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View Full Version : Question: internet Child P*** & gov't tracking

09-20-2013, 11:49 AM
here's a thought that came to mind, after the initial outrage of gov't internet spying.

with all of the information that Federal gov't is collecting EVERY phone call and EVERY E-mail internet web page and post.
Why is there ANY Child Po** on the internet?
If the feds can track EVERYTHING why isn't there policing of servers and arrest of people who serve, post and e-mail this horrific criminal stuff in the US?

If they are going to track EVERYTHING at least put it to productive use.
add to the fact that these cameras take photos that have time and date and sometimes place stamps , seems to me you could destroy the internet traffic in a year or so.

I'm not a tech person but based on what i've read . i don't see any technical issues.
legally , it's a crime, and post on public sites. the emsil you "should" get a warrant seems easy enough if you'd find public postings to give probably cause.

I'm i off track here?

Abbey Marie
09-20-2013, 11:51 AM
I don't know the problems with making international arrests, but surely we can at least block such traffic domestically?

09-20-2013, 12:30 PM
Why bother with child porn when there are right wing groups like the tea party that need their full attention. Not to mention those dangerous veterans and Christian groups. I'm sure their are a number of high levels officials that don't want the child porn industry shut down.

Yes I'm being cynical here. But I don't think I'm too far off.

09-20-2013, 12:49 PM
here's a thought that came to mind, after the initial outrage of gov't internet spying.

with all of the information that Federal gov't is collecting EVERY phone call and EVERY E-mail internet web page and post.
Why is there ANY Child Po** on the internet?
If the feds can track EVERYTHING why isn't there policing of servers and arrest of people who serve, post and e-mail this horrific criminal stuff in the US?

If they are going to track EVERYTHING at least put it to productive use.
add to the fact that these cameras take photos that have time and date and sometimes place stamps , seems to me you could destroy the internet traffic in a year or so.

I'm not a tech person but based on what i've read . i don't see any technical issues.
legally , it's a crime, and post on public sites. the emsil you "should" get a warrant seems easy enough if you'd find public postings to give probably cause.

I'm i off track here?

As long as there are crooked politicians who stand to lose money. There will always be Porn. And, Child Porn, or being in possession of it, using it, looking at it, searching for it, or any abuse of ANY CHILD should be just as punishable as MURDER. Since the lasting effects on children who are victims of Child Porn...remain forever.
Judges, Politicians, and civilians who use it, have it, or watch it. SHOULD REPLACE prisoners in overcrowded jails.

09-20-2013, 01:41 PM
The question comes down to privacy. How much power do you want to grant the government to go through your 'business', in order to find criminals? And if you say it's ok for child porn, what crime is next? Did you say something against the government? That might be the next 'crime'.

09-20-2013, 01:56 PM
The question comes down to privacy. How much power do you want to grant the government to go through your 'business', in order to find criminals? And if you say it's ok for child porn, what crime is next? Did you say something against the government? That might be the next 'crime'.

Nope. Child Porn comes down to being equal to yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater.

09-20-2013, 02:02 PM
Nope. Child Porn comes down to being equal to yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater.

I think the people that 'partake' in such things are scum that shouldn't be allowed to walk the earth. But I can differentiate between the desire to see them all dead and the legal issues around privacy and government invasion of privacy.

09-21-2013, 07:53 AM
Hi I'm revelarts, FYI, I do NOT condone unwarranted spying on U.S.. ever.

I'm just making a comment based on our current UNCHANGED state of affairs where they are, at this moment, saving this thread.

09-21-2013, 09:15 AM
here's a thought that came to mind, after the initial outrage of gov't internet spying.

with all of the information that Federal gov't is collecting EVERY phone call and EVERY E-mail internet web page and post.
Why is there ANY Child Po** on the internet?
If the feds can track EVERYTHING why isn't there policing of servers and arrest of people who serve, post and e-mail this horrific criminal stuff in the US?

If they are going to track EVERYTHING at least put it to productive use.
add to the fact that these cameras take photos that have time and date and sometimes place stamps , seems to me you could destroy the internet traffic in a year or so.

