineffectual narcissist in charge who only leads from behind will spend the next months walking his moronic rhetoric back; just as he has done on Benghazi, just as he has done on the IRS scandal and just as he has done on transparency and closing Guantanamo.

One thing everyone has learned; Obama and Bidens rhetoric is about as good as yesterday's headline.

08-31-2013, 07:41 PM
Sounds like Logroller is just pissed someone else got to post the POLL before he did.

Hypocrisy rules on the Weekends. Just like the Obama administration...waiting till late Friday to announce crap nobody will know about till Monday morning.

08-31-2013, 09:00 PM
So it seems the wonderful people of America will get to have congress do it's job. And yes Bush the lessor did screw America's credibility with his doctrine. I get a good laugh every time I come and read what is posted.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-31-2013, 09:08 PM
my bet is that they support Obama, while explaining how its totally different this time. Its always different when its their clown in charge. And even far more so when its their damn "messiah" clown! If Congress says no and he dares fire those missiles then impeachment will surely come. For if it doesn't then we will have ourselves an out in the open dictator that will then do whatever the hell he wants! He is close to that now. I guess his teleprompter doesn't have a tutorial on how to be a dictator so the scum has to stumble around it on his own. I think his ego will eventually get him there if we allow it..-Tyr

08-31-2013, 10:05 PM
Its always different when its their clown in charge. And even far more so when its their damn "messiah" clown! If Congress says no and he dares fire those missiles then impeachment will surely come. For if it doesn't then we will have ourselves an out in the open dictator that will then do whatever the hell he wants! He is close to that now. I guess his teleprompter doesn't have a tutorial on how to be a dictator so the scum has to stumble around it on his own. I think his ego will eventually get him there if we allow it..-Tyr

Yeah, but that kind of hypocrisy isn't precisely new. I think most governments go through this, where said behavior is an inexcusable of proper governance, and then they get into a similar situation, and lo and behold, "We have no choice but to act."

"But Mr. President, isn't this almost exactly like the Iraq War you campaigned so hard against?"

"This situation is completely different, because in this situation, we have the evidence to support our claims."

"Oh good, so can we see this evidence?"

" The evidence is classified at this time for national security reasons using Executive Privilege."

Look it's really basic: I believed that Bush entering Iraq was wrong, but that means that the same action committed by Obama is also wrong. We are not the world's police force.

red states rule
09-01-2013, 05:41 AM
To save time, I will condense down all the Obama lap dog responses into a single post

First of all this is not a war - it is a corrective action. Thanks to Pres Bush, Pres Obama inherited this mess. and Pres Obama is trying to solve the problem'

Of course Pres Obama, the greatest President this nation has ever been blessed with, has to endure, and battle the Republicans, who only care about tearing down this President. Only a man the stature of Pres Obama would have the patience to work with this gang of white old men and try to reason with them

Pres Obama tried to overcome the Bush legacy with his world wide Apology Tour and admitted the many errors America has committed. But even the greatness of Obama, his superior foreign policy, his open check book policy to assist those the USA screwed over - can overcome Bush's 8 years of war

Pres Obama has given the racist R's a chance to stand next to him is a picture of solidary - even though he does not need Congress to take this corrective action - in an attempt to extend yet another Olive Branch to those who cannot stand to see a black man in the White House. This is another example of the civility of Pres Obama to those who should be impeached, thrown in jail for treason along with their families.

Pres Obama will overcome this minor inconvenience and then he can focus on repairing the Bush economy. Once he signs an Executive Order outlawing the Republican Party and can carry out his brilliant polices, and transform America into a more humble nation, unobstructed

Did I leave out any Obama lap dog talking points?

red states rule
09-01-2013, 06:29 AM
So it seems the wonderful people of America will get to have congress do it's job. And yes Bush the lessor did screw America's credibility with his doctrine. I get a good laugh every time I come and read what is posted.

You can read now?

Congrats. Those night classes are starting to pay off

red states rule
09-01-2013, 06:30 AM
Its always different when its their clown in charge. And even far more so when its their damn "messiah" clown! If Congress says no and he dares fire those missiles then impeachment will surely come. For if it doesn't then we will have ourselves an out in the open dictator that will then do whatever the hell he wants! He is close to that now. I guess his teleprompter doesn't have a tutorial on how to be a dictator so the scum has to stumble around it on his own. I think his ego will eventually get him there if we allow it..-Tyr


09-01-2013, 06:41 AM
They will approve, the days of rationalizing anything is long gone, they vote party lines period .

red states rule
09-01-2013, 06:45 AM
They will approve, the days of rationalizing anything is long gone, they vote party lines period .


09-01-2013, 02:35 PM

RED STATES RULE..... That long RED LINE above is almost STEALTHY. Now, almost a year since AMERICAN Blood was spilled in Benghazi, and Obama, with Hillary still haven't cleared that up.

red states rule
09-04-2013, 03:06 AM

red states rule
09-04-2013, 03:11 AM
My the "change"


09-04-2013, 07:51 AM
I also vote "Blame Bush".......

09-04-2013, 03:28 PM
My the "change"


I am actually very surprised Nancy didn't repeat herself, and tell all of us

"We'll know whether it was the right thing to do, voting for it...AFTER we attack Syria...and get an American Body Count!"

By the way. Her story about the 5 year old grandson is BULLSHIT. Pure and simple BULLSHIT.

More lies from the Obama Lie factory.

red states rule
09-04-2013, 04:23 PM
I guess we all know now that Chris Matthews is a closet racist. Using his own standards against him, since he is opposed to Obozo's new war plan - that makes him a racist
After all, anyone who ever opposed anything Obozo wanted was due only to the color of Obozo's skin

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=293 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/122612" frameBorder=0 width=520 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME>

09-04-2013, 05:56 PM
By the way. Her story about the 5 year old grandson is BULLSHIT. Pure and simple BULLSHIT.

