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View Full Version : Avoiding "delicate feelings": the latest big thing

09-02-2013, 09:42 AM
I see this concept "trending". I see it in my current work assignment. This truly is a wonder. I have never been more productive or better compensated in my life by practicing it. I will tie this in to this very message board. I would like to thank everyone here for making this a place requiring a thick skin. Having a thick skin is as essential to survival in society as making fire without matches is to Bear Grylls or Les Stroud for surviving in the wilderness. A more solid example of this was that yesterday I visited my sister in the hospital and the doctor said she is showing symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I showed no emotion whatsoever. Being my older sister this did not strike her as strange. She unceremoniously pulled out a pen and paper, saying: "I want you to follow these instructions if I die". Then she thanked me for coming to visit her. She knows without a doubt the instructions will be carried out to the letter.

Back to the news item that produced these thoughts. It described what sounds like an exiting future!


Who will be most likely to suffer from this technological revolution?
PEOPLE WITH DELICATE FEELINGSComputing and software will make it easier to measure performance and productivity.
It will be harder to gloss over our failings and maintain self-deception. In essence everyone will suffer the fate of professional chess players, who always know when they have lost a game, have an exact numerical rating for their overall performance, and find excuses for failure hard to come by.

Here is an interesting comment from a CEO:

My fellow CEOs are looking for "unique value creators". People that are self-motivated, People who's only delicate feelings are being employed and highly paid. People who are self-directed, creative and are born with unique skills.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2013, 09:55 AM
I see this concept "trending". I see it in my current work assignment. This truly is a wonder. I have never been more productive or better compensated in my life by practicing it. I will tie this in to this very message board. I would like to thank everyone here for making this a place requiring a thick skin. Having a thick skin is as essential to survival in society as making fire without matches is to Bear Grylls or Les Stroud for surviving in the wilderness. A more solid example of this was that yesterday I visited my sister in the hospital and the doctor said she is showing symptoms of pancreatic cancer. I showed no emotion whatsoever. Being my older sister this did not strike her as strange. She unceremoniously pulled out a pen and paper, saying: "I want you to follow these instructions if I die". Then she thanked me for coming to visit her. She knows without a doubt the instructions will be carried out to the letter.

Back to the news item that produced these thoughts. It described what sounds like an exiting future!


Here is an interesting comment from a CEO: How soon will it be that Obama and the dems attack that cruel and unjust action which is sure to unfairly target minorities and those with lesser skills? :rolleyes:-Tyr p.s. Congress should vote to take Obama 's teleprompter away.:laugh:

09-02-2013, 10:14 AM
How soon will it be that Obama and the dems attack that cruel and unjust action which is sure to unfairly target minorities and those with lesser skills? :rolleyes:-Tyr p.s. Congress should vote to take Obama 's teleprompter away.:laugh:

Let him. The work will just get done in India, China, Japan or some other place that doesn't interfere. The productive will go where ever they need to go. Beyond not having delicate feelings a knack for languages comes in handy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2013, 10:20 AM
Let him. The work will just get done in India, China, Japan or some other place that doesn't interfere. The productive will go where ever they need to go. Beyond not having delicate feelings a knack for languages comes in handy.

Let him hell!!!! Who can stop him? So far the bastard has pretty much done whatever he pleased. Our problem is no punishment for American companies moving their factories overseas to use the cheap and slavish labor. Allowing this destroys the middle class and a healthy middle class was and is vital to our culture and national well being! -Tyr

09-02-2013, 11:44 AM
Let him hell!!!! Who can stop him? So far the bastard has pretty much done whatever he pleased. Our problem is no punishment for American companies moving their factories overseas to use the cheap and slavish labor. Allowing this destroys the middle class and a healthy middle class was and is vital to our culture and national well being! -Tyr

I think your outrage stems from this being new to you. There are corporations everywhere that are "Obama-like" (mal)administrations. They let perception obfuscate incompetence. The competent get fed-up then the company has a talent crisis; customer service suffers; the company eventually goes belly-up. Slavish labor is not competent labor. If you develop world-class know-how, you can earn a good living almost anywhere. One HUGE indicator between the competent and the perception oriented is that you will see the perception oriented say things like "I will put in as many hours as necessary to get the job done." World-class talent works RIGHT not HARD. Would Gordon Ramsay be a good fit for McDonald's where his suitability is measured in how many burgers he can crank out?

Obama is the symptom. A lazy, incompetent society is the disease. I blame Republicans MORE than Democrats because Republicans know better and decide to sit on their lazy asses, the TEA Party notwithstanding. I blame REAL Christians more than wicked. The Christian knows better and doesn't bother witnessing. If Christians lament the spread of Islam, they have their own laziness to blame.

Abbey Marie
09-02-2013, 02:15 PM
I think your outrage stems from this being new to you. There are corporations everywhere that are "Obama-like" (mal)administrations. They let perception obfuscate incompetence. The competent get fed-up then the company has a talent crisis; customer service suffers; the company eventually goes belly-up. Slavish labor is not competent labor. If you develop world-class know-how, you can earn a good living almost anywhere. One HUGE indicator between the competent and the perception oriented is that you will see the perception oriented say things like "I will put in as many hours as necessary to get the job done." World-class talent works RIGHT not HARD. Would Gordon Ramsay be a good fit for McDonald's where his suitability is measured in how many burgers he can crank out?