I'm not a tech person but based on what i've read . i don't see any technical issues.
legally , it's a crime, and post on public sites. the emsil you "should" get a warrant seems easy enough if you'd find public postings to give probably cause.

I'm i off track here?

That's because there's less money in busting people with dirty pictures. The RIAA has lobbyists that make busting people for pirated music a priority over busting po**. Busting piracy even trumps freedom; follow the money.

Abbey Marie
09-21-2013, 11:07 AM
I think the people that 'partake' in such things are scum that shouldn't be allowed to walk the earth. But I can differentiate between the desire to see them all dead and the legal issues around privacy and government invasion of privacy.

I'm not a big fan of using slippery slope arguments to paralyze us from taking any action. Sometimes you have to take a stand, and child porn is IMO one of the best places to do that. Just stop for a moment, and make it real for you- think about what those children (and their parents in many cases) are going through, and then tell us it is more important to worry about *possible* future government over-zealousness.

09-21-2013, 11:23 AM
I'm not a big fan of using slippery slope arguments to paralyze us from taking any action. Sometimes you have to take a stand, and child porn is IMO one of the best places to do that. Just stop for a moment, and make it real for you- think about what those children (and their parents in many cases) are going through, and then tell us it is more important to worry about *possible* future government over-zealousness.

To modify Franklin's phrase a bit: Those that would allow government to overstep the Constitution to catch 'icky' people, do not deserve a Constitution.

Our government, hell every government, has a long and horrible history with abusing it's citizens. To ignore that is to allow it to happen again.

Abbey Marie
09-21-2013, 09:59 PM
To modify Franklin's phrase a bit: Those that would allow government to overstep the Constitution to catch 'icky' people, do not deserve a Constitution.

Our government, hell every government, has a long and horrible history with abusing it's citizens. To ignore that is to allow it to happen again.

I'll side with those poor children any day of the week over potential abuse of our "citizens".

09-21-2013, 10:17 PM
I'll side with those poor children any day of the week over potential abuse of our "citizens".

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

09-22-2013, 07:49 AM
I think they should stop all of the U.S. spying on the phone e-mail web etc etc and purge all the records they have TODAY.
but they have not taken ONE step in that direction but they are attempting to justify the continued spying and saving of every U.S. citzens data. It's unconstitutional on it's face and it's NOT being used to make us safer.

My point is just , since they have it NOW, why haven't they done some good with it?
As Gaffer mention , their point isn't to use it for anything good, it just a tool for political control and to make money.

However Many of the NSA whistle blowers have mention that there are constitutional ways to capture criminals internet info and read international web traffic, that would capture and track NON -U.S. persons transmissions on the Terrorism front.
And as far as the child po** issue goes. Most of the web traffic is Public, like this forum. There's no constitutional block for the state, the feds or the local gov't to capture Public website post. Or even sign up as "members" to suspect sites.
The Feds ARE capturing every forum and website Post. So they could (already have) legally downloaded every webpage and Image. They could easily use that data and metadata to track down, get probably cause, warrant, and spy on those they have EVIDENCE/SUSPICION of criminal activities.

There's NOTHING Constitutional that blocks them from doing that TODAY.

the Constitution would only block getting e-mails, phone records and remote peeking onto personal hard drives. UNTIL THEY GOT A WARRANT.

the Constitution is not a block on real investigation of real crimes and terrorism.
ANd there's ZERO need for the gov't to get EVERY Americans e-mails, Phone Records, conversations, or to track everyone's website movements, gps position, and pack it away for 70 years to pull up at will.
That's only needed if you want to politically CONTROL everyone.

09-22-2013, 09:22 AM
As part of its attempt to combat a growing trend of online sexual exploitation, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency announced on Monday that 255 suspected child predators had been arrested during a nearly five-week sting operation.

