View Full Version : An example of why 'Americans' are considered ignorant....

09-16-2013, 12:40 PM
The Miss American pageant.... responses because the winner is of Indian descent.


1) Idiots that do not know the difference between Indian and Arab.
2) Idiots that do not seem to realize, she *IS AN AMERICAN*

Good lord this country is FULL of f'n morons.

09-16-2013, 12:42 PM
Correction: Should be why 'Muricans' are considered ignorant.


09-16-2013, 01:00 PM
I'll be the only one to have the guts to say it.

She ain't pretty enough to win the pageant. Unless the contestants this year were just really bad. But that's just my opinion.

09-16-2013, 02:46 PM
The same thing happens when a mixed or white woman is crowned in other countries. Miss South Africa received hateful responses as well as others who were deemed not ethnic enough for the countries they represent.

red state
09-16-2013, 04:31 PM
How correct you are Trigg,

I could care less and have never heard of the BUZZFEED....I suppose it is my failing for not following such news sources. My sources follow real news BUT, since I've already ordered my coffee on this thread, I may as well concur with Trigg: There are REALLY STUPID people everywhere and, for the record, I'll never be caught talking about or implying that REAL Americans are ignorant. I searched with SAID TITLE about [a lot of people are upset over Indian-America winning] and below is what I came up with.....

SEARCH RESULTS: PBS, BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, DIMocratic Underground, Bonjour Planet Earth etc.....all hack sources...

Fact of the matter is...the liberals of our society are among the more ignorant when compared to the well informed Tea Party Patriots. So, if one ads liberal American to the equation then I'm inclined to agree entirely!!! Still, it is a NO NEWS thread and I don't appreciate the notion. Americans are (or at least have been) smart enough to have set up the GREATEST economy, military and society that this world has EVER seen and we were definitely smart enough to bail the world out of falling victim to one of the nastiest evils this world has ever seen. Who cares about beauty pageants when so much is going on......Americans with sons and daughters fighting for America certainly doesn't.

SEARCH RESULTS: PBS, Huffington Post, DIMocratic Underground, Bonjour Planet Earth etc.....all hack sources...

People Are Very Upset That An Indian-american Woman Won The Miss America Pageant News Results (http://news.search.yahoo.com/search?p=People+Are+Very+Upset+That+An+Indian-American+Woman+Won+The+Miss+America+Pageant&ei=UTF-8&fr=crmas&fr2=newsdd)

A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An Indian-American... (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA02FXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0cTJnZWN pBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDI5M18x/SIG=13daq7kro/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a//www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/16/miss-america-2014-indian-american_n_3935692.html)
The Huffington Post <cite style="font-style: normal; color: rgb(171, 174, 183); white-space: nowrap;">2 hours ago</cite>
Miss America pageant: Always a few steps behind (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA1GFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0cTJnZWN pBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDI5M18x/SIG=14iami6og/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a//www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-miss-america-pageant-always-a-few-steps-behind-20130916,0,314469.story%3ftrack=rss)
Los Angeles Times <cite style="font-style: normal; color: rgb(171, 174, 183); white-space: nowrap;">4 hours ago</cite>


Search results

A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An <wbr>Indian-American Woman ... (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/16/miss-america-2014-indian-american_n_3935692.html)
www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/16/miss-<wbr>america-2014... Cached (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA2GFXNyoA/SIG=1ehglpmoh/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a// dian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26fr=crmas%26u=http%3a//cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx%3fq=People%2bAre%2bVery%2bUpset%2bThat% 2bAn%2bIndian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26d=759203319674%26mkt=en-US%26setlang=en-US%26w=jB_FRfY8VsScAPnt81gg_xxdS5wXI0xC%26icp=1%26 .intl=us%26sig=KTr3p9UZLWRXFYcxW_whhA--)Sunday night Nina Davuluri, Miss New York, was crowned the winner the 2014 MissAmerica Pageant. She is the first contestant of Indian descent to be ...

