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View Full Version : Union square beating victim dies...

09-10-2013, 06:41 PM

A 62-year-old man who was brutally attacked in Union Square last week died Monday.

On Wednesday, a man shouting that he “hated white people” punched victim Jeffrey Babbitt — who is white — in the face, witnesses said, causing him to fall and strike his head on the ground.

Lashawn Marten, 31, who is black, “made statements to the effect that I’m going to punch the first white man that I see,” said NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly.

Wait, a black guy attacked a white guy and it was racially motivated, and Obama hasn't commented on it? Say it isn't so.

09-10-2013, 06:43 PM
Just what the forum needed, more race baiting. Gay marriage next?

09-10-2013, 06:45 PM
Just what the forum needed, more race baiting. Gay marriage next?

Race baiting is Al Sharpton saying that Zimmerman shot Martin because he was black. Pointing out the hypocrisy of a president that has made race relations worse is not race baiting. Gay marriage? Did not mention that, but I'm guessing you are anti-constitution on that issue, is that right?

09-11-2013, 05:38 AM
Black crime is enough of a plague on america, but black on white crime rates are absolutely horrific.
Brutal, hateful violent crime against white people..for being white....but no one (politicians/media) wants to acknowledge the truth publicly.
Enough is enough, though and these stories are getting out and can't be ignored. People are beginning to wake up.

Remember, when seconds count, the police are MINUTES away.
Handle your own business and don't be a victim.