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red states rule
09-19-2013, 03:16 PM
Just when even I thought Dems could not sink any lower - they prove me wrong

Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Testimony From Families of Victims

During the second portion of a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/09/19/pickering-im-proud-of-the-hillary-benghazi-whitewash-report-we-produced-n1704435) about Benghazi Thursday on Capitol Hill, the majority of Democrats on the Committee left the room and refused to listen to the testimony of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods. Ms. Smith is the mother of Sean Smith, an information management officer killed in the 9/11 Benghazi attack. Charles Woods is the father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was also killed.



09-19-2013, 03:21 PM
Proving, once, and for all. That Obama, and those Democrats really are.....

.........................................5559 we know them to be.

red states rule
09-19-2013, 03:22 PM
Proving, once, and for all. That Obama, and those Democrats really are.....

.........................................5559 we know them to be.

One of the wonderful things about America is that people have the right to be obnoxious asshole

But Dems are starting to abuse the privilege

09-19-2013, 03:26 PM
One of the wonderful things about America is that people have the right to be obnoxious asshole

But Dems are starting to abuse the privilege

Agreed. But, I am always reminded about HOW, and WHY Democrat/Liberals act like they do.

It is inbred in them to play "SWITCH".

I have stated it before. But everyone should just remember that word "SWITCH" whenever they hear the words Democrat, or Liberal, as those who play "SWITCH".
To those unfamiliar with it. Picture this.
Democrats and Liberals place their Right Thumb in their mouth, and their Left thumb, up their butt.
Then...they wait for someone to yell "SWITCH".
The rest is just obvious, and describes their mental state as well.

red states rule
09-19-2013, 03:30 PM

red states rule
09-19-2013, 03:54 PM
RSR, have you ever seen "I Spit On Your Grave?" It's the greatest revenge movie ever made!


I am not surprised to see your lack of concern and outrage Gabby. I guess the murder of 4 Americans who were waiting for help that never came - means nothing to you

Now if GWB was President you would be hoarse from all your screaming demanding he be held accountable

09-19-2013, 03:57 PM
I am not surprised to see your lack of concern and outrage Gabby. I guess the murder of 4 Americans who were waiting for help that never came - means nothing to you

Now if GWB was President you would be hoarse from all your screaming demanding he be held accountable

red states rule. IT's not worth it. Brainless people are incapable of showing concern. Gabby proves it.

red states rule
09-19-2013, 04:01 PM
red states rule. IT's not worth it. Brainless people are incapable of showing concern. Gabby proves it.

She is a walking billboard of the tolerant, open minded, and civil left

red state
09-19-2013, 05:10 PM
And where is the ultimate advocate for the leftists who always asks the stupid question of what this or that has to do with any given topic. Seems that he/she cares little when a libtards seeks to derail the subject matter. Could be that his/her desired conversations are so short lived and boring that any off comment is threatening to them. What a moron! I'd personally like to see him/her answer their own question...I'd also like to see where a leftist has said anything here AGAINST B.O. But getting back on topic, the leftists spit on our BEST and their graves simply for having the thought patterns they have but they always go a step further by acting upon such thought patterns. Even worse, they side with the enemy. Even the occupier/LIAR in OUR White House sides with the very trash that wound and kill our BEST.

09-19-2013, 06:10 PM
She is a walking billboard of the tolerant, open minded, and civil left

Yeah. I know. The kind of billboard we used to throw stones, and mudballs at when I was very young. And the MUDBALLS must have stuck!

09-19-2013, 07:14 PM
Just when even I thought Dems could not sink any lower - they prove me wrong

There is no truth to the rumor that they all fled to a neighboring state, checked into motels, and are staying there so that no one can force them to come back and do their jobs.

No Democrat worth his salt would EVER do that.

Democrats Flee Wisconsin To Deny Quorum On Union Vote; Police Dispatched To Catch Them And Bring Them Back (http://minx.cc/?post=312188)

Fleeing Texas Democrats Found in Oklahoma Motel, Paper Says - Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=apdRFiX7RQKU)

Indiana: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/07/us/indiana-right-to-work-measure-expected-to-pass.html?_r=0

09-19-2013, 07:17 PM
I'd be interested to hear what they had to say. Was this a public hearing and, if so is there a way to listen to or read it?