A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An <wbr>Indian-American Woman ... (http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/a-lot-of-people-are-very-upset-that-an-indian-american-woman)
www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/a-lot-of-<wbr>people-are-very... Cached (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA2mFXNyoA/SIG=1em2rg6kf/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a// dian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26fr=crmas%26u=http%3a//cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx%3fq=People%2bAre%2bVery%2bUpset%2bThat% 2bAn%2bIndian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26d=27024941964527410%26mkt=en-US%26setlang=en-US%26w=akiW0T2TaZnCjOY7J1CsGLwMwcaQhuJt%26icp=1%26 .intl=us%26sig=0.wzaCgC5sJQsG.9XVbCkg--)A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An Indian-American Woman Won The Miss America Pageant “And the Arab wins Miss America, classic.” posted on ...

People Are Very Upset That An Indian-american Woman Won The Miss America Pageant - Video Results (http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?p=People+Are+Very+Upset+That+An+Indian-American+Woman+Won+The+Miss+America+Pageant)More People Are Very Upset That An Indian-american Woman Won The Miss America Pageant videos (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA3WFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0cTJnZWN pBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDI5M18x/SIG=15buretpn/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a//video.search.yahoo.com/search/video%3fp=People%2bAre%2bVery%2bUpset%2bThat%2bAn% 2bIndian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant)

A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An <wbr>Indian-American Woman ... (http://www.democraticunderground.com/10023675469)
www.democraticunderground.com/<wbr>10023675469 Cached (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA32FXNyoA/SIG=1eimdi2ba/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a// dian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26fr=crmas%26u=http%3a//cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx%3fq=People%2bAre%2bVery%2bUpset%2bThat% 2bAn%2bIndian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26d=1240232641509%26mkt=en-US%26setlang=en-US%26w=75wHApKzyoQbNV7FajUIdi02x_dgCDFI%26icp=1%26 .intl=us%26sig=.Kkm3_EjZJwS.vOsIGQk1Q--)A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An Indian-American Woman Won The Miss America Pageant. ... Are Very Upset That An Indian-American Woman Won The ...

Wow! An Indian-American Woman Won The <wbr>Miss America Pageant ... (http://thetaleofbittertruth.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/wow-an-indian-american-woman-won-the-miss-america-pageant/)
thetaleofbittertruth.wordpress.com/2013/<wbr>09/16/wow-an... Cached (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA4WFXNyoA/SIG=1em127sip/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a// dian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26fr=crmas%26u=http%3a//cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx%3fq=People%2bAre%2bVery%2bUpset%2bThat% 2bAn%2bIndian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26d=27021845331316814%26mkt=en-US%26setlang=en-US%26w=Eg-Hdj2qU88OXQ1QH5RbOJzk9iwrb5ae%26icp=1%26.intl=us%2 6sig=ZKhxW4LbaZTT2MmB.pejvA--)A Lot Of People Are Very Upset That An Indian-American Woman Won The Miss America Pageant, Now you guys should suck Indian Dicks..... lmfao :D Sunday night ...

Bonjour Planet Earth: A lot of people <wbr>are very upset that an ... (http://bonjourplanetearth.blogspot.com/2013/09/a-lot-of-people-are-very-upset-that.html)
bonjourplanetearth.blogspot.com/<wbr>...people-are-very-upset... Cached (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hqPcjdSJCkA42FXNyoA/SIG=1ei8sjrfk/EXP=1379394319/**http%3a// dian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26fr=crmas%26u=http%3a//cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx%3fq=People%2bAre%2bVery%2bUpset%2bThat% 2bAn%2bIndian-American%2bWoman%2bWon%2bThe%2bMiss%2bAmerica%2bPa geant%26d=1377673160950%26mkt=en-US%26setlang=en-US%26w=nSbdMOtu8Nv_PVFw13kk_mUrEFIZfjxW%26icp=1%26 .intl=us%26sig=xu.PqboH9dFbjFl_PM1BaA--)A lot of people are very upset that an Indian-American woman won the Miss America pageant...

A Lot Of People Are Very Upset (http://therightwingofchickens.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/a-lot-of-people-are-very-upset-that-an-indian-american-woman-won-the-miss-america-pageant/)

09-16-2013, 04:58 PM
I take it we're not talking about "come to our casino" Indian...

09-16-2013, 05:10 PM
The Miss American pageant.... responses because the winner is of Indian descent.


