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View Full Version : CAN OF WHOOP ASS: Allen West to Obama, ‘Don’t Lecture Us About Obligation After Bengh

09-04-2013, 06:18 AM
Obama has taken responsibility for nothing since he has been in office and it looks like he will continue to do the blame game, this man is a coward , to blame everything on someone else ya have to be and what he is doing here is setting it up so he can play the blame game ( I can hear it now, the republicans a party that loves war pushed us to this ) Let him take responsibility for Benghazi then we will talk about Syria.

President Barack Obama said in the Rose Garden Saturday afternoon that he would have Congress decide whether to militarily respond to Syria’s use of chemical weapons. Former Republican Congressman Allen West began his Facebook response to this statement by reminding him where his most important obligations lay — protecting the American people.


Truth Detector
09-04-2013, 09:34 AM
It's not so much about responsibility as it is the incredible lack of leadership this buffoonish President displays along side of his incredible narcissism and arrogance.

What is the reasoning for forcing this onto Congress? If all you want to do is fire some cruise missiles into Syria in a weak innefectual effort to back up some tough talk you have no ability to back up, just send them already.

The reasons are obvious to anyone with half a brain and who is aware of Obamas political partisanship; to push his inability to lead into others.

Obama puts his foot in his mouth, so now Congress MUST support him because we might lose credibility? Hell, America has lost all credibility with this ineffectual putz in charge. They laugh at him in Iran. They joke about him in North Korea. And now, Assad double dog dares him in Syria.

Bush was lampooned when he labeled Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the axis of evil. What we have today is the Administration of Laurel and Hardy.

09-04-2013, 08:29 PM
5456 Just One Ounce of this stuff (otherwise known as Truth), is capable of making every Democrat, and Obama suffer from Guilty Feelings.