09-19-2013, 07:20 PM
There is no truth to the rumor that they all fled to a neighboring state, checked into motels, and are staying there so that no one can force them to come back and do their jobs.

No Democrat worth his salt would EVER do that.

Democrats Flee Wisconsin To Deny Quorum On Union Vote; Police Dispatched To Catch Them And Bring Them Back (http://minx.cc/?post=312188)

Fleeing Texas Democrats Found in Oklahoma Motel, Paper Says - Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=apdRFiX7RQKU)

Indiana: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/07/us/indiana-right-to-work-measure-expected-to-pass.html?_r=0

L. A. Obviously. Those Congressional Democrats must have been hoping the American people never paid attention to what took place today, or in Wisconsin.
Another case of Democrats feeling confident that the Americans who voted them into office, wouldn't remember them doing such things, or know about it. Since the Obama-Democrat intent is to keep Americans Uninformed, and Un-educated.

09-19-2013, 07:37 PM
I'd be interested to hear what they had to say. Was this a public hearing and, if so is there a way to listen to or read it?

It would appear that even here, on DP, nobody is interested in what they had to say. ;)

09-19-2013, 07:40 PM
It would appear that even here, on DP, nobody is interested in what they had to say. ;)

Have you listened to what they had to say?

I would like to hear what they said. Do you have a link?

09-19-2013, 07:42 PM
Have you listened to what they had to say?

I would like to hear what they said. Do you have a link?

No, I haven't read what they said, but would be interested in reading it. Haven't found a link to it, and not sure if it will be available.

09-19-2013, 07:48 PM
These scumbags are all working for us, and they're going to walk out and refuse to listen to these folks, who's family was killed during an incident in which the government should be answering about? I don't care WHAT they are upset with the republicans about, that's not a good enough reason to show such disrespect to these families.

09-19-2013, 08:01 PM
It would appear that even here, on DP, nobody is interested in what they had to say. ;)
I think its just assumed that they said BO is worthless and that's the extent of what interests some and what disinterests others. It's a committee on oversight and reform and I would hope that what they brought forth in their testimony was more than the Obama admin are big fat leftist liars that are destroying this country.

Clearly those not present didn't believe they would because they had a biased assumption. I'd like to see if they were correct in that assumption. If they were correct and the entire point of their testimony was an emotional ploy then I can understand why they didn't attend, but they still should have-- its their job-- not that doing their job seems to be much of a priority in congress.

So if they offered little more than emotional appeal; that's insulting to the dead imo. No different than when Obama uses the parents of murdered schoolchildren to support gun control. It's uncouth.

Abbey Marie
09-19-2013, 09:38 PM
Some things should by all rules of decency trump politics. Unfortunately, we live in a time when that is not always the case. Shame on the politicians who walked out.

09-19-2013, 10:49 PM
I think this (http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Mrs.-Smith-Testimony-Non-Gov.pdf) is one of the letters which was read aloud during testimony by the mother of Sean Smith. I couldnt get the other to load. Seems like a pretty standard set of questions to want answered on her son's death:

why was there insufficient security?

why didn't the military attempt a rescue?

:gasp: :exit chambers:

There are some letters from other families on the committee website.


This one I found exceptionally moving. http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Doherty-Letter.pdf

red states rule
09-20-2013, 01:52 AM
When it comes to all the scandals Dems are united in their reaction and defense of the administration


As far as the open minded Dems who turned their back on the parents of their murdered kids

The Democrats’ sordid Benghazi history may explain why Democrats walked out of the hearing before Patricia Smith, who is Sean Smith’s mother, and Charles Woods, who is Tyrone Woods’ father, were to have testified about their sons’ lives and deaths.
Here are the Democrats who walked out of the hearing:

Carolyn Maloney
Danny Davis
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Gerald E. Connolly
Jim Cooper
John Tierney
Mark Pocan
Matt Cartwright
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Peter Welch
Stephen Lynch
Steven Horsford
Tammy Duckworth
Tony Cardenas
William Lacy Clay

To their credit, Elijia Cummings and Jackie Speier remained to hear the testimony. But – as Hillary would say – “What difference does it make?” Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods are still dead.


