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View Full Version : Recalled State Senator claims she "beat the gun lobby"

09-22-2013, 04:42 PM


09-22-2013, 05:31 PM

What a rambling response. While I'm not in favor of recalls, this woman makes a good case of why.

09-22-2013, 06:11 PM
I can identify with that weariness. Gun legislation has stalled in Congress because lawmakers fear the fate I suffered — being targeted, voted out or recalled by extremist political activists because of views on firearms safety that dare challenge the gun lobby

In other words, going against the interests of those one was elected to represent, rather than misrepresent them as extremist political activists as she has and continues to do, will cause one to be voted out....yeah, thats pretty much the way it works by design.

09-22-2013, 06:39 PM
Gun legislation has stalled in Congress because lawmakers fear the fate I suffered — being targeted, voted out or recalled by extremist political activists because of views on firearms safety that dare challenge the gun lobby. The recall fight that my colleague, Colorado Senate President John Morse, and I lost demonstrated that no matter the cost of our political positions, common-sense gun-safety legislation is achievable. Colorado’s newest gun-safety laws have been in effect for months, and the recalls have no bearing on them. The legislation we helped pass proves that the gun lobby can be beaten.

It is understandable she doesn't know the difference between