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View Full Version : Obama tapes recording for US Muslim Brotherhood group “my administration is proud to

09-05-2013, 09:36 AM
Wow this is beyond scary, a president that is in bed with our enemies.

We just reported on Mohamed Magid, the president of ISNA, working directly with the White House as well as sitting on a Homeland Security group that deals with ‘extremism’. If you haven’t seen that report you should go there now (http://therightscoop.com/ugh-muslim-brotherhood-group-isna-working-with-white-house-officials/). It explains, in part, how the leaders of the Holy Land Foundation were convicted of funding terrorism, specifically the Islamic terror group Hamas whose goal is to destroy Israel, and that this Holy Land Foundation was spun off of a US Muslim Brotherhood group called ISNA. Because the US government wanted to indict the leaders of the Holy Land Foundation, ISNA was put on a list of unindicted co-conspirators of the Holy Land Foundation to be prosecuted at a later time. And they would have been had that not come at the end of the Bush administration.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-05-2013, 10:01 AM
Wow this is beyond scary, a president that is in bed with our enemies.

We just reported on Mohamed Magid, the president of ISNA, working directly with the White House as well as sitting on a Homeland Security group that deals with ‘extremism’. If you haven’t seen that report you should go there now (http://therightscoop.com/ugh-muslim-brotherhood-group-isna-working-with-white-house-officials/). It explains, in part, how the leaders of the Holy Land Foundation were convicted of funding terrorism, specifically the Islamic terror group Hamas whose goal is to destroy Israel, and that this Holy Land Foundation was spun off of a US Muslim Brotherhood group called ISNA. Because the US government wanted to indict the leaders of the Holy Land Foundation, ISNA was put on a list of unindicted co-conspirators of the Holy Land Foundation to be prosecuted at a later time. And they would have been had that not come at the end of the Bush administration.


Just more proof that Obama is the muslim in hiding that I've stated he is..-Tyr

09-07-2013, 12:52 PM
Tyr. Hope you don't mind my taking the liberty of posting this video.

I know we have a limited audience here. But many may not wish to read what you presented.
So...here is the video.

OBAMA talking, with his fingers crossed, to Muslim Americans...AKA..Muslim Brotherhood.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2013, 03:01 PM
Tyr. Hope you don't mind my taking the liberty of posting this video.

I know we have a limited audience here. But many may not wish to read what you presented.
So...here is the video.

OBAMA talking, with his fingers crossed, to Muslim Americans...AKA..Muslim Brotherhood.

http://youtu.be/PnS9-pm8vCY Say, where is his video kissing ass for Christians? I haven't seen one have you? This is the bastard that gets by with his one sided service to only the causes and people he promotes. He promotes Islam over all other religions . A fact. Think not then check out NASA's new mission and outreach program to muslims. why not to any other religions --or even better why to a single religion? Where was the outcry about separation of church and state with that? That's right there was none!Wake the hell up Americans! If not now ,when?-Tyr

09-07-2013, 06:16 PM
Say, where is his video kissing ass for Christians? I haven't seen one have you? This is the bastard that gets by with his one sided service to only the causes and people he promotes. He promotes Islam over all other religions . A fact. Think not then check out NASA's new mission and outreach program to muslims. why not to any other religions --or even better why to a single religion? Where was the outcry about separation of church and state with that? That's right there was none!Wake the hell up Americans! If not now ,when?-Tyr

Tyr. In response to your question. "TAINT NONE!" Not one American who voted for Obama once, or twice has ever heard him make such an announcement to American Christians.
In fact. Obama has made more speeches directly aimed at Muslim, and Islamic religious leaders than he has to the NAACP, or the Black Church members from all Christian faiths in his own country.

Obama is a Liar, A Phony, And a FALSE PROPHET who needs the Muslim Brotherhood's support, more than every BLACK AMERICAN who ever voted for him.

09-07-2013, 07:42 PM
You could swap the contents of that speech with comparable suck-up messages our British Socialists (in Government, or out of it) would be perfectly happy to deliver (and anyone failing to approve risks being branded a 'racist' or 'bigot', or both ..). This comes across to me as a Socialist sellout speech.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2013, 07:59 PM
You could swap the contents of that speech with comparable suck-up messages our British Socialists (in Government, or out of it) would be perfectly happy to deliver (and anyone failing to approve risks being branded a 'racist' or 'bigot', or both ..). This comes across to me as a Socialist sellout speech.

The Manchurian Candidate

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Manchurian Candidate


1st edition (wraparound cover art by Bernard Krigstein)

Richard Condon

The Manchurian Candidate (1959), by Richard Condon, is a political thriller novel about the son of a prominent US political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy.

The novel has been adapted twice into a feature film by the same title, in 1962 and again in 2004.
^^^^^^ Just change a couple words and that's Obama. Only he seeks to destroy the Constitution and the Nation. And its damn sure not an unwitting agenda he pursues. --Tyr

09-07-2013, 08:58 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2013, 09:23 PM
1776 Message is loud and clear to those of us that knows what is truly going on in our dictatorial government. We are surely a bit overdue on replenishing the Tree of Liberty with its liquid nourishment IMHO. Chalk most of that up to our being fat and lazy from the abundance we have been blessed with. If we have another 1776 it'll be over either the ATTEMPTED DESTRUCTION OF 2ND AMENDMENT OR INSANELY PUNITIVE TAXES IMHO.. Either way it'll be a tragedy of epic proportions with far worse carnage that was endured during the American Civil War. We had ALL best pray that never happens. I damn sure do for my kids and grandkids sakes. Tyr

09-07-2013, 10:13 PM
We fought england for doing FAR, FAR less than what this gvt. has done to the citizens just in the past 10 or 15 years.

My ancestors tried to peacefully detach from an oppressive, dictatorial fed. govt. in 1861, but the despicable, lying, weasel lincoln just had to have his war.

09-08-2013, 04:07 AM
Message is loud and clear to those of us that knows what is truly going on in our dictatorial government. We are surely a bit overdue on replenishing the Tree of Liberty with its liquid nourishment IMHO. Chalk most of that up to our being fat and lazy from the abundance we have been blessed with. If we have another 1776 it'll be over either the ATTEMPTED DESTRUCTION OF 2ND AMENDMENT OR INSANELY PUNITIVE TAXES IMHO.. Either way it'll be a tragedy of epic proportions with far worse carnage that was endured during the American Civil War. We had ALL best pray that never happens. I damn sure do for my kids and grandkids sakes. Tyr

You first Tyr :poke:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-08-2013, 09:51 AM
You first Tyr :poke: A man will be prepared to defend his family and property. Sheeple will not be. At least you noted that I am a man..... a good start, perhaps my posts to you have not been a total waste..;)--Tyr