09-20-2013, 08:25 AM
When it comes to all the scandals Dems are united in their reaction and defense of the administration

In general the right does the same thing. That's the hypocrisy found in both parties, the other guy 'does it' and you get 'oh the horror!', their own guy 'does it' and nothing.

09-20-2013, 08:45 AM
In general the right does the same thing. That's the hypocrisy found in both parties, the other guy 'does it' and you get 'oh the horror!', their own guy 'does it' and nothing.

Got an example?

09-20-2013, 09:05 AM
Just when even I thought Dems could not sink any lower - they prove me wrongThe callous disrespect displayed by the Dems is disgusting, Hopefully the Republicans will continue to demand answers until the fools are forced to answer. Though im so sure their up to the challenge.

09-20-2013, 09:07 AM
Got an example?

Modern history is ripe with examples, one only need to watch the news.

09-20-2013, 10:02 AM
Modern history is ripe with examples, one only need to watch the news.

That's what I thought.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2013, 10:17 AM
The callous disrespect displayed by the Dems is disgusting, Hopefully the Republicans will continue to demand answers until the fools are forced to answer. Though im so sure their up to the challenge.

Obama told them to walk out and the prove their solidarity with him. The loyal subjects of the Fuhrer obeyed. "Heil, mein Führer!" "Heil Obambler!" , "Sieg Heil!".... or the same words in Russian since Obama's hero was Stalin. I am sure everyday Obama thinks(and works toward that) why can't I have the same absolute authority that my hero Stalin had. They yield to Obama as if he is a God.. -Tyr

09-20-2013, 10:47 AM
That's what I thought.

If you want to live in denial, go for it. That you expect others to educate you is your problem, not that of anyone else.

09-20-2013, 01:04 PM
If you want to live in denial, go for it. That you expect others to educate you is your problem, not that of anyone else.

I've noticed you tend to move away from questions and things you can't answer and then get flippant with those who ask. I asked because I get tired of the old "they do it too" routine. That's most often used by liberals and people losing debates. I don't get the impression your a liberal, I do get the impression your full of yourself. And you have done exactly what you accuse so many others here of doing, derailing the thread.

The dems, in mass, walked out of the hearing after declaring there was nothing here to see. They snubbed the families of the fallen. They are standing shoulder to shoulder defending clinton and obama. What they are covering up is criminal action at the highest levels. Now name republicans that have done this.

09-20-2013, 01:14 PM
I've noticed you tend to move away from questions and things you can't answer and then get flippant with those who ask.

You are incorrect. The reality is both sides have been playing the same silly games for decades. Both sides have sex offenders, thieves, adulterers and various other sorts of scum. In general when one side has one and a story breaks, those of the same party make excuses for them. This is a simple reality. It shows the mindlessness of those that follow party over Constitution and rule of law.

09-20-2013, 01:31 PM
You are incorrect. The reality is both sides have been playing the same silly games for decades. Both sides have sex offenders, thieves, adulterers and various other sorts of scum. In general when one side has one and a story breaks, those of the same party make excuses for them. This is a simple reality. It shows the mindlessness of those that follow party over Constitution and rule of law.

Sir, as so many one here are fond of saying...You've been pwned. have a nice day.

09-20-2013, 01:43 PM
Sir, as so many one here are fond of saying...You've been pwned. have a nice day.

I understand you want to believe such nonsense, and try and make things personal rather than discuss a topic, or deal with reality. That's fine, many live in denial.

red states rule
09-20-2013, 02:41 PM
Modern history is ripe with examples, one only need to watch the news.


red states rule
09-20-2013, 02:43 PM
Sir, as so many one here are fond of saying...You've been pwned. have a nice day.

It is obvious Arbo is a proud grad of the FU School of Ducking, Dodging, and Hiding

As well as the Massachutes School of Snobbery

red states rule
09-20-2013, 02:44 PM
Sir, as so many one here are fond of saying...You've been pwned. have a nice day.

