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View Full Version : U.S. Navy was warned that Washington shooter 'heard voices'

09-18-2013, 01:14 AM
Ok so we have a president writing executive orders to ban Guns from law abiding citizens and then we find out the Navy was warned about this guy, so why blame the gun? How about when you are warned about a Guy hearing voices in his head ya take that serious instead of trying to turn a tragedy into a political game. Yes with Budget cuts and everything else going wrong in this country warnings must be taken serious, but I guess it is easier to ignore them let people get killed then use that to fight your battle with.

WASHINGTON/BOSTON (Reuters) - Rhode Island police warned the U.S. Navy last month that Washington Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis had reported "hearing voices," raising further questions about how he gained security clearance at the complex where he went on a shooting rampage.
Officials say Alexis, a Navy contractor and former Navy reservist, opened fire at the Naval Sea Systems Command on Monday, killing 12 people before police shot him dead.
The shooting - a mile and a half from the U.S. Capitol and three miles from the White House - sent shockwaves through Washington.
The Pentagon said it would review security at military installations around the world and the White House promised to review standards for federal government contractors.
A Defense Department Inspector General's report published on Tuesday revealed security lapses that allowed 52 convicted felons to gain access to Navy facilities because budget cuts had undermined vetting.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2013, 07:20 AM
Ok so we have a president writing executive orders to ban Guns from law abiding citizens and then we find out the Navy was warned about this guy, so why blame the gun? How about when you are warned about a Guy hearing voices in his head ya take that serious instead of trying to turn a tragedy into a political game. Yes with Budget cuts and everything else going wrong in this country warnings must be taken serious, but I guess it is easier to ignore them let people get killed then use that to fight your battle with.

http://news.yahoo.com/gunman-opens-fire-navy-yard-washington-d-c-021732377.html A pattern to be repeated as needed. They were warned about Hasan the Fort Hood shooter too! Seems military gets told to ignore such people, we should be asking why? Sure looks like a pattern starting to me. Just leave 'em alone and hope they do something we can use, maybe we can even encourage them a bit too.. That's the Obama admin in action. Could the guy hearing voices have been real voices telling him to do the deed? Does the government have ways of implanting very tiny devices inside the ear to do just that with somebody they see as a good subject? Think about it. The current government is playing for keeps and will murder anybody that seriously gets in their way. -Tyr

09-18-2013, 02:05 PM
Ok so we have a president writing executive orders to ban Guns from law abiding citizens and then we find out the Navy was warned about this guy, so why blame the gun? How about when you are warned about a Guy hearing voices in his head ya take that serious instead of trying to turn a tragedy into a political game. Yes with Budget cuts and everything else going wrong in this country warnings must be taken serious, but I guess it is easier to ignore them let people get killed then use that to fight your battle with.

I don't blame the gun either but it seems this guy, despite many warning signs was able to get easy access to firearms. Gun culture is the culprit.

09-18-2013, 02:12 PM
The only thing I'm getting from this story is, why the hell are our bases gun free zones??????????
Apparently our highly trained and trusted military that's supposed to take care of us can be taken down by one guy with a gun.

09-18-2013, 02:13 PM
I don't blame the gun either but it seems this guy, despite many warning signs was able to get easy access to firearms. Gun culture is the culprit.

You're right... Cause "gun free" cultures like England don't have bad guys with guns either... :rolleyes:

09-18-2013, 02:42 PM
I don't blame the gun either but it seems this guy, despite many warning signs was able to get easy access to firearms. Gun culture is the culprit.

No, failures of GOVERNMENT are the culprit. From the police in Washington (government workers) to the states attorneys in Washington (government employees) that let him not even be charged with a shooting out there, to those who screened him to get in the Navy (government employees) and did his background checks both as a military member and later as a civilian (government employees), to those that ignored the information that this guy had some serious mental issues and did nothing (government employees).

09-18-2013, 03:06 PM
The only thing I'm getting from this story is, why the hell are our bases gun free zones??????????
Apparently our highly trained and trusted military that's supposed to take care of us can be taken down by one guy with a gun.
Obviously the base wasn't free of guns. One might also ask why, if bases are gun feee zones, someone was able to bring in guns?

09-18-2013, 03:20 PM
My suspicion is. That man was given access by someone who just NODDED, WINKED, and Didn't want to make any enemies, or waves...using the obvious technique (which is illegal) of PROFILING.

Anyone mentions Religion, Politics, Race, Obama. That's a ticket to the END OF THE JOB. So, whoever granted him the access/pass to that building. Should be identified, and Arrested.

The only way to get Obama behind bars. Just claim "Obama told me!"

09-18-2013, 03:23 PM
Two words, affirmative action. That's what got him his access.

09-18-2013, 03:25 PM
Two words, affirmative action. That's what got him his access.

