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View Full Version : Top Republicans warn Syria no vote would be 'catastrophic'

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2013, 09:05 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/mccain-says-vote-against-syria-strike-catastrophic-194241900.html Two top Republicans warned Monday of catastrophic consequences if Congress votes against striking Syria and suggested the White House may be mulling a more robust military intervention.

Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, Republican hawks who have long advocated deeper US involvement in Syria's civil war, met President Barack Obama as part of his efforts to sell US lawmakers on military action.

McCain emerged from the meeting with a stern warning for fellow Republicans who may be considering voting against military action purely to damage the Democratic president.

"A vote against that resolution by Congress I think would be catastrophic," said McCain.

"It would undermine the credibility of the United States of America and the president of the United States. None of us want that."

Graham, who is facing a tough primary fight from his right for the Republican Senate nomination in South Carolina, warned of the wider consequences of a failure to back military action.

"I can't sell another Iraq or Afghanistan, because I don't want to," Graham said.

"(What) I can sell to the people of South Carolina (is) that if we don't get Syria right, Iran is surely going to take the signals that we don't care about the nuclear program.

"It weighs on the president's mind strongly about the signals we send," Graham said.

The two senators also offered what appeared to be indications of evolving administration thinking about its Syria policy.

Obama has stressed that any US action, expected to include cruise missiles, would be "limited" and "narrow."

But McCain suggested that more US muscle than expected might be deployed.

"We have been given some reason to believe that very serious strikes may take place as opposed to cosmetic," McCain said.

"We now need to see a lot of the details."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why would anybody listen to these two blooming idiots? They are both shilling for Obama instead of looking out for what is best for this nation. ffing dumbasses. --Tyr

09-02-2013, 09:10 PM
Graham and McCain are old establishment dinosaurs. They are wrong.

A no vote is the only one that makes sense. Syria has nothing to do with us or our national security.

Besides, a 'yes' vote allows Obama to yet again blame someone else when it all goes bad.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2013, 09:30 PM
Graham and McCain are old establishment dinosaurs. They are wrong.

A no vote is the only one that makes sense. Syria has nothing to do with us or our national security.

Besides, a 'yes' vote allows Obama to yet again blame someone else when it all goes bad. Crap, have to agree with you on that..--Tyr

09-02-2013, 09:49 PM
I don't believe this shit...

Did they learn nothing from Iraq? We had no business there, we have no business in Syria.

I hope to hell Graham is defeated in the upcoming primary...

09-03-2013, 08:48 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/mccain-says-vote-against-syria-strike-catastrophic-194241900.html Two top Republicans warned Monday of catastrophic consequences if Congress votes against striking Syria and suggested the White House may be mulling a more robust military intervention.


"(What) I can sell to the people of South Carolina (is) that if we don't get Syria right, Iran is surely going to take the signals that we don't care about the nuclear program.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why would anybody listen to these two blooming idiots? They are both shilling for Obama instead of looking out for what is best for this nation. ffing dumbasses. --Tyr

At least they couched it in terms of a compelling national interest. Do we not care about signals to Iran anymore?

Insight: As Obama blinks on Syria, Israel, Saudis make common cause (http://news.yahoo.com/insight-obama-blinks-syria-israel-saudis-common-cause-125250283.html)

JERUSALEM/RIYADH (Reuters) - If President Barack Obama has disappointed Syrian rebels by deferring to Congress before bombing Damascus, he has also dismayed the United States' two main allies in the Middle East.

Israel and Saudi Arabia have little love for each other but both are pressing their mutual friend in the White House to hit President Bashar al-Assad hard. And both do so with one eye fixed firmly not onSyria but on their common adversary - Iran.

Israel's response to Obama's surprise move to delay or even possibly cancel air strikes made clear that connection: looking soft on Assad after accusing him of killing hundreds of people with chemical weapons may embolden his backers in Tehran to develop nuclear arms, Israeli officials said. And if they do, Israel may strike Iran alone, unsure Washington can be trusted.