Nice job Gaffer. But it was like shooting fish in a barrel

09-20-2013, 03:18 PM

red states rule
09-20-2013, 03:21 PM

09-20-2013, 03:37 PM
Can't keep the hate to threads about muslims eh? Gotta keep spreading it to all threads eh? :rolleyes:

red states rule
09-20-2013, 03:41 PM

09-20-2013, 03:54 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RfEVgOfHgsI knew there was a reason i never watched this guy, His an Lib Idiot, Thanks for the reminder though.

red states rule
09-20-2013, 03:55 PM
I knew there was a reason i never watched this guy, His an Lib Idiot, Thanks for the reminder though.

and other idiots use his comments to try and make their point

Birds of a feather Larry

09-20-2013, 03:55 PM
I knew there was a reason i never watched this guy, His an Lib Idiot, Thanks for the reminder though.

He is a lib. And he also rails on Obama, so he is pretty equal opportunity when it comes to giving crap to politicians (and voters) for being morons and hypocrites.

09-20-2013, 07:11 PM
Got an example?

The plane affair and yellowcake lies, Medicare modernization act suppression of evidence on cost, abramoff et al, warrantless surveillance.

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_S tates

09-20-2013, 07:17 PM
The plane affair and yellowcake lies, Medicare modernization act suppression of evidence on cost, abramoff et al, warrantless surveillance.

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_S tates

Good thing he has you to speak for him. Do you do it pro bono or does he pay you a fee? :poke:

I already had him for lunch. I have moved on to other things now.

09-20-2013, 09:45 PM
Good thing he has you to speak for him. Do you do it pro bono or does he pay you a fee? :poke:

I already had him for lunch. I have moved on to other things now.

I just thought the question merited an answer, whether you choose to respond or not doesn't matter. At least I had the grace to not to interrupt your meal.:thumb:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2013, 11:22 PM
I've noticed you tend to move away from questions and things you can't answer and then get flippant with those who ask. I asked because I get tired of the old "they do it too" routine. That's most often used by liberals and people losing debates. I don't get the impression your a liberal, I do get the impression your full of yourself. And you have done exactly what you accuse so many others here of doing, derailing the thread.

The dems, in mass, walked out of the hearing after declaring there was nothing here to see. They snubbed the families of the fallen. They are standing shoulder to shoulder defending clinton and obama. What they are covering up is criminal action at the highest levels. Now name republicans that have done this.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Gaffer again.

09-20-2013, 11:55 PM
The plane affair and yellowcake lies, Medicare modernization act suppression of evidence on cost, abramoff et al, warrantless surveillance.

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_S tates

Thanks for showing why I didn't bother to do his homework for him. The denial remains, it always will.

red states rule
09-21-2013, 02:22 AM
The plane affair and yellowcake lies, Medicare modernization act suppression of evidence on cost, abramoff et al, warrantless surveillance.

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_S tates

Oh please LR

Valerie Plame was advertised by the liberal media as some female James Bon - when she was really a low level paper pusher. Even when the DA knew who the "leaker" really was he continued with a show trial

Bush's yellowcake comment turned out to be correct. Of course it was ignored by the liberal media. The same way Tom Delay's conviction was overturned and he walks out of court a free and innocent man - the liberal media yawns and ignores it

And you have the gall to bellow about the cost of a government program after you slobbering love affair of Obamacare is like Bill Clinton touring America and preaching to the masses how important fidelity in a marriage is. Please LR - you are showing signs of great desperation and resemble a drowning man reaching out for a tree branch

Now if you can give an example of R's ignoring the MURDER of four Americans while Dems hold open hearings - then you will have something.

09-21-2013, 09:22 AM
Turns out, only 6 of 24 republicans stayed at the hearing to listen to the testimony...

http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2013/09/20/darrell_issa_almost_successfully_trolls_democrats_ for_not_caring_about_benghazi.html

So yet again, both sides 'did it'. :rolleyes:

09-21-2013, 10:19 AM
Turns out, only 6 of 24 republicans stayed at the hearing to listen to the testimony...

http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2013/09/20/darrell_issa_almost_successfully_trolls_democrats_ for_not_caring_about_benghazi.html

So yet again, both sides 'did it'. :rolleyes:Sense the Republicans are the only ones seeking answers, and most likely have been to other events spot lighting these folks, and already heard there cry's, with do democrats left to impacted whats the Point??