1) Idiots that do not know the difference between Indian and Arab.
2) Idiots that do not seem to realize, she *IS AN AMERICAN*

Good lord this country is FULL of f'n morons.That should not be news to anyone here, as we discus Liberal and Democratic idiots daily!!

09-16-2013, 05:21 PM
That should not be news to anyone here, as we discus Liberal and Democratic idiots daily!!

Another example of why Americans are considered ignorant.

09-16-2013, 05:35 PM
for the record, I'll never be caught talking about or implying that REAL Americans are ignorant.


Fact of the matter is...the liberals of our society are among the more ignorant

I believe some might call this cognitive dissonance. LOL.

Of course, it probably comes from thinking that 'liberals' are not 'real Americans'. :laugh:

09-16-2013, 07:13 PM
I believe some might call this cognitive dissonance. LOL.

Of course, it probably comes from thinking that 'liberals' are not 'real Americans'. :laugh:
Three- fifths maybe. I'm an originalist.

09-16-2013, 07:37 PM
Another example of why Americans are considered ignorant.

Agreed Gabby. Another example, other than your photo in the dictionary, next to the definition of Ignorant American.

red state
09-16-2013, 10:59 PM
I believe some might call this cognitive dissonance. LOL.

Of course, it probably comes from thinking that 'liberals' are not 'real Americans'. :laugh:

Liberals are the enemy...with that, the lose their title of AMERICAN with me so there are REAL Americans and enemies from within.

Liberalism at one time was much different that now BUT, to some degree, they've always had their ranks of evil that hated this Nation. Now they are to the point that MOST embrace the ideals of our enemies and see TRUE Americanism as something foreign or something to be stamped out.

Simply put; If ANYONE chooses and/or strives to leave me defenseless (while at the same time seeking to rob me at all turns) THEY are my enemy. I can't help that in your confused state that you fail to see this. Perhaps you've spent too much time following the wrong media outlets but something is certainty wrong with your thinking. Laugh if you wish, make some sort of sarcastic remark or post an animation or two but I am genuine and I know which side I stand with....the RIGHT side.

09-17-2013, 03:06 AM
Donald trump owns the miss America pageant. I guarantee you he verified that the woman's American.

09-17-2013, 07:13 AM
I'll be the only one to have the guts to say it.

She ain't pretty enough to win the pageant. Unless the contestants this year were just really bad. But that's just my opinion.

I thought the competition wasn't decided on outward beauty alone. If it was, it could be easily dismissed as misogynist, sexist and shallow.

09-17-2013, 07:35 AM
Liberals are the enemy...with that, the lose their title of AMERICAN with me so there are REAL Americans and enemies from within.

Liberalism at one time was much different that now BUT, to some degree, they've always had their ranks of evil that hated this Nation. Now they are to the point that MOST embrace the ideals of our enemies and see TRUE Americanism as something foreign or something to be stamped out.

Simply put; If ANYONE chooses and/or strives to leave me defenseless (while at the same time seeking to rob me at all turns) THEY are my enemy. I can't help that in your confused state that you fail to see this. Perhaps you've spent too much time following the wrong media outlets but something is certainty wrong with your thinking. Laugh if you wish, make some sort of sarcastic remark or post an animation or two but I am genuine and I know which side I stand with....the RIGHT side.

'Murica, YEAH!


09-17-2013, 08:04 AM
Liberals are the enemy...

And yet another example of the topic of the thread. Thanks.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2013, 08:14 AM
'Murica, YEAH!

http://imgur.com/eGDCJ1r.jpg Liberals, YEAH!

09-17-2013, 08:15 AM
Size matters, I win! :poke:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2013, 08:23 AM
Size matters, I win! :poke: Sure, that is what Goliath thought too. :poke:

09-17-2013, 08:31 AM
Sure, that is what Goliath thought too. :poke:

But Goliath didn't have an eagle, pyrotechnics, a gun and a flag, all while flying in front of Mt. Rushmore??? :2up:

09-17-2013, 03:10 PM
I believe some might call this cognitive dissonance. LOL.

Of course, it probably comes from thinking that 'liberals' are not 'real Americans'. :laugh:

They're not, they're communist tools and nothing more.