09-03-2013, 12:28 PM
How many times must I repeat my warnings to everyone here?

No matter what political party ANY politician claims to represent.


Just watch, and learn. We are about to see Obama get permission to Throw a Water Balloon into Syria, and he will take credit...with Pelosi...for preventing some TRUMPED-UP story his Loving Press needs to present to the American people as PROPAGANDA. And, just one more step toward getting Obamacare, and Socialism into action.

Those who doubt it. Remember where you read it...here.

09-03-2013, 12:34 PM
How many times must I repeat my warnings to everyone here?


09-03-2013, 01:25 PM

Of course. You would use 0. It matches your IQ.

09-03-2013, 03:03 PM
How many times must I repeat my warnings to everyone here?

No matter what political party ANY politician claims to represent.


Just watch, and learn. We are about to see Obama get permission to Throw a Water Balloon into Syria, and he will take credit...with Pelosi...for preventing some TRUMPED-UP story his Loving Press needs to present to the American people as PROPAGANDA. And, just one more step toward getting Obamacare, and Socialism into action.

Those who doubt it. Remember where you read it...here.

Socialism works ok over here. I just had my blood work done and a full analysis by my doctor. 100% FREE. A few months ago I had my appendix out. 100% FREE. Don't knock it :)

09-03-2013, 03:10 PM
Socialism works ok over here. I just had my blood work done and a full analysis by my doctor. 100% FREE. A few months ago I had my appendix out. 100% FREE. Don't knock it :)

Sure thing jafar. And, since you also had a FREE Lobotomy. You somehow managed not to mention WHO PAID FOR all of those So-called, Free services you received.
Would you like to tell us WHO pays for those services, the Doctors, and Hospital????

09-03-2013, 03:46 PM
Of course. You would use 0. It matches your IQ.

Yes, I'm sure that's correct. Besides, you asked a question and I answered it honestly, why would you ask for anything else.

09-03-2013, 03:47 PM
Socialism works ok over here. I just had my blood work done and a full analysis by my doctor. 100% FREE. A few months ago I had my appendix out. 100% FREE. Don't knock it :)

I'm not sure you understand the concept of "FREE." :poke:

09-03-2013, 03:53 PM
Socialism works ok over here.

So stay over there.

09-03-2013, 06:20 PM
Yes, I'm sure that's correct. Besides, you asked a question and I answered it honestly, why would you ask for anything else.

Perhaps I could have asked for your age. It would match that 0 as well.

09-03-2013, 11:47 PM
I'm not sure you understand the concept of "FREE." :poke:

Ok, so I pay the Medicare levy and due to my income it's a fair whack, but it's a load less than private.

09-04-2013, 06:40 AM
Perhaps I could have asked for your age. It would match that 0 as well.

Yeah, that's probably right too.

Ok, so I pay the Medicare levy and due to my income it's a fair whack, but it's a load less than private.

Well, it's a start. :poke:

09-04-2013, 06:58 AM
So stay over there.

Dang Glock you get better looking all the time, :laugh: I just happened to be scrolling through this thread and your avitar stopped me dead in my tracks

09-04-2013, 07:47 AM
(http://news.yahoo.com/mccain-says-vote-against-syria-strike-catastrophic-194241900.html) Iran is surely going to take the signals that we don't care about the nuclear program.

if they haven't got that signal already, one more thing isn't going to change anything......

09-04-2013, 08:01 AM
Dang Glock you get better looking all the time, :laugh: I just happened to be scrolling through this thread and your avitar stopped me dead in my tracksHe who shall remain unnamed complained that my nopples were exposed. I've got clothes on. :coffee:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-04-2013, 08:14 AM
if they haven't got that signal already, one more thing isn't going to change anything...... ummm, that quote was not by me. It was from the article that I linked to and quoted a portion of. Either given by dumbass McCain or dumbass Graham. :laugh:--Tyr

09-04-2013, 12:33 PM
Ok, so I pay the Medicare levy and due to my income it's a fair whack, but it's a load less than private.

so your taxes are through the roof and if you're thrilled because you have "FREE" healthcare. Meanwhile you're stuck at a NHS hospital and if you want to be seen in a shorter time period you have to buy private insurance on top of the "free" stuff.