Gaffer. I agree. But knowing how the military system of clearances works today. And when I was on active duty. Using 'AFFIRMATIVE ACTION' as an Honest Reason...was, and is looked upon as nothing less than RACIAL, or RACIST. A Punishable Offense to those in Uniform.

09-18-2013, 03:53 PM
Gaffer. I agree. But knowing how the military system of clearances works today. And when I was on active duty. Using 'AFFIRMATIVE ACTION' as an Honest Reason...was, and is looked upon as nothing less than RACIAL, or RACIST. A Punishable Offense to those in Uniform.

You're right, but that's what is used by the ones doing the hiring. If they deny him the position he can scream racism. And affirmative action IS racist in itself.

09-18-2013, 03:59 PM
You're right, but that's what is used by the ones doing the hiring. If they deny him the position he can scream racism. And affirmative action IS racist in itself.

Agreed...again. From my own personal experiences before I retired, and many years afterward. The qualifications for those Enlisting in our Military have been degraded to such an extent.
(And this is true) The people who are assigned to ISSUE such clearances, and give access to people like the NAVY YARD Shooter...are, without any Doubt....People just like him.
If that sounds racist in any way. I apologize for offending anyone. But. THE TRUTH ALWAYS HURTS.

09-18-2013, 04:05 PM
Agreed...again. From my own personal experiences before I retired, and many years afterward. The qualifications for those Enlisting in our Military have been degraded to such an extent.
(And this is true) The people who are assigned to ISSUE such clearances, and give access to people like the NAVY YARD Shooter...are, without any Doubt....People just like him.
If that sounds racist in any way. I apologize for offending anyone. But. THE TRUTH ALWAYS HURTS.

You don't have to apologize, if they are offended tough shit. I despise affirmative action and make no bones about it. It's a racist policy against white people, period. You dead on with the fact that people like him are the ones that are responsible for hiring him.

You will not see any of this on the media because it's totally taboo for them to even look into.

09-18-2013, 04:13 PM
You don't have to apologize, if they are offended tough shit. I despise affirmative action and make no bones about it. It's a racist policy against white people, period. You dead on with the fact that people like him are the ones that are responsible for hiring him.

You will not see any of this on the media because it's totally taboo for them to even look into.

Gaffer. Take it a step further. Living near a military compound where I had to renew our base stickers in order to visit the Infirmary, and Dental. My wife and I aren't blind as we pretend not to recognize how our complexion isn't exactly a good sign for some in uniform who are there to supposedly HELP US.
And, as you probably know. We wouldn't dare take a chance on saying anything that might attract attention to us. Fearing the loss of access to the base...by being trouble makers/racists.
Sad thing is. We have neighbors across the street, and past our home who do not look like us. But we always wave, talk, laugh, and even share our lives with them. Cause there's no differences between all of us as HUMAN BEINGS.
Oddly enough. Even they agree with what you, and I have been talking about here. Because, they are intelligent enough to have common sense, and are respected for who they are. Not the color of their skin.

09-18-2013, 04:54 PM
You don't have to apologize, if they are offended tough shit. I despise affirmative action and make no bones about it. It's a racist policy against white people, period. You dead on with the fact that people like him are the ones that are responsible for hiring him.

You will not see any of this on the media because it's totally taboo for them to even look into.

If it ever made sense, it's no longer the case.

09-18-2013, 06:03 PM
I don't blame the gun either but it seems this guy, despite many warning signs was able to get easy access to firearms. Gun culture is the culprit.

Not really jafar, there are laws in place that should of stopped this guy from getting a gun, they want to make new laws and they don't enforce the old laws , bottom line is they don't want laws they want out right confiscation and if that happens do ya really think criminals will hand in there guns :poke: , all these new laws give the Government a address for the guns it al;l comes down to them being able to confiscate eventually and we see how well that worked for yall

09-18-2013, 06:06 PM
The only thing I'm getting from this story is, why the hell are our bases gun free zones??????????
Apparently our highly trained and trusted military that's supposed to take care of us can be taken down by one guy with a gun.That my friend is the Question???

09-18-2013, 06:11 PM
So affirmative action is to blame for someone gaining access to a restricted area with a weapon? I think that's a stretch and I'm pretty sure that anyone with an ID could have gained the exact same access. As AT said, he just needs a pass on his car and presto-- access.

Its worthy of investigating why he was able to gain access, and I'm not ruling out the possibility of favoritism, but I think making this about race from the get go is foolish when the I'd bet that an access card and a "gun free zone" sign were the extent of the security measures.

BTW, I heard he shot his way into the building. :dunno:

09-18-2013, 06:18 PM
So affirmative action is to blame for someone gaining access to a restricted area with a weapon? I think that's a stretch and I'm pretty sure that anyone with an ID could have gained the exact same access. As AT said, he just needs a pass on his car and presto-- access.

