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View Full Version : California to Legalize Non-Physician Abortions

red states rule
09-16-2013, 03:03 AM
Insanity rules in CA

Want an abortion in California? If a new law passes, a doctor will not even be necessary (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/09/13/Gov-Brown-to-Sign-Bill-Legalizing-Non-Physician-Abortions-in-CA).

Bill AB 154 (http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140AB154) has passed both houses of the state legislature, and currently sits on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk, where he is expected to sign it into law. The bill strips the requirement that an abortion be performed by a licensed physician or surgeon. Instead, a nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, or physician assistant would be allowed to do a suction aspiration or medical abortion on a woman.

A suction aspiration abortion is when a vacuum is inserted into a woman's cervix and removes the contents of the uterus.

Suction aspiration abortions are not without controversy. Brian Johnston, president of California Pro-Life Council, said (http://www.lifenews.com/2013/09/12/california-governor-gets-bill-to-allow-nurses-to-do-vacuum-abortions/) that even former abortionists have spoken out against the technique.

“The founder of National Abortion Rights Action League, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who subsequently became pro-life, says that vacuum aspiration abortion is inherently dangerous to the mother, as the physician must blindly probe for the baby.”The bill has been endorsed (http://www.cmanet.org/issues/detail/?issue=ab-154-atkins-abortion-) by the California Medical Association, and has been strongly supported by abortion advocates.

In California, if an animal needs an abortion, the procedure must be carried out by a licensed veterinary surgeon. It appears now that the State of California views humans as deserving a lower standard of care than a housecat.


09-16-2013, 04:29 PM
Nothing unusual about legalizing anything in Californication. The whole state has been an ABORTION for a long time anyhow. They never needed Physicians before. Homeless, druggies living in San Francisco are the Poster Boy's, and Girls for ABORTION. Which makes ROE V. WADE seem like a great idea.

red states rule
09-19-2013, 03:33 AM
Obama and the left say they want to bomb Syria over the murder of children yet they continue to support abortion

Abortion which has claimed the lives of more then 50 million children

Another example of liberal double standards and morals