I dunno, the parts I heard sounded true, as they made a 5 year old sound MUCH smarter than her. For instance the question when she said kids were killed was 'but were they in America'... shows that 5 year old understands more about actual threats to the homeland than she does. ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-04-2013, 06:08 PM
I guess we all know now that Chris Matthews is a closet racist. Using his own standards against him, since he is opposed to Obozo's new war plan - that makes him a racist
After all, anyone who ever opposed anything Obozo wanted was due only to the color of Obozo's skin

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=293 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/122612" frameBorder=0 width=520 allowfullscreen=""></IFRAME> Who would have ever thunk it? Now Chris is a tingle legged racist! He has a tingle running up one leg and holy crap running down the other.:laugh:--Tyr

09-04-2013, 10:36 PM
While many in the antiwar Left were really only ANTI Bush Leftist.
some few have been consistent.

Cindy Sheehan is one

"No Boots on the Ground"
Cindy Sheehan

The President of the USA, aka, Able Servant of Empire, claims that his planned assault on Syria will be “limited” and he won’t order any “boots on the ground” as if he is angling for praise from the almost non-existent antiwar movement and/or to prove that he really earned that Noble Peace Prize!

Besides the fact that the US now has troops on the ground in 35 African countries; destroyed Libya for regime change; is bombing “al Qaeda” in Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan; AND is already arming and training “al Qaeda” in Syria, the Able Servant of Empire is chomping at the bit of more mass murder to launch a Tomahawk missile attack on Syria.

My friend Ann Wright, who is a retired Colonel, US Army and a former diplomat who resigned when the US invaded Iraq in 2003, wrote in this piece (http://warisacrime.org/content/possible-consequences-us-military-attack-syria%E2%80%94remembering-marine-barracks-destruction-beiru) about what could be the possible consequences of Obama’s “limited” assault on Syria:...

the Snowden Reporter Glen Greenwald was also a vicious critic of Bush during all phases of the run up and follow though of the Iraq war.
He as well has not let up on Obama on this INSANE war issue or other issue's.

Here' Cenk Urger another fierce opponent of Bush's Iraq moves Asking the same questions of Obama.
"where's the evidence? if there's none forth coming what are we doing trying to kill people? if we find out that it was the rebels, do we attack them?"

<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EyAqtVqHi1g?feature=player_detailpage" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>

Frankly there were precious few on the right that took the time to ask Bush questions of the same nature. the party line totters are the majority of both parties. making excuses for the thier side when they do wrong.
but there are some that try, at least, to be honest about what's going on issue by issue, and not try to spin it all to fit some ..frankly crazy... idea of "my side is good the other side is evil" fantasy.

If a democrat breaks the constitution and attacks a foreign country without provocations, he's a war criminal. If a Republican does it HE'S a war criminal too. Neither one is any better than the other. Making up BS reasons to cover their BS stories is the job of their lawyers not the American people. I voted for Bush twice out of ignorance, never voting for another 1 of these BSing Democratic or Republican war loving murderers again.

09-04-2013, 10:45 PM
Frankly there were precious few on the right that took the time to ask Bush questions of the same nature. the party line totters are the majority of both parties. making excuses for the thier side when they do wrong.
but there are some that try, at least, to be honest about what's going on issue by issue, and not try to spin it all to fit some ..frankly crazy... idea of "my side is good the other side is evil" fantasy.

If a democrat breaks the constitution and attacks a foreign country without provocations, he's a war criminal. If a Republican does it HE'S a war criminal too. Neither one is any better than the other. Making up BS reasons to cover their BS stories is the job of their lawyers not the American people. I voted for Bush twice out of ignorance, never voting for another 1 of these BSing Democratic or Republican war loving murderers again.

That Cindy Sheehan is against it doesn't surprise me. She is batcrap crazy, but at least consistent in her anti-war view, as far as I have ever seen.

And you are correct that when it comes to just about any issue, both sides do it. Always.

I just wish the 3rd party people weren't as batcrap crazy as Sheehan so we could get away from the big two that keep destroying the nation.

09-04-2013, 10:56 PM
That Cindy Sheehan is against it doesn't surprise me. She is batcrap crazy, but at least consistent in her anti-war view, as far as I have ever seen.

And you are correct that when it comes to just about any issue, both sides do it. Always.

I just wish the 3rd party people weren't as batcrap crazy as Sheehan so we could get away from the big two that keep destroying the nation.

Well you know one wags definition of crazy is:
doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results.

So the pot's calling the kettle black on this seems to me.

09-05-2013, 06:33 AM
But Arbo really look at situation in this case.
you've got people from Cindy Sheehan to Glen Beck agreeing that we SHOULD NOT go to war in Syria.
really take that in.
If 90% of the American public DO NOT want to go to war in Syria.
And there's real evidence of chemical attacks from both sides of the civil war, No threat to the U.S., and no known U.S. interest at stake.
But the President and some in congress are h3ll bent on picking a fight with Assad, have been for years.

the question comes up what is the real agenda here?

It's Obviously not the will of the people they claim to represent. It's not the constitution. all sides are willing to pass over that. It's not any known national threat to our most holy safety, sovereignty or economy. Humanitarian concerns...riiiight.

90% of the public say NO but our Nobel Peace Prize President and our reps from both sides of the isle feel compelled to yes?
Who driving the ship here, didn't we all vote for every last one of them?

what's wrong with this picture?

09-05-2013, 08:48 AM
Of course there is some other agenda. Who knows what it is. Nor do I care, as long as we do not go into Syria.