Its worthy of investigating why he was able to gain access, and I'm not ruling out the possibility of favoritism, but I think making this about race from the get go is foolish when the I'd bet that an access card and a "gun free zone" sign were the extent of the security measures.

BTW, I heard he shot his way into the building. :dunno:

Log. The stickers (pass) on our vehicle are not anything more than granting access to the base. Every building on the base(s) generally require further authorization, and recognition by Military Photo ID to enter. So it's not as easy as some would like to believe it is. And, as for Afirmative Action. You can deny it as much as you want. Because you say it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2013, 06:27 PM
The only thing I'm getting from this story is, why the hell are our bases gun free zones??????????
Apparently our highly trained and trusted military that's supposed to take care of us can be taken down by one guy with a gun. You are too damn smart for a "young punk". Gonna have to give ya a nickname myself. How about Dead-on-Dude?? ;) or DoD for short?

09-18-2013, 06:39 PM
You are too damn smart for a "young punk". Gonna have to give ya a nickname myself. How about Dead-on-Dude?? ;) or DoD for short?I like It!!

09-18-2013, 07:07 PM
Log. The stickers (pass) on our vehicle are not anything more than granting access to the base. Every building on the base(s) generally require further authorization, and recognition by Military Photo ID to enter. So it's not as easy as some would like to believe it is. And, as for Afirmative Action. You can deny it as much as you want. Because you say it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I didn't deny it and you saying I did doesn't make it so any more than affirmative action existing makes it the culprit-- that's what I meant when I said,

"Its worthy of investigating why he was able to gain access, and I'm not ruling out the possibility of favoritism, but I think making this about race from the get go is foolish when I'd bet that an access card and a 'gun free zone' sign were the extent of the security measures."

I was mistaken, he obtained access with a card and had the shotgun disassembled.

But I believe there is a far more insidious practice afoot-- the military papering over mental health issues of service members.

09-18-2013, 07:13 PM
the military papering over mental health issues of service members.

^^^ THIS.

It has nothing to do with affirmative action, it has to do with a government that destroyed the mental health system because it wasn't 'nice', and a government that continues to fail at their basic job (be it police, background investigators, etc).

09-18-2013, 07:14 PM
I didn't deny it and you saying I did doesn't make it so any more than affirmative action existing makes it the culprit-- that's what I meant when I said,
"Its worthy of investigating why he was able to gain access, and I'm not ruling out the possibility of favoritism, but I think making this about race from the get go is foolish when I'd bet that an access card and a 'gun free zone' sign were the extent of the security measures."

I was mistaken, he obtained access with a card and had the shotgun disassembled.

But I believe there is a far more insidious practice afoot-- the military papering over mental health issues of service members.

Odd as it may sound. I totally agree with your last sentence. And, for the sake of clarity. I have personally experienced being a (victim), if you will. Of obvious, blatant preferential, and undoubtedly racial preferences at local military, medical, and administrative buildings.
And, we learned early on. NOT to bring attention to, or make any suggestions about it taking place. Knowing our ability to take part in the service ON BASE, would be curtailed, or instantly ended. It does happen. And not only to my wife and I. We have witnessed it with other people as well.

09-18-2013, 07:36 PM
Odd as it may sound. I totally agree with your last sentence. And, for the sake of clarity. I have personally experienced being a (victim), if you will. Of obvious, blatant preferential, and undoubtedly racial preferences at local military, medical, and administrative buildings.
And, we learned early on. NOT to bring attention to, or make any suggestions about it taking place. Knowing our ability to take part in the service ON BASE, would be curtailed, or instantly ended. It does happen. And not only to my wife and I. We have witnessed it with other people as well.
Like I said, never denied affirmative action existed; nor did I say affirmative action was good policy. Maybe he was crazy to begin with and because of race such was overlooked-- it's possible.

But this guy was given an early discharge-- for what exactly?

I doubt it was because blacks get time off for good behavior but, rather, it was a convenient way to get rid of someone with mental health issues without having to deal with it.

09-18-2013, 09:25 PM
You're right... Cause "gun free" cultures like England don't have bad guys with guns either... :rolleyes:

Not really jafar, there are laws in place that should of stopped this guy from getting a gun, they want to make new laws and they don't enforce the old laws , bottom line is they don't want laws they want out right confiscation and if that happens do ya really think criminals will hand in there guns :poke: , all these new laws give the Government a address for the guns it al;l comes down to them being able to confiscate eventually and we see how well that worked for yall

Sure it would be hard to get the guns off criminals, but eventually it will become harder for them to get a gun in the first place not to mention a hell of a lot more expensive and troublesome to obtain via the black market. Ammo for them would also be hard to get.