Yep, you can keep it.

Anyone who's been to a VA or worked at one knows the government has no business being involved with healthcare.

Abbey Marie
09-04-2013, 01:22 PM
It occurred to me that a protest against involvement in Syria could easily be attended by both Occupy Wall Streeters and Tea Partiers. The one big common ground issue for most of us.
Wouldn't that be a kick in Obama's backside!

09-04-2013, 03:22 PM
It occurred to me that a protest against involvement in Syria could easily be attended by both Occupy Wall Streeters and Tea Partiers. The one big common ground issue for most of us.
Wouldn't that be a kick in Obama's backside!

Abbey. Agreed! It would have to be his backside since GELDINGS feel no pain if the kick is from the front.

09-04-2013, 03:33 PM
so your taxes are through the roof and if you're thrilled because you have "FREE" healthcare. Meanwhile you're stuck at a NHS hospital and if you want to be seen in a shorter time period you have to buy private insurance on top of the "free" stuff.

Yep, you can keep it.

Anyone who's been to a VA or worked at one knows the government has no business being involved with healthcare.

I may pay the full Medicare levy but that is due to my income. Low income earners don't pay. My contribution also allows for those less fortunate than I to have access to the same quality of care that I get. That is in effect, a form of charity that I am willing to pay.

Australia's healthcare system is not as bad as the NHS. In the UK, everyone pays 10% National Insurance. Medicare in Australia is a maximum 1.5%.

When I went in with acute appendicitis, I was seen to within 2 minutes, was with a doctor in 10, and in a hospital bed and pumped full of morphine after 30 mins. I was fixed up pretty quickly don't you think?

09-04-2013, 03:38 PM
I may pay the full Medicare levy but that is due to my income. Low income earners don't pay. My contribution also allows for those less fortunate than I to have access to the same quality of care that I get. That is in effect, a form of charity that I am willing to pay.

Australia's healthcare system is not as bad as the NHS. In the UK, everyone pays 10% National Insurance. Medicare in Australia is a maximum 1.5%.

When I went in with acute appendicitis, I was seen to within 2 minutes, was with a doctor in 10, and in a hospital bed and pumped full of morphine after 30 mins. I was fixed up pretty quickly don't you think?

WRONG jafar. The low income earners PAY FOR YOUR FREE (choke) medical services.

Do you think someone down there has a printing press, printing money whenever it's needed?
What would you say backs up the currency down there....INK?

red states rule
09-04-2013, 04:31 PM

09-05-2013, 02:55 PM
I may pay the full Medicare levy but that is due to my income. Low income earners don't pay. My contribution also allows for those less fortunate than I to have access to the same quality of care that I get. That is in effect, a form of charity that I am willing to pay.

Australia's healthcare system is not as bad as the NHS. In the UK, everyone pays 10% National Insurance. Medicare in Australia is a maximum 1.5%.

When I went in with acute appendicitis, I was seen to within 2 minutes, was with a doctor in 10, and in a hospital bed and pumped full of morphine after 30 mins. I was fixed up pretty quickly don't you think?

Low income earners DON'T PAY HERE EITHER, it's called medicare (for retired people) and medicaid (low income). They are already seen by any physician they choose and can go to any hospital they choose. Charity I PAY FOR already. Now, why should I pay even more of my money for national healthcare????????

Easy. It's a money maker that the government wants in on. Insurance companies make money by selling insurance, the same way car and home owners insurance makes those companies rich. The gov. isn't trying to help people they simply want in on it.

We already have VA's for our service people, most are run poorly and if they were private would soon go out of business. Thanks, but no thanks, the gov. needs to keep it's grubby hands off my healthcare.

BTW Acute appendicitis is life threatening, so duh you were seen quickly.