09-21-2013, 10:31 AM

09-21-2013, 11:33 AM
Huh?sorry, with no Democrats left to be impacted by the family's , what's the point in the Republicans staying to hear the story again, their already trying to get answers for them.

red states rule
09-21-2013, 11:37 AM
Wow, it is clear the Obama lap dogs are very desperate to spin and excuse the Dems heartless actions toward those who lost a family member

They are not scraping the bottom of the barrel to find an excuse

They are looking under it

09-21-2013, 11:42 AM
sorry, with no Democrats left to be impacted by the family's , what's the point in the Republicans staying to hear the story again, their already trying to get answers for them.

Wow, it is clear the Obama lap dogs are very desperate to spin and excuse the Dems heartless actions toward those who lost a family member

They are not scraping the bottom of the barrel to find an excuse

They are looking under it

So when only 6 of 24 of the (R)'s are not at the same hearing that the right is complaining about the left not being there for, we get excuses and diversions to OT attacks. Got it. Think it proves my point about the hypocrisy quite well.

09-21-2013, 12:11 PM
So when only 6 of 24 of the (R)'s are not at the same hearing that the right is complaining about the left not being there for, we get excuses and diversions to OT attacks. Got it. Think it proves my point about the hypocrisy quite well.Where talking about people that walk out when it came time to hear from the family's, Democrats who not only will not give any answers, but even refuse to hear impact statements, sense there the very ones who need to hear the seriousness of the Benghazi issue when they walked out the voices of the family's was mute. While the Republicans, can hardly be viewed as callous, sense they are the ones fighting to get answers, and have already shown compassion, for the victims and family, If your can't see the difference, than you should leave the hypocrisy argument alone.

red states rule
09-21-2013, 12:23 PM
So when only 6 of 24 of the (R)'s are not at the same hearing that the right is complaining about the left not being there for, we get excuses and diversions to OT attacks. Got it. Think it proves my point about the hypocrisy quite well.


09-21-2013, 12:59 PM
Where talking about people that walk out when it came time to hear from the family's, Democrats who not only will not give any answers, but even refuse to hear impact statements, sense there the very ones who need to hear the seriousness of the Benghazi issue when they walked out the voices of the family's was mute. While the Republicans, can hardly be viewed as callous, sense they are the ones fighting to get answers, and have already shown compassion, for the victims and family, If your can't see the difference, than you should leave the hypocrisy argument alone.


So again, making excuses, and distraction with an OT image. So the hypocrisy continues. "Those guys are bad!" for not being there, but when 'our guys' are not there, well, um... yep. Transparent.

09-21-2013, 01:27 PM
So again, making excuses, and distraction with an OT image. So the hypocrisy continues. "Those guys are bad!" for not being there, but when 'our guys' are not there, well, um... yep. Transparent.I have done my best to explain it, but you seem to have a liberal mind, unable to comprehend common sense, or perhaps you just like to ramble in hopes of ruffling so feathers, there is no hypocrisy in this issue. and with that i see no reason to continue this conversation.

09-21-2013, 01:33 PM
I have done my best to explain it, but you seem to have a liberal mind, unable to comprehend common sense, or perhaps you just like to ramble in hopes of ruffling so feathers, there is no hypocrisy in this issue. and with that i see no reason to continue this conversation.

So again we see a shift to bad personal attacks. The facts are some have expressed great outrage that many of the (D)s were not at this hearing. When it is shown that 18 of the (R)'s were not there either, we see excuses. "uh, they heard it before," everybody has heard it, this 'investigation' has been going on for over a year. "uh, but our guys are fighting for the truth," yeah, sure, that's why 18 of them WERE NOT THERE. Excuses. And a fine example of those on the right bitching about what the other guy does (or doesn't do) and defending their guys when they do the same crap. Thanks.

