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09-08-2013, 11:32 AM
Race relations are freaking low today.


Fifty years after the March on Washington, there is a wide divergence between the views of white and black Americans on the issue of racial discrimination. While sizeable majorities of both whites and blacks think there is at least some racial discrimination today, blacks are more apt to say it is widespread. Forty percent of blacks say there is a lot of discrimination against African-Americans today, compared to just 15 percent of whites who say that.

So if anyone needs to know, that pisses me off.
Everywhere I look I see whites pointing out black on white crime. And i see blacks pointing out white on black crime and zimmerman. (still...)

I think the entirety of the USA needs a smack in the face by an adult. Pointing out issues will not fix issues. It will just make them worse. No matter what anyone says, not all black people are evil racists. And not all white people are evil racists. Everyone needs to team up and go against that small percentage of each population. The good whites, and the good blacks, need to realize that every batch of apples has a few bad ones.
Grow the hell up, man the hell up, and get the hell over it.

What is so wrong with people that they can't realize that their burning their bridges? The country is split in half. And if we don't get together, there's GOING to be a race war. No if ands or butts, there will be unless we step up to the plate.

09-08-2013, 11:37 AM
I blame Obama.

09-08-2013, 11:39 AM
I blame Obama.

And I blame the people that aren't doing anything to fix the race issues. I also majorly blame the people that continually point out how bad the other side is.

09-08-2013, 11:48 AM
I think the entirety of the USA needs a smack in the face by an adult. Pointing out issues will not fix issues. It will just make them worse.

Not noticing the issues and addressing them is not a solution that will work. The problem is, when factual data is used, (like the FBI data that shows 50% of murders are committed by a group that is 13% of the population) people often reply with 'you are racist!'

Institutionalized racism that the government enforces makes relations and tensions worse. And of course a president that knowns nothing about an incident saying that 'the officer acted stupidly' and various other comments he makes about only certain cases, supports the racial tension in one group of people and pisses the others off because he is picking sides when a president should do no such thing.

All should be judged on the content of their character as MLK said, but we have gone so far away from that idea since his death, he would probably be disgusted. Once all the idiots like Sharpton are dead and gone, perhaps we can start turning things around.

My wife was telling me about a story she had just read, where a guy sent his daughter to school, she had cornrows, she was sent home as the school policy says no cornrows are allowed. Hey went to the media and shouted 'RACISM!' Turns out it is a charter school, so he is paying for it directly, the population of the school, from students to teachers and administrators, is over 95% black. When the default response to not getting your way is to scream 'racism', even when those that you are calling racist are your own race, we are not headed in the right direction.

09-08-2013, 11:56 AM
And I blame the people that aren't doing anything to fix the race issues. I also majorly blame the people that continually point out how bad the other side is.

What do you have in mind? Seems all polls, blacks as well as whites, have said race relations have deteriorated over the past 5 years. Why would that be? Beer summit...If I had a son...It's because he's the black president...

Playing the race card has had consequences.

09-08-2013, 12:00 PM
What do you have in mind? Seems all polls, blacks as well as whites, have said race relations have deteriorated over the past 5 years. Why would that be? Beer summit...If I had a son...It's because he's the black president...

Playing the race card has had consequences.

I purpose that WE THE PEOPLE, realize that WE'RE the one's in charge. Honestly, the only thing that we can do now is give speeches. And to do that, we need massive media sway. We desperately need the media to stop reporting on black on white crime, and white on black crime. And the entire zimmerman fiasco needs dropped.

The only thing we can do today is scream at the media to shut up and apologize.

09-08-2013, 12:37 PM
Want to get rid of the race problem?

Get rid of affirmative action.

Arrest and charge jackson, sharpton, white and many others with incitement and extortion.

Any that can't be charged should be sued the way the KKK was sued and leave them penniless.

Disband the black caucus and the naacp and all other black only organizations.

Remove funding and shut down black only schools.

Black self segregation is the biggest problem with race relations.

Lastly the make it mandatory for the media to report race in any description of a criminal.

I find it ironic that the first black president has trashed this country and turned it into a second rate ghetto neighborhood. Black people should be ashamed of what he's done.

09-08-2013, 01:01 PM
I purpose that WE THE PEOPLE, realize that WE'RE the one's in charge. Honestly, the only thing that we can do now is give speeches. And to do that, we need massive media sway. We desperately need the media to stop reporting on black on white crime, and white on black crime. And the entire zimmerman fiasco needs dropped.

The only thing we can do today is scream at the media to shut up and apologize.

You apologize for whatever you've done. I haven't anything to apologize for.

09-08-2013, 01:06 PM
You apologize for whatever you've done. I haven't anything to apologize for.

I think he meant for the press to apologize, not him.

09-08-2013, 01:29 PM
Race relations are freaking low today.

Maybe RP was right. We shouldn't just have knee jerk responses to the state of race today but to analyze what went right and what has gone wrong.

Mr. Speaker, I rise to explain my objection to H.Res. 676. I certainly join my colleagues in urging Americans to celebrate the progress this country has made in race relations. However, contrary to the claims of the supporters of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the sponsors of H.Res. 676, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not improve race relations or enhance freedom. Instead, the forced integration dictated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 increased racial tensions while diminishing individual liberty.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave the federal government unprecedented power over the hiring, employee relations, and customer service practices of every business in the country. The result was a massive violation of the rights of private property and contract, which are the bedrocks of free society. The federal government has no legitimate authority to infringe on the rights of private property owners to use their property as they please and to form (or not form) contracts with terms mutually agreeable to all parties. The rights of all private property owners, even those whose actions decent people find abhorrent, must be respected if we are to maintain a free society.This expansion of federal power was based on an erroneous interpretation of the congressional power to regulate interstate commerce. The framers of the Constitution intended the interstate commerce clause to create a free trade zone among the states, not to give the federal government regulatory power over every business that has any connection with interstate commerce.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 not only violated the Constitution and reduced individual liberty; it also failed to achieve its stated goals of promoting racial harmony and a color-blind society. Federal bureaucrats and judges cannot read minds to see if actions are motivated by racism. Therefore, the only way the federal government could ensure an employer was not violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was to ensure that the racial composition of a business’s workforce matched the racial composition of a bureaucrat or judge’s defined body of potential employees. Thus, bureaucrats began forcing employers to hire by racial quota. Racial quotas have not contributed to racial harmony or advanced the goal of a color-blind society. Instead, these quotas encouraged racial balkanization, and fostered racial strife.Of course, America has made great strides in race relations over the past forty years. However, this progress is due to changes in public attitudes and private efforts. Relations between the races have improved despite, not because of, the 1964 Civil Rights Act.In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, while I join the sponsors of H.Res. 676 in promoting racial harmony and individual liberty, the fact is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not accomplish these goals. Instead, this law unconstitutionally expanded federal power, thus reducing liberty. Furthermore, by prompting raced-based quotas, this law undermined efforts to achieve a color-blind society and increased racial strife. Therefore, I must oppose H.Res. 676.