Operation iGuardian, as it was called, was run as a part of the agency's larger Operation Predator and sought to identify and arrest those who allegedly "own, trade and produce" child pornography in the United States and its territories. So far in 2013, the agency has arrested 1,674 people for this type of crime, and more than 10,000 in the last decade. http://mobile.usnews.com/news/newsgram/articles/2013/07/15/feds-arrest-255-in-massive-global-child-porn-sting

That's from mid-July 2013 so the numbers are likely higher now, but it does show that the Feds actually are actually making arrests.

09-22-2013, 09:35 AM
Why bother with child porn when there are right wing groups like the tea party that need their full attention. Not to mention those dangerous veterans and Christian groups. I'm sure their are a number of high levels officials that don't want the child porn industry shut down.

Yes I'm being cynical here. But I don't think I'm too far off.I agree Gaffer, though we have little doubts about some of our Politicians, seeing the value of such, But its those darn groups inciting Patriotism and Traditional values that's hard to keep a handle on.

09-22-2013, 10:05 AM
I'll side with those poor children any day of the week over potential abuse of our "citizens".

Will you side with the PERCEPTION of siding with those children (without actually helping those children) over the rights of our citizens? For example: Who could possibly be against "sobriety checkpoints"? Everyone is against drunk driving. So what if it resembles Cuba, getting stopped on the road and being asked "Documentos, por favor".

09-22-2013, 11:18 AM
Will you side with the PERCEPTION of siding with those children (without actually helping those children) over the rights of our citizens? For example: Who could possibly be against "sobriety checkpoints"? Everyone is against drunk driving. So what if it resembles Cuba, getting stopped on the road and being asked "Documentos, por favor".I don't lake lightly suppressing of our rights, but i would always consider exemptions for the protection of our children.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2013, 04:57 PM
I don't lake lightly suppressing of our rights, but i would always consider exemptions for the protection of our children.

I can't say it any better than that. :clap: Frankly, I'm surprised at how relatively cavalierly some people act towards this abomination. God save us from ourselves.

09-22-2013, 05:04 PM
Not to be a naysayer here, but if laws on books are followed, no need for anything else.

09-22-2013, 05:16 PM
I don't lake lightly suppressing of our rights, but i would always consider exemptions for the protection of our children.

There is no need to suppress or violate any rights to protect children.

09-22-2013, 10:22 PM
I can't say it any better than that. :clap: Frankly, I'm surprised at how relatively cavalierly some people act towards this abomination. God save us from ourselves.

If you want to take the matter seriously, make it a capital crime punishable by death. We're better than Cuba that has the crime of "dangerousness" which means someone deemed in danger of possibly committing a crime is locked up for years.

09-23-2013, 03:58 PM
here's a thought that came to mind, after the initial outrage of gov't internet spying.

with all of the information that Federal gov't is collecting EVERY phone call and EVERY E-mail internet web page and post.
Why is there ANY Child Po** on the internet?

Actually, a lot of it is put there by the crime fighters as a "honey pot" to catch anyone who downloads it. Quite simply, if you have a history of downloading the wrong things you will be caught.

09-23-2013, 06:11 PM
If you want to take the matter seriously, make it a capital crime punishable by death. We're better than Cuba that has the crime of "dangerousness" which means someone deemed in danger of possibly committing a crime is locked up for years.

Seems everyone asking the obvious questions about WHY Child Porn is permitted to exist, and with little, or no punishment...is being intentionally ignored, or side-stepped, as to not accuse the real culprits, and profiteers from ALL PORN.

And the answer is. Politicians have a Dog in the Race since their Special Interest Groups who support them with Huge contributions...also happen to be the PORN, and ILLEGAL drug businesses.

And, we can't forget the CARTEL's from across the Border who...by some odd coincidence. Just happen to get financial, and weapon support from people like HOLDER, and the person who allows him to exist without fear...OBAMA.
Anyone who disagrees with such things. Probably won't admit. They voted for Obama TWICE as well.

09-23-2013, 06:17 PM
That's some funny stuff there AT. :laugh:

"The government won't stop drug trafficking because they are INVOLVED!" I love that sort of extreme CT stuff. So amusing.