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View Full Version : Gun store business soaring around DC after Navy Yard shootings

09-19-2013, 10:03 AM
Just like clockwork, after a horrible mass shooting, leftist politicians (who are almost never the ones getting shot by insane mass murderers, and have little "skin in the game") are demanding new laws to restrict the law-abiding from getting guns. And normal people (who are almost always the ones to get shot by the same insane mass murderers), whose rear ends are the ones actually at risk, are doing what THEY know is best: Stocking up on weapons, since no one else is proposing anything that helps keep them safe.

Interesting source for this article, by the way: "Al Jazeera America". It seems to be the only one reporting this trend today.

Has our mainstream media gotten to the point where the only people we can trust for accurate news reporting, are the mouthpieces for the Islamic terrorists themselves?



Brisk trade for gun shops in shadow of Navy Yard shooting

by Wilson Dizard
September 18, 2013|9:46PM ET

DC area gun owners say firearm regulations will not prevent future tragedies: 'You can'€™t legislate away evil.'

LAUREL, Md. -- Above the counter at Constitutional Firearms in Laurel, Md., an excerpt of the Constitution is painted in bold letters here: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

At Atlantic Guns in nearby Silver Spring, a sticker by the door proclaims, "Crime Control Not Gun Control."

Both stores are doing a brisk trade, if the number of customers passing through their doors Wednesday was anything to go by. Just days after a mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard left 13 people dead, including the suspect, gun owners continued to stock up on firearms at shops bordering the capital. And most shoppers were of the same mind: Shooting tragedies are a problem that federal gun laws can't solve.

"You can't legislate away evil," said Maryland lawyer Richmond T.P. Davis, who was visiting Atlantic Guns Wednesday.

At Constitutional Firearms in Laurel, shoppers were skeptical that mass shootings could ever be curbed through changes to the law.

"No legislation will ever stop what happened in Newtown or any other place. It's sad, it's unfortunate, and I feel very bad for the kids and families that were injured by it. But you're not going to be able to change the fact that gun bans don't stop that from happening," said James Alexander, 28.

"There's no foolproof method," added the gun owner, who said he collects firearms as a hobby and is starting to hunt. "There's never going to be a foolproof method."

Alexis bought his gun legally in a D.C. suburb in Virginia, but was prevented from buying a potentially more deadly AR-15 by a state law barring out-of-state buyers from purchasing assault rifles,The New York Times reported.

09-19-2013, 10:14 AM
The TASS news agency isn't about to promote gun buying. Don't expect to see anything on this expect in the right wing news sources, who have apparently over looked this.

09-19-2013, 10:20 AM
This happens every time there is a mass shooting, because people know how knee jerk the anti-gun crowd will act, and potentially ban more weapons or make them harder to obtain.

09-19-2013, 12:22 PM
Just like clockwork, after a horrible mass shooting, leftist politicians (who are almost never the ones getting shot by insane mass murderers, and have little "skin in the game")...

Are you suggesting that rightist politicians are the ones getting shot?

09-19-2013, 12:26 PM
Are you suggesting that rightist politicians are the ones getting shot?

Sarcastic much?

09-19-2013, 12:29 PM

09-19-2013, 12:36 PM
Are you suggesting that rightist politicians are the ones getting shot?

It's entertaining to see the weird tangents leftists will try to divert the discussion onto, when they don't want to discuss the actual subject of the thread. :slap:

09-19-2013, 12:47 PM
It's entertaining to see the weird tangents leftists will try to divert the discussion onto, when they don't want to discuss the actual subject of the thread. :slap:

Who?!? Where?!? :duckandcover:

red state
09-19-2013, 01:50 PM
Yes, like the film "UNSTOPPABLE" the leftists will do everything within their power to hide the truth, promote their on false truth or block freedom of expression and the right to secure one's life, family and property. What THEY fail to realize is that AMERICANS (real Americans) are UNSTOPPABLE...

09-19-2013, 02:35 PM
Just like clockwork, after a horrible mass shooting, leftist politicians (who are almost never the ones getting shot by insane mass murderers, and have little "skin in the game") are demanding new laws to restrict the law-abiding from getting guns. And normal people (who are almost always the ones to get shot by the same insane mass murderers), whose rear ends are the ones actually at risk, are doing what THEY know is best: Stocking up on weapons, since no one else is proposing anything that helps keep them safe.

Interesting source for this article, by the way: "Al Jazeera America". It seems to be the only one reporting this trend today.