09-21-2013, 01:53 PM
Oh please LR

Valerie Plame was advertised by the liberal media as some female James Bon - when she was really a low level paper pusher. Even when the DA knew who the "leaker" really was he continued with a show trial

Bush's yellowcake comment turned out to be correct. Of course it was ignored by the liberal media. The same way Tom Delay's conviction was overturned and he walks out of court a free and innocent man - the liberal media yawns and ignores it

And you have the gall to bellow about the cost of a government program after you slobbering love affair of Obamacare is like Bill Clinton touring America and preaching to the masses how important fidelity in a marriage is. Please LR - you are showing signs of great desperation and resemble a drowning man reaching out for a tree branch

Now if you can give an example of R's ignoring the MURDER of four Americans while Dems hold open hearings - then you will have something.

You give me too much credit; clearly you please yourself. I simply answered a question and provided a link to a source that demonstrated extensive scandals and corruption over decades, among dems and reps alike-- I didn't excuse anything. I also provided links to the committee website and read the letters fromthe families of the fallen. That you seek to minimize the former and completely ignore the latter, continuing into some ad hominem attack shows just how desperate you are to maintain a narrative on how high and mighty you are.

09-21-2013, 02:00 PM
So again we see a shift to bad personal attacks. The facts are some have expressed great outrage that many of the (D)s were not at this hearing. When it is shown that 18 of the (R)'s were not there either, we see excuses. "uh, they heard it before," everybody has heard it, this 'investigation' has been going on for over a year. "uh, but our guys are fighting for the truth," yeah, sure, that's why 18 of them WERE NOT THERE. Excuses. And a fine example of those on the right bitching about what the other guy does (or doesn't do) and defending their guys when they do the same crap. Thanks.Ok try this again, my point is, while the Democrats have been doing there best to ignore this issue, the republicans have been working with the family's and others to keep it alive and demand answers, their efforts brought about this hearing, and they all were there until time for the family's to speak. That's the best i can do.

09-21-2013, 02:08 PM
Ok try this again, my point is, while the Democrats have been doing there best to ignore this issue, the republicans have been working with the family's and others to keep it alive and demand answers, their efforts brought about this hearing, and they all were there until time for the family's to speak. That's the best i can do.

Yes, you have used this same excuse repeatedly.

09-21-2013, 02:10 PM
Ok try this again, my point is, while the Democrats have been doing there best to ignore this issue, the republicans have been working with the family's and others to keep it alive and demand answers, their efforts brought about this hearing, and they all were there until time for the family's to speak. That's the best i can do.
Restatin your point does not undermine the counterpoint: all the republicans weren't there for the families' testimony either. So the OP narrative of 'dems are the assholes' doesn't really hold up IMO.

09-21-2013, 02:19 PM
Yes, you have used this same excuse repeatedly.at least i see evidence that you understand, just don't agree. I have no problem with that.

09-21-2013, 02:31 PM
Restatin your point does not undermine the counterpoint: all the republicans weren't there for the families' testimony either. So the OP narrative of 'dems are the assholes' doesn't really hold up IMO.I see sorry for restating it, i thought perhaps you didn't get what i was trying to saying, But as to the fact that almost all of both party's left you are both right, sense that seems to be your point, forgive me for attempting to point out possibly different circumstances.

09-21-2013, 03:19 PM
I see sorry for restating it, i thought perhaps you didn't get what i was trying to saying, But as to the fact that almost all of both party's left you are both right, sense that seems to be your point, forgive me for attempting to point out possibly different circumstances.
The circumstances were that two of the fallen Americans' family members spoke before a committee and committee members left. The narrative is that the democrats did it, slighting the memory of the dead, when in actuality both rep and dem members did so.

I haven't noticed anyone here condemn the republicans who left.l but please show me where here there is an uproar over all those who left, and not just the dems.

Given that members from both parties left, I think its pertinent to ask why it was colored by partisanship. Don't you?

09-21-2013, 03:30 PM
The circumstances were that two of the fallen Americans' family members spoke before a committee and committee members left. The narrative is that the democrats did it, slighting the memory of the dead, when in actuality both rep and dem members did so.

I haven't noticed anyone here condemn the republicans who left.l but please show me where here there is an uproar over all those who left, and not just the dems.

Given that members from both parties left, I think its pertinent to ask why it was colored by partisanship. Don't you?i have stated the difference i see, several different ways. Obviously you and arbo can't see my point.