Obama is the symptom. A lazy, incompetent society is the disease. I blame Republicans MORE than Democrats because Republicans know better and decide to sit on their lazy asses, the TEA Party notwithstanding. I blame REAL Christians more than wicked. The Christian knows better and doesn't bother witnessing. If Christians lament the spread of Islam, they have their own laziness to blame.

The last bolded is sadly true IMO. Or, it could be God's will unfolding in His larger plan.

09-02-2013, 02:23 PM
The bolded is sadly true IMO. Or, it could be God's will unfolding in His larger plan.

As in the Rapture being close at hand? Of course, on God's calendar, 100 years could be "close at hand".

Abbey Marie
09-02-2013, 05:02 PM
As in the Rapture being close at hand? Of course, on God's calendar, 100 years could be "close at hand".

Not necessarily close at hand, as you've said, but leading up to it eventually.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2013, 06:24 PM
I think your outrage stems from this being new to you. There are corporations everywhere that are "Obama-like" (mal)administrations. They let perception obfuscate incompetence. The competent get fed-up then the company has a talent crisis; customer service suffers; the company eventually goes belly-up. Slavish labor is not competent labor. If you develop world-class know-how, you can earn a good living almost anywhere. One HUGE indicator between the competent and the perception oriented is that you will see the perception oriented say things like "I will put in as many hours as necessary to get the job done." World-class talent works RIGHT not HARD. Would Gordon Ramsay be a good fit for McDonald's where his suitability is measured in how many burgers he can crank out?

Obama is the symptom. A lazy, incompetent society is the disease. I blame Republicans MORE than Democrats because Republicans know better and decide to sit on their lazy asses, the TEA Party notwithstanding. I blame REAL Christians more than wicked. The Christian knows better and doesn't bother witnessing. If Christians lament the spread of Islam, they have their own laziness to blame. I had a 20 minute conversation at my front door with two church members that were inviting people to their church early last month about just that very thing--Islam and why none of the Christian denominations are countering it and also warning about its goals and evil. They both were nice and evaded my question about if their church taught that Islam must be defeated and must be avoided not appeased. Got the guy to admits its evils but he wouldn't admit that it must be opposed. Finally , I rudely told them to take a hike as I was citing bible verses to back up my take on opposing evil that he was having to flip thru his bible to find. He either didn't know them or was trying to catch me in a mistake. I had simply asked was it the church's responsibility to warn the younger people about Islam and thus keep them from ever being brainwashed into that cultish murdering brigade. He tried to counter that its better to embrace and offer love to them. Which I countered with , is that before or after they cut your head off!!?? He was no match for me to say the least and I did get him to admit that evil must be opposed but he wouldn't dare venture farther with me. Trust me I so shook he and the lady up so bad they promised to come back next Saturday and its been three weeks--NO SHOW!:laugh: My language was calm, civil but had too much truth in it. Some people fear that more than a charging Elephant , Rino or Lion.. :laugh:--Tyr

09-02-2013, 06:45 PM
I had a 20 minute conversation at my front door with two church members that were inviting people to their church early last month about just that very thing--Islam and why none of the Christian denominations are countering it and also warning about its goals and evil. They both were nice and evaded my question about if their church taught that Islam must be defeated and must be avoided not appeased. Got the guy to admits its evils but he wouldn't admit that it must be opposed. Finally , I rudely told them to take a hike as I was citing bible verses to back up my take on opposing evil that he was having to flip thru his bible to find. He either didn't know them or was trying to catch me in a mistake. I had simply asked was it the church's responsibility to warn the younger people about Islam and thus keep them from ever being brainwashed into that cultish murdering brigade. He tried to counter that its better to embrace and offer love to them. Which I countered with , is that before or after they cut your head off!!?? He was no match for me to say the least and I did get him to admit that evil must be opposed but he wouldn't dare venture farther with me. Trust me I so shook he and the lady up so bad they promised to come back next Saturday and its been three weeks--NO SHOW!:laugh: My language was calm, civil but had too much truth in it. Some people fear that more than a charging Elephant , Rino or Lion.. :laugh:--Tyr

Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism, Mormonism, Catholicism, Scientology, etc. will get you to hell just as fast as Islam. How's that for "taking no prisoners"? We live in the world (not of the world) and must be treat others how we would want to be treated even if Satan is their master.

Romans 3:10

King James Version (KJV)

10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

John 14:6King James Version (KJV)

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

09-03-2013, 07:16 AM
The last bolded is sadly true IMO. Or, it could be God's will unfolding in His larger plan.

Well who are we to stand in the way of a gods will...

Abbey Marie
09-03-2013, 04:24 PM
Well who are we to stand in the way of a gods will...

Noir, every once in a while your sarcasm produces a valid point. I'll take this one that way. ;)

09-03-2013, 04:46 PM

09-03-2013, 11:19 PM
John 14:6

King James Version (KJV)

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

So now he is talking about God (the father according to Christianity) in the 3rd person? I thought you guys believed Jesus to actually be God? Confusing...

09-04-2013, 12:35 AM
So now he is talking about God (the father according to Christianity) in the 3rd person? I thought you guys believed Jesus to actually be God? Confusing...

jafar. There you go again. You combined the words 'thought', and 'confusing' in one sentence. Exposing what most of us have known about you for a long time now. Those two words, coming from you are both impossible (thought), and funny (confusing) for you.