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View Full Version : Obama Refers To U.S. Armed Forces As ‘My Military’

09-02-2013, 01:08 AM
His Military I see, it wasn't long ago and he was a seal killing Bin Laden now he has his own Military

Twitter had fun Thursday night roasting ‘Rambobama,’ the army of one who made it clear he’s not afraid to go it alone in Syria if he can’t build a coalition of allies. He won’t really be going it alone, though; he made it clear today that he has his own military at his disposal.


09-02-2013, 06:05 AM
Well, he is the CiC. That kinda makes it his army. Just sayin'

09-02-2013, 07:46 AM
Well, he is the CiC. That kinda makes it his army. Just sayin'

So the CiC pays them out of his pocket ? Wrong jafar yes he is the CiC but they are not his personal army ( he does have one being built but that is another story ) The American armed forces are the best there are and they fight for our Country not for Obama, yes he is the Boss but that doesn't mean he owns them.

09-02-2013, 08:18 PM
Well, he is the CiC. That kinda makes it his army. Just sayin'

No jafar. His army is known, and recognized as the Black Panthers.

People like Mussolini, and Hitler referred to the military as THEIR ARMY, and NAVY.

Obama is a phony. Just like you. A false prophet who uses words, and the language to impress people who are less, or uneducated. Like those Americans he fooled, and convinced to vote for him. The Military is the ARMY, NAVY, MARINES, AIR FORCE, COAST GUARD, AND NATIONAL GUARD of the United States... Better known as WE THE PEOPLE.

Obama is a Liar, and a Phony. Much like you.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2013, 09:45 PM
This is Obama's military... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-troops-appear-posting-photos-204446410.html .

Some US Troops Appear To Be Posting Photos In Protest Of Syrian Intervention
Business InsiderBy Paul Szoldra | Business Insider – Sun, Sep 1, 2013 4:44 PM EDT..






sailor protest syria

As the march to limited military intervention in Syria moves forward, some troops are making their views known — albeit anonymously — on social media.
Photos of servicemembers have apparently popped up on Reddit, seemingly in protest of Syrian intervention. (Since they are not identified, it's impossible to verify they are indeed serving in the military.)

The basic argument is that the line between moderate rebel factions and al Qaeda-affiliated ones are somewhat murky in the two-year-old civil war, so the U.S. should stay away from intervening on the rebel side (even in response to a large-scale chemical weapons attack).

The posters are essentially saying that they didn't join the military "to fight for al Qaeda in a Syrian civil war."

Interestingly, while they can have their own personal viewpoints of course, joining the military means giving up certain rights.

Specifically, the refusal to do things that your commanders want you to do (i.e. attack Syria). The oath of enlistment is pretty clear on that:

"I, [Name], do solemnly swear (or affirm ) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice . So help me God ."

It's also worth noting that, while some military members may agree with the message of the photos, many don't agree with using the uniform to bolster the argument.

Here are a few more:

marine protest syria


soldier syria protest

This Ain't Hell
sailor protest syria
This Ain't Hell

09-03-2013, 12:21 PM
And here is the limits of Obama's Personal Navy...5441 with...

5442 hand-launched missiles of 5443

09-03-2013, 02:02 PM
They are the armed forces of the united states of America. Ultimately, the army is just "of" our nation. The one with the most power of course is the POTUS. This shouldn't make it his army by any sense, more his army to run, based on the wishes of the knuckleheads who have placed these people in office.

09-04-2013, 05:38 AM
His Military I see, it wasn't long ago and he was a seal killing Bin Laden now he has his own Military

Twitter had fun Thursday night roasting ‘Rambobama,’ the army of one who made it clear he’s not afraid to go it alone in Syria if he can’t build a coalition of allies. He won’t really be going it alone, though; he made it clear today that he has his own military at his disposal.


I find it ironic how it's only "his" military now that he wants to use it, and before this, it was something that needed to be cut back.

09-04-2013, 06:24 AM
I find it ironic how it's only "his" military now that he wants to use it, and before this, it was something that needed to be cut back.

Lets not forget when our SEALS got Bin Laden Obama thought he was a seal or at least wanted the dumb to believe he was , and yes I know many will say he ordered them to do it, I call BS because when our troops boarded planes to go over there they knew this was what they where going for and any sitting president having exact where a bouts of this animal would of done the same exact thing

09-04-2013, 03:36 PM
I find it ironic how it's only "his" military now that he wants to use it, and before this, it was something that needed to be cut back.

Not ironic to hear those words from Obama. He's such a great, practiced, perfect liar. He probably honestly believes the Military IS HIS.

That's what Liar's do. They create hypothetical, hero images of themselves...in their empty heads.

Anyone ever wonder about that T-shirt under Obama's dress shirt that looks like....

5454this? Since SEAL TEAM SIX won't allow him to wear a REAL Shirt.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-04-2013, 05:56 PM
I find it ironic how it's only "his" military now that he wants to use it, and before this, it was something that needed to be cut back. haha, he cut it back before he decided to use it. This ffing worm hasn't a damn clue about anything other than what his teleprompter tells him. Tyr

09-04-2013, 07:27 PM
haha, he cut it back before he decided to use it. This ffing worm hasn't a damn clue about anything other than what his teleprompter tells him. Tyr

Anyone happen to know which Union, and it's members are responsible for the construction of Teleprompters?

We should find out, and get them to STRIKE against anyone who uses Teleprompters...like Obama, and demand that only human beings capable of reading, and comprehending the use, and meaning of Truthful facts may use their machines.

That would instantly Eliminate Obama from the picture.