Has our mainstream media gotten to the point where the only people we can trust for accurate news reporting, are the mouthpieces for the Islamic terrorists themselves?



Brisk trade for gun shops in shadow of Navy Yard shooting

by Wilson Dizard
September 18, 2013|9:46PM ET

DC area gun owners say firearm regulations will not prevent future tragedies: 'You can'€™t legislate away evil.'

LAUREL, Md. -- Above the counter at Constitutional Firearms in Laurel, Md., an excerpt of the Constitution is painted in bold letters here: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

At Atlantic Guns in nearby Silver Spring, a sticker by the door proclaims, "Crime Control Not Gun Control."

Both stores are doing a brisk trade, if the number of customers passing through their doors Wednesday was anything to go by. Just days after a mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard left 13 people dead, including the suspect, gun owners continued to stock up on firearms at shops bordering the capital. And most shoppers were of the same mind: Shooting tragedies are a problem that federal gun laws can't solve.

"You can't legislate away evil," said Maryland lawyer Richmond T.P. Davis, who was visiting Atlantic Guns Wednesday.

At Constitutional Firearms in Laurel, shoppers were skeptical that mass shootings could ever be curbed through changes to the law.

"No legislation will ever stop what happened in Newtown or any other place. It's sad, it's unfortunate, and I feel very bad for the kids and families that were injured by it. But you're not going to be able to change the fact that gun bans don't stop that from happening," said James Alexander, 28.

"There's no foolproof method," added the gun owner, who said he collects firearms as a hobby and is starting to hunt. "There's never going to be a foolproof method."

Alexis bought his gun legally in a D.C. suburb in Virginia, but was prevented from buying a potentially more deadly AR-15 by a state law barring out-of-state buyers from purchasing assault rifles,The New York Times reported.

Let's ask Senator Feinstein what she thinks about this? And, what she thinks she can do to stop it? Other than finding more ways to use her Congressional Position to help her Husband rake in more OBAMA BUCKS?

UNSTOPPABLE? How bout it Senator?

Reminder to all: "FOLLOW THE MONEY".

red states rule
09-19-2013, 02:38 PM

09-19-2013, 02:41 PM

red states rule. I hope you realize. Posting such a photo where any child in school may view it, or cause it to be seen by anyone (namely a Politically Correct Servant of the Teachers union)....would be grounds for dismissal, or Expulsion?????

Can't forget any references to the 2nd amendment, or even POINTING YOUR FINGERS at someone could GET YOU ARRESTED???

red states rule
09-19-2013, 02:49 PM
red states rule. I hope you realize. Posting such a photo where any child in school may view it, or cause it to be seen by anyone (namely a Politically Correct Servant of the Teachers union)....would be grounds for dismissal, or Expulsion?????

Can't forget any references to the 2nd amendment, or even POINTING YOUR FINGERS at someone could GET YOU ARRESTED???

At, I am sure given all my posts here; the bumper stickers on my old car, and my phone conversations with friends - I have a BULGING file with the NSA, FBI, Domestic Terrorism Unit, and my pic is hanging in the Dem Post Office stamped "Wanted Dead Only"

09-19-2013, 02:55 PM
At, I am sure given all my posts here; the bumper stickers on my old car, and my phone conversations with friends - I have a BULGING file with the NSA, FBI, Domestic Terrorism Unit, and my pic is hanging in the Dem Post Office stamped "Wanted Dead Only"

I'm sure you do. And I feel great, being among such company as you. Hope they all have my file handy too! Betcha we're on the Homegrown Racist, Terrorists lists too!
Frankly. I'm rather proud of that distinction. By the time they catch up with me. I'll probably be dead anyway.

red states rule
09-19-2013, 02:59 PM
I'm sure you do. And I feel great, being among such company as you. Hope they all have my file handy too! Betcha we're on the Homegrown Racist, Terrorists lists too!
Frankly. I'm rather proud of that distinction. By the time they catch up with me. I'll probably be dead anyway.

I could not find my car keys the other morning and I was about to call the NSA and ask them where I left them - but I found them

Unlike the Obama lap dogs I were my politics on my sleeve and do not back down from the core principals. So I have nothing to fear from those lackeys

09-19-2013, 03:59 PM
It's entertaining to see the weird tangents leftists will try to divert the discussion onto, when they don't want to discuss the actual subject of the thread. :slap:

That's pretty funny considering how many divert discussions here, that are far from leftists. :laugh:

red states rule
09-19-2013, 04:06 PM