09-18-2013, 12:46 PM
I ran into an interesting article regarding colorism in India and the reaction on the web regarding how Dark Miss America is.


With very few exceptions, Indian pageants have tended to reward fairer-skinned contestants.
Former Miss India and Miss World, Aishwarya Rai, who is lauded across India as “the most beautiful woman in the world,” has light skin and green eyes.

09-18-2013, 02:34 PM
I ran into an interesting article regarding colorism in India and the reaction on the web regarding how Dark Miss America is.


With very few exceptions, Indian pageants have tended to reward fairer-skinned contestants.

Former Miss India and Miss World, Aishwarya Rai, who is lauded across India as “the most beautiful woman in the world,” has light skin and green eyes.

Interesting that they discriminate against their own people based on the tone of their skin. Sad actually.

09-18-2013, 02:40 PM
Interesting that they discriminate against their own people based on the tone of their skin. Sad actually.


The whiter the better. :laugh:

(Just joking)

09-18-2013, 04:27 PM
Another example of why Americans are considered ignorant.Lets not degrade all Americans, when we all know where talking about Liberals, most of who are not only ignorant but Anti-American as well.:laugh: As for miss America i don't see the problem as long as she is a legal citizen, because we are made up of immigrants and without a dominating ethnicity

09-19-2013, 08:59 PM
Did anyone see Miss Kansas? She's National Guard and had the serenity prayer tatooed on her side. She broke all kinds of taboos in this year's pageant. Her talent is being a mechanic, archery and I believe skiing. But none of these could be showcased so she learned how to sing opera less than a week before the state competition. She won the online vote as America's Choice for Miss America.


Miss Kansas 2013 - Theresa Vail
Name: Theresa Marie Vail
Title: Miss Kansas
Hometown: Manhattan, Kansas
Date of Birth: October 1, 1990
Education: Kansas State University—Senior—Chemistry and Chinese
Army School of Ordnance
Army School of Health Sciences
Leavenworth High School
Platform Issue: Empowering Women: Overcoming Stereotypes and Breaking Barriers
Scholastic/Career Ambition: Obtain a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Chinese and a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. To become a dentist for the Army.
Talent: Vocal/ “Nessun Dorma”
Scholastic Honors: Georganne Howler Chemistry Scholarship Recipient; National Society of Collegiate Scholars; Member of the Kansas State University Parachute Club; Member of the Kansas State University Dental Club; Member of the Kansas State University Chemistry Fraternity; Distinguished Honor Graduate at the Army School of Ordnance; Distinguished Honor Graduate at the Army School of Health Sciences.
Leadership Roles: Section leader at Kansas Army National Guard Medical Detachment; Director of Public Relations and spokesperson for the hunting company “Suburban Woodsman”; CEO and founder of the Miss Outdoor Girl brand and website; Coordinate nursing home visits for the college students of my local church; Liturgical minister for my local church; Assist with blood drives held by Kansas State University; Lead and was responsible for 250 soldiers for 9 weeks of mechanics school; Coordinated and ran an all-girls archery clinic.
Accomplishments: 3.8 GPA Chinese major; Expert marksman for the Army on the M16 rifle; Soldier of the Month; Completed the 2011 Bataan Death March; Distinguished Honor Graduate at both military schools attended; Consecutively earned the Army physical fitness award; Developed an Empowerment Project for women.
Interesting Facts: One of nine children; I joined the Kansas Army National Guard when I was 17; I speak Chinese fluently; I have put in10 hours towards my private pilot’s license; I have lived and traveled all over the World.
Employment: Kansas Army National Guard Medical Detachment


09-20-2013, 05:23 AM
I'll be the only one to have the guts to say it.

She ain't pretty enough to win the pageant. Unless the contestants this year were just really bad. But that's just my opinion.

0: You so brave!

09-20-2013, 07:28 AM
Size matters, I win! :poke:

Bellies don't count, FJ!

09-20-2013, 07:31 AM
I thought the competition wasn't decided on outward beauty alone. If it was, it could be easily dismissed as misogynist, sexist and shallow.

Yeah, let's judge them on the best "I'm for world peace (Or is it whirled peas?) speech".