09-21-2013, 03:51 PM
i have stated the difference i see, several different ways. Obviously you and arbo can't see my point.

Because there is no difference, only excuses made for 'your side'. If there is a hearing, and people are to speak, and you are on that committee, it is your JOB to be there. Period. Doesn't matter the side, doesn't matter your stance on what is being discussed, there are no excuses to not do your job.

09-21-2013, 04:20 PM
Because there is no difference, only excuses made for 'your side'. If there is a hearing, and people are to speak, and you are on that committee, it is your JOB to be there. Period. Doesn't matter the side, doesn't matter your stance on what is being discussed, there are no excuses to not do your job.Well i have to agree with that, but once the Democrats walked out the hearing was pretty much over correct. In short i agree with Charles Woods, from the article.

UPDATE: It turns out there weren't a whole lot (http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2013/09/20/darrell_issa_almost_successfully_trolls_democrats_ for_not_caring_about_benghazi.html) of Republicans in the hearing room for Smith and Wood's testimony either. They should have been there. That being said, here's the difference: Republicans have promised Smith and Woods answers about what happened in Benghazi and their continued efforts to hold hearings, issue subpoenas, etc. prove it. Charles Woods went out of his way during testimony to thank Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz for his help. Democrats have repeatedly called the attack, and it's cover-up, a 'phony scandal' and a political witch hunt.

09-21-2013, 05:32 PM
i have stated the difference i see, several different ways. Obviously you and arbo can't see my point.
I do see your point, democrats don't care about getting to the bottom of Benghazi; the evidence used to support such an assertion is that the democrats left before hearing the testimony. But by that rationale, in light of the evidence that republicans left too, I don't think your converse point that republicans DO care is likewise supported. It shows few care. That may or may not be true but, based on the OP rationale, that's the indication.

red states rule
09-27-2013, 10:24 AM
I do see your point, democrats don't care about getting to the bottom of Benghazi; the evidence used to support such an assertion is that the democrats left before hearing the testimony. But by that rationale, in light of the evidence that republicans left too, I don't think your converse point that republicans DO care is likewise supported. It shows few care. That may or may not be true but, based on the OP rationale, that's the indication.


red states rule
09-27-2013, 10:30 AM
You give me too much credit; clearly you please yourself. I simply answered a question and provided a link to a source that demonstrated extensive scandals and corruption over decades, among dems and reps alike-- I didn't excuse anything. I also provided links to the committee website and read the letters fromthe families of the fallen. That you seek to minimize the former and completely ignore the latter, continuing into some ad hominem attack shows just how desperate you are to maintain a narrative on how high and mighty you are.

And I addressed what you posted BF. I understand your desperation as a loyal Obama lap dog and you feel you need to offer lame excuses and try to change the subject. Once Obama lap dogs like you bellowed how Obama and the Dems were going to change things. Now you offer up the classic excuse "well so and so did it". Sorry BF, you, FU and Arbo are the ones strutting around with your nose high in the air and talking down to anyone who does not march in lockstep with you. And I thought Obama was a narcissistic megalomaniac.

09-27-2013, 11:22 AM
And I addressed what you posted BF. I understand your desperation as a loyal Obama lap dog and you feel you need to offer lame excuses and try to change the subject. Once Obama lap dogs like you bellowed how Obama and the Dems were going to change things. Now you offer up the classic excuse "well so and so did it". Sorry BF, you, FU and Arbo are the ones strutting around with your nose high in the air and talking down to anyone who does not march in lockstep with you. And I thought Obama was a narcissistic megalomaniac.

More nonsense. It is understood that those that run around screaming 'lap dog' don't have much to offer. The funny part is that such behavior is in line with the left and the Alinsky rules sort of tactics. :laugh:

That reminds me, you never addressed, with examples or anything close to facts, how anyone is a 'lap dog'. Behaving like an extremist leftist, how sad.

09-27-2013, 12:35 PM
... The funny part is that such behavior is in line with the left and the Alinsky rules sort of tactics. :laugh:

... Behaving like an extremist leftist, how sad.

There are a couple here who are hitting those rules pretty hard.