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View Full Version : Hanging with the eye candy

09-09-2013, 01:12 PM
Now that I'm an Old Married Fart (OMF) I've found it very easy to get attractive young females to spend lots of time talking with me. Here's two examples.

About two months ago I was at a "beer fest" public event, along with my wife and another OMF couple. Of course the wives went in an opposite direction as my friend and I. He mentioned to me that he he was noticing several very attractive young women at this event. I responded that there was one especially admirable, then walked over to the booth that she and her boy friend were at, sampling an excellent IPA. I stood next to the BF and pointed to a different selection and suggested he try that one, which he did and liked it. Then he introduced us to his gorgeous girlfriend. The four of us spent nearly an hour talking, as her personality and easy laugh were as delightful as the rest of her.

Last weekend my wife and I went to my nephew's wedding, and were invited to the informal rehearsal dinner as well. The bride's friend were there, all in their mid 20's, and all very attractive. One especially caught my eye, very tall with long reddish brown hair and a very confident air about her. After a while I found her talking to the bride's parents so walked over to introduce myself. It turned out that she was in grad school, same field that my wife is in, and of course that made for an excellent extended conversation. The next day at the wedding she was the maid of honor, and gave me a wink at the reception when I introduced my wife to her, and of course the three of us spent more time talking with each other. :laugh:

09-09-2013, 01:23 PM
Glock. Nothing wrong with anything you did, or thought about.

You know very well. The older we get. The more courage we discover we have when it comes to talking with, or encountering members of the opposite sex.

With our age... As "OMF's"...I like that. Better than Dirty Old Men. Kinda makes you wonder "Why didn't I have that kind of attraction...and courage when I was younger, and Available"?????

Anyhow. Following my bout with the big "C", now six years ago, and in remission. I experienced the results of CHEMO, and those Radiation treatments pretty quickly, and to this day. They remain.
Which, sarcastically speaking...almost became like wearing a GIANT CONDOM over my entire body. Making every female on Earth SAFE from me forever.
I could watch thousands of naked women from PLAYBOY walk past me, and the reaction would be. NATTA...NOTHING....
So. Enjoy it. It's more fun that way.

09-09-2013, 02:36 PM
What did you think I "thought about"? Can't a guy talk to an attractive young woman without sex being involved? I've had plenty of platonic friendships with women throughout my life.

09-09-2013, 02:37 PM
What did you think I "thought about"? Can't a guy talk to an attractive young woman without sex being involved? I've had plenty of platonic friendships with women throughout my life.

Not disagreeing with you at all. My apologies if you took my remarks as anything other than just friendly, man to man kind of talk.

Marcus Aurelius
09-09-2013, 02:42 PM
What did you think I "thought about"? Can't a guy talk to an attractive young woman without sex being involved? I've had plenty of platonic friendships with women throughout my life.



09-09-2013, 02:54 PM
Not disagreeing with you at all. My apologies if you took my remarks as anything other than just friendly, man to man kind of talk.
No problem. The fact that I'm not hitting on these women is undoubtedly why they like talking with me.

About two years ago I was at a bar with a friend and a gorgeous young woman walked by and I stood up and asked her if I knew her, and mentioned the place that she worked. She acknowledged that she did work there part time, and I introduced myself. It turns out that she knows my son through this same venue. I offered to buy her a beer and she sat down with us and we talked for over an hour.

She's a tall, muscular girl with long strawberry blonde hair, absolutely no make up and just the right amount of freckles.

She told me where she was working during the summer, a farm and micro brewery. I told her about a recent trip I took to Germany and my limited knowledge of the huge hops farms there. I suggested that she have her employer take a trip over there so she can do some research on hops. It's an extremely valuable crop and the climate in Europe is very similar to ours in the mountains.

I met her again at the beer fest that I mentioned earlier. I asked her if she had researched hop farming. I also mentioned that NC State was very active in getting this crop started in this region, and had 10 or so farms set up with demonstration projects. Her employer got in on the conversation and he was in fact very interested in that.

09-09-2013, 10:59 PM
What did you think I "thought about"? Can't a guy talk to an attractive young woman without sex being involved?

dude....I thought you were straight......

09-10-2013, 07:33 AM
Flirting or "checking out" other women is still cheating. If you can't keep your eyes and your mind focused on the one you love enough to marry, don't marry.

Marcus Aurelius
09-10-2013, 07:40 AM
Flirting or "checking out" other women is still cheating. If you can't keep your eyes and your mind focused on the one you love enough to marry, don't marry.

Look at the vaguely defined breasts on these two, eh, Jahil? WOO HOO!!!!!!!


09-10-2013, 08:18 AM
Flirting or "checking out" other women is still cheating.No it's not. :slap:

09-10-2013, 08:19 AM
Look at the vaguely defined breasts on these two, eh, Jahil? WOO HOO!!!!!!!


Marcus if ya remember that video by Ann Barnhardt it explained how these people aren't intrested in woman, they are to be plowed when ever they want but there real interest was in each other, yes they would get together ( sorry I forgot the night ) while Allah was busy ( so he wasn't paying attention to there Homo sex ) so eye candy to them has a beard and wears a turban :laugh:

09-10-2013, 08:21 AM
Look at the vaguely defined breasts on these two, eh, Jahil? WOO HOO!!!!!!!


Dude, that's borderline porn.

Marcus Aurelius
09-10-2013, 08:25 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by jafar00 http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=663378#post663378)
Flirting or "checking out" other women is still cheating.

No it's not. :slap:

Hey... if this guy could have lust in his heart, so can I!


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-10-2013, 09:16 AM
OK guys, eye candy is good but can be bad. Its bad when it goes past the just looking part. My wife truly has no problem with me looking at and admiring beautiful sexy woman. Just no touching and that means none what so ever.. She knows that men are programmed to look. This came from her not me although I agree with it. Thing is we have been married 9 years now will be 10 years in December and I look at other women less and less each year! Not because of my age but because she satisfies my desires. Any wife that understands and does that for her husband need not fear his being unfaithful unless he is a total asswipe from the get go! Believe me, I've seen plenty of married guys that fit that bill. I see no problem with Glock looking at or even talking to women but one must be careful as the talking too puts one a step closer to the trap IMHO.. His being confident in his relationship with his wife negate even that hazard IMHO... I just know I rarely talk to those pretty gals myself. I've been thru two divorces and this marriage is my last one in my mind.. Gonna stay true til I kick the bucket... --Tyr

09-10-2013, 10:46 AM
No it's not. :slap:

From a religious point of view, it seems may religions would suggest it is. Lust in the heart and all that nonsense. I myself think if you don't look, something is wrong with you.

09-10-2013, 01:38 PM
Flirting or "checking out" other women is still cheating. If you can't keep your eyes and your mind focused on the one you love enough to marry, don't marry.

From a religious point of view, it seems may religions would suggest it is. Lust in the heart and all that nonsense. I myself think if you don't look, something is wrong with you.

Checking out other woman or even flirting isn't wrong if you are not Lusting after them ( and yes I see you put that in there Kind of ) just because if you flirt or check out another woman doesn't mean you have lust in your heart, I do it all the time ( and yes have been guilty of the Lust deal but lately I will just point out to my wife what beautiful hair a woman has, yes I notice the beautiful hair first ) but when I do this there is no lust in my heart. In fact just the other day I told a young woman how beautiful she was and kidded with her how I could do that now without being slapped ( she was a beautiful young lady ) and I had no Lust no want from her at all I just wanted to tell her how nice she looked.

09-10-2013, 01:42 PM
Anyone remember this?.....5509

09-10-2013, 01:49 PM
From a religious point of view, it seems may religions would suggest it is. Lust in the heart and all that nonsense. I myself think if you don't look, something is wrong with you. There's no lust involved here. I admire beautiful buildings and cars too, and I don't have lust for them either. :laugh:

09-10-2013, 01:52 PM
There's no lust involved here. I admire beautiful buildings and cars too, and I don't have lust for them either. :laugh:

Glockmail: AMEN to that. This is just another case of one member acting like a Bully, demanding attention, and believing he is in charge.

Come to think of it. He is in charge.....of this.....5510 on plain, or toast.

09-10-2013, 01:54 PM
Anyone remember this?.....5509

AT God will Forgives all , all ya have to do is ask

09-10-2013, 01:55 PM
AT God will Forgives all , all ya have to do is ask

I know. Agreed 100%. Just watch the reactions to this.

09-10-2013, 01:59 PM
I know. Agreed 100%. Just watch the reactions to this.

:laugh: I thought of it as I responded to it, we should have our resident atheist and the Muslim trying real hard to rip it up very soon

09-10-2013, 02:02 PM
:laugh: I thought of it as I responded to it, we should have our resident atheist and the Muslim trying real hard to rip it up very soon

Jeff. That's the best part of all discussions like this. We never have to feel any need to Defend our Faith to anyone. And that just makes them all the more angry.

Unlike Obama. We do not have to apologize for being who we are, or for what we believe.

09-10-2013, 02:13 PM
Checking out other woman or even flirting isn't wrong if you are not Lusting after them ( and yes I see you put that in there Kind of ) just because if you flirt or check out another woman doesn't mean you have lust in your heart, I do it all the time ( and yes have been guilty of the Lust deal but lately I will just point out to my wife what beautiful hair a woman has, yes I notice the beautiful hair first ) but when I do this there is no lust in my heart. In fact just the other day I told a young woman how beautiful she was and kidded with her how I could do that now without being slapped ( she was a beautiful young lady ) and I had no Lust no want from her at all I just wanted to tell her how nice she looked.

Oh, I agree with you, just mentioning that some religions are more strict and do in fact see such flirtation as 'bad'.

Marcus Aurelius
09-10-2013, 02:29 PM
Anyone remember this?.....5509

welcome to 9:25AM this morning, my friend...lol.

09-10-2013, 02:32 PM
Friends of ours, another OMF couple, have a daughter who is now 24. We've known them for about ten years, and she has always been a cute kid, but my wife and I commented to each other several times how she's really turning into quite a beauty as she matures. Anyway, they have an annual July 4th party and we've gone for all four years since its inception. She always has three of her friends there, all the same age and very attractive. The tall blonde one is visual perfection, but she's basically a snob and ignores me. A second one, brunette and more my style, zero make-up, dresses more casually, a strong muscular build and an outgoing personality, has really warmed up to me and we talk every year.

This past year she was on a vegan kick. I was helping out at the grill cooking the hamburgers and sausage for about 40 guests. She walked over and gave me three vegan burgers and asked me to cook them for her. Of course I jokingly gave her a hard time about it, "you need to eat red meat so you're not so damn skinny" (even tough she has a terrific figure). After she left her boyfriend walked over, with an obvious buzz on, and said something just a wee bit disrespectful about his girlfriend's choice of food.

I looked him straight in the eye, made sure that he was looking back, and that only my cooking companion, a fellow OMF, could hear, and told him: "you don't deserve her".

He didn't say anything for almost a full minute, but finally responded: "yeah, you're probably right". I told him that I knew that I was, but that I was also confident that he might be able to grow to appreciate what he had. I told him that she was a beautiful girl, both in looks but most importantly in the brain department, where it really counts.

09-10-2013, 02:33 PM
Oh, I agree with you, just mentioning that some religions are more strict and do in fact see such flirtation as 'bad'. Who's flirting? :slap:

09-10-2013, 02:33 PM
welcome to 9:25AM this morning, my friend...lol.

Shucks. Sorry I missed that. Didn't mean to step on your work. Guess Arbo-itus and having fun here is working too!

09-10-2013, 03:00 PM
What I can't stand is a girl who is a bubble-head. And I've always been that way. In high school I knew a lot of great lookers who I never considered dating. My friend Wayne's girl was like that: Debby. A beautiful girl, and a nice personality to boot, but kinda dim. Wayne was a year older than us, proposed to Debby and signed up for the Army when he graduated. In my senior year he was gone and he left me to keep her occupied. We hung out many times that year and I brought her along with my other friends to parties and such.

Most kids understood the arrangement, but of course there were some who didn't have a clue. One such kid, a year younger, "Nigel", told me that he suspected that I was 'doing' Wayne's fiance and 'everyone knew it'. I told him to get a fucking life.

I didn't tell him that I would never consider dating her even if she was single, for the reason that I opened this post. But everyone who knew me knew this.