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View Full Version : Criminal prosecution urged on Benghazi

09-11-2013, 08:33 AM
I don't know if they have enough proof to impeach but we certainly ought to get to the bottom of this, it has been a full year and we know very little, what we do know is all that where there were hidden and forbidden to talk to anyone , that alone sends all kinds of alarms off , I believe it is time to force the hand of Obama to open up a real investigation and prosecute all those that where negligent in this attack.

“You are about to be introduced to the real Benghazi scandal,” write authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott in their latest book, “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office” (http://superstore.wnd.com/Impeachable-Offenses-Autographed-Hardcover-with-Free-Impeach-Obama-Bumper-Sticker)
“This is the Fast and Furious of the Middle East, the Iran-Contra of the Obama administration,” continue Klein and Elliott.
The book contains a full chapter on Benghazi.
“This chapter alone should result in the immediate impeachment of Obama,” write the authors.
“One would be hard pressed to find a more significant impeachable offense than aiding and abetting the sworn enemies of the United States, especially when any such support includes sending weapons to our murderous adversaries.”


09-11-2013, 08:43 AM
I don't know if they have enough proof to impeach but we certainly ought to get to the bottom of this, it has been a full year and we know very little, what we do know is all that where there were hidden and forbidden to talk to anyone , that alone sends all kinds of alarms off , I believe it is time to force the hand of Obama to open up a real investigation and prosecute all those that where negligent in this attack.


FBI 'following up leads,' while journalists conduct interviews with 'wanted' leaders:


Was CIA funneling weapons to the Syrian rebels through Benghazi? If so, sounds like an Iran-Contra type of affair:


09-11-2013, 08:48 AM
Unfortunately, a year has gone by, if anyone had the spine to do anything they would have by now.

09-11-2013, 08:59 AM
Unfortunately, a year has gone by, if anyone had the spine to do anything they would have by now.

You are probably right and personally I have to wonder what kind of threats kept these people quiet for a full year, that alone makes me more bitter than ever.

09-11-2013, 09:04 AM
Attkisson keeps at it:


By Sharyl Attkisson /
CBS News/ September 11, 2013, 6:02 AM
One year later, Benghazi's lingering issuesOne year after the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks (http://www.cbsnews.com/2718-202_162-1973/u.s-consulate-attack-in-benghazi/)on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, no arrests have been reported but the Justice Department says investigators have made "very significant progress."


Last month, government officials confirmed that sealed criminal charges have been filed (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57597278/first-charges-filed-in-connection-with-benghazi-attack/) against suspects. They are said to include Ahmed Khattalah (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505263_162-57597337/benghazi-militia-leader-charged-in-u.s-consulate-attack-once-dared-libya-govt-to-come-to-my-house-and-arrest-me/), who gave interviews in Benghazi with several news organizations admitting he was at the scene of the attacks but insisting he was not the "ringleader." Khattalah also said that nobody from the U.S. government had attempted to question him.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and other Republican members of Congress recently sent a letter (http://www.thestate.com/2013/08/02/2895745/graham-gowdy-seek-deeper-look.html) urging the new FBI Director James Comey to make Benghazi a top priority. Graham said that intelligence operatives have told him they have leads on suspects "but can't get approval to go after them."

A spokesman for the Justice Department tells CBS News that "the success of this investigation is a top priority" but would not provide details on its progress "to preserve its integrity."


The FBI, CIA, Director of National Intelligence, Defense Department, State Department and National Security Agency have rejected or failed to answer multiple Freedom of Information (FOI) requests made by CBS News, as well as appeals of the denials. The agencies cite exemptions related to ongoing investigations or national security.

The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed four Benghazi-related FOI lawsuits against the Obama administration to try to produce withheld material. That includes the so-called "talking points" received by then-U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice prior to her appearance on news broadcasts in which she appeared to fault a spontaneous uprising rather than terrorists. After documents and testimony indicated that the attacks were widely seen as the work of terrorists from the start, nobody has explained how the video became a prevalent storyline.

Among other materials, CBS News is seeking a declassified version of surveillance camera video recorded during the attacks. The CIA had said it would be released around Thanksgiving of last year but after David Petraeus resigned as head of CIA amid a sex scandal, the video was never released.

CBS News is also seeking White House photos taken the night of the attacks and has asked for an accounting of President Obama's actions. The White House has refused to provide specifics other than saying with first news of the attacks, the president ordered that all necessary actions be taken.

"From the moment [the President] was briefed on the Benghazi attack, the response effort was handled by the most senior national security officials in government," said a White House official.


09-11-2013, 09:05 AM
You are probably right and personally I have to wonder what kind of threats kept these people quiet for a full year, that alone makes me more bitter than ever.

That's what everyone thought about the two-bit break-in at the Watergate.

09-11-2013, 09:11 AM
That's what everyone thought about the two-bit break-in at the Watergate.

This is true ( I was very young 6th grade) when that all went down so sometimes I just forget, if they should find Obama or anyone else tried to cover this up ( which persoanally I think that is a give me and lets not forget Hillary as well ) they should be tried and jailed immediately

09-11-2013, 09:37 AM
You are probably right and personally I have to wonder what kind of threats kept these people quiet for a full year, that alone makes me more bitter than ever.

It would be nice to see something come of it. But if recent history teaches us anything, it's that both parties do a lot of questionable or outright bad stuff, and they cover for each other by NOT doing the required investigations. I think at this point that's all it is: "Well, if we go after them, then when we do something they might come after us."

It's screwing over our citizens and country in the name of them remaining in power. Which is all they seem to care about.

And lord knows we can't count on 'investigative journalism', as that is pretty much dead.

09-11-2013, 09:59 AM
It would be nice to see something come of it. But if recent history teaches us anything, it's that both parties do a lot of questionable or outright bad stuff, and they cover for each other by NOT doing the required investigations. I think at this point that's all it is: "Well, if we go after them, then when we do something they might come after us."

It's screwing over our citizens and country in the name of them remaining in power. Which is all they seem to care about.

And lord knows we can't count on 'investigative journalism', as that is pretty much dead.

And I dont see this pattern ever stopping as long as you have 2 parties they will continue to play these game

09-11-2013, 10:00 AM
And I dont see this pattern ever stopping as long as you have 2 parties they will continue to play these game

I agree. Until the citizens stand up and realize they are being played and puts our collective foot down, it will continue.