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View Full Version : US plans for '3 days of attack' on Syria

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-08-2013, 10:48 AM
A devastated street in the Salaheddine district of the northern city of Aleppo

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A picture taken on August 22, 2013 shows a devastated street in the Salaheddine district of the northern city of Aleppo, Syria. The Pentagon is readying more intense and longer attacks on Syria than originally planned, set to last three days, the Los Angeles Times has reported. (AFP Photo/Louai Abo al-Jod)

3 hours ago

The Pentagon is readying more intense and longer attacks on Syria than originally planned, set to last three days, the Los Angeles Times reported on Sunday.

War planners now aim to unleash a heavy barrage of missile strikes to be followed swiftly by additional attacks on targets that may have been missed or remain standing after the initial launch, the Times cited officials as saying.

Two US officers told the newspaper that the White House has asked for an expanded target list to include "many more" than the initial list of around 50 targets.

The move is part of an effort to obtain additional firepower to damage Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's dispersed forces.

Pentagon planners are now considering using Air Force bombers, as well as five US missile destroyers currently patrolling the eastern Mediterranean Sea, to launch cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles from far out of range of Syrian air defenses, according to the report.

The USS Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group with one cruiser and three destroyers positioned in the Read Sea can also fire cruise missiles at Syria.

"There will be several volleys and an assessment after each volley, but all within 72 hours and a clear indication when we are done," an officer familiar with the planning told the Times.

The intensified military planning comes as President Barack Obama prepares to personally make his case to the American people and further press reluctant lawmakers on the need for action after Assad allegedly used chemical weapons on his own people last month. Now we see how far and deep he plans on hitting Assad. Deep enough to give the rebels the ability to defeat Assad. Which I knew from the start was his plan. He plans on winning for them IMHO.. HE ENGAGES IN TREASON BY DOING THIS !! Impeached and given prison time should be his reward for his treachery IMHO. Now what does the jackass think Russia will do doing those three days? He will not fire off a single missile unless Russia gives its secret approval and I don't see that happening as Putin isn't likely to be a party to this scheme by Obama. -Tyr

09-08-2013, 12:39 PM
NO AMERICAN in uniform should ever be asked, or ordered to FIGHT in any attack, skirmish, battle, or War...unless. THE END RESULT IS TOTAL VICTORY.

Obama has no intentions of, nor does he have any plans for A Mission Accomplished.

If I am wrong. Would whoever knows what the END RESULT will be...if Obama orders an attack on Syria....PLEASE share it with me????

09-08-2013, 01:28 PM
Why not just publish the plans outright and send them to syria?

09-08-2013, 01:32 PM
Why not just publish the plans outright and send them to syria?

Gaffer. No need to publish the plans. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, and FOX all got the Plans at the same time.

Somebody in the administration should have told The PENTAGON first. 50+ changes later, and still ?