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View Full Version : Wisconsin teachers union decertified

red states rule
09-15-2013, 05:27 AM
This is why liberals do NOT want to give workers a choice to join or not join a union. It is great news for the teachers who get to keep more of the money they earn, and bad news for the unions which have become nothing more then a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC

Teachers from one of Wisconsin’s largest unions have jumped ship -- voting overwhelmingly to abandon the group in the latest in a string of setbacks for the struggling labor movement following Gov. Scott Walker’s union overhaul two years ago.

The decision this week to disband by members of the Kenosha Education Association (http://keanow.com/) came after the organization was stripped of its certification and told it had lost its power to bargain for base wages with the district. The group was decertified after missing a key deadline in the annual reapplication process.

When the group might actually disband was not clear and calls to the organization were not returned.

The development is in keeping with an overall downward spiral for Wisconsin’s public worker unions. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported earlier this year that tens of thousands of teachers and other government workers have left their unions since the Walker-backed law took effect.

Known as Act 10, the set of reforms includes a provision that says unions won’t be recognized by the state unless 51 percent of all potential members support them in annual elections.

These elections have contributed to their decline.

According to Reuters, elections in 2011 and 2012 -- in which 207 school districts, 39 municipal and six state units participated -- resulted in 32 unions and their affiliates, or about 13 percent, being decertified.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/14/wisconsin-teachers-union-decertified-in-latest-blow-to-labor-under-walker-law/#ixzz2exKNjetF

09-17-2013, 09:39 PM
This is why liberals do NOT want to give workers a choice to join or not join a union. It is great news for the teachers who get to keep more of the money they earn, and bad news for the unions which have become nothing more then a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC

red states rule. That is, without any doubt. The Greatest News the Parents, and Children of Wisconsin will ever hear.

In fact. The teachers will now be on the path toward becoming the best in the entire nation.

And the children....will become the brightest the nation has to offer.

The DNC looks like this......5550 representative of Unions.

09-17-2013, 10:44 PM
Unions had their place and time. They did accomplish a lot of good things for workers. But all of that stuff is encoded in law now, so their usefulness is about zero now. They are nothing more than political organizations now, using membership money to push agendas. So one less union is a great thing.

I read recently there was another group that left a big union recently as well. All good moves in my mind.

red states rule
09-20-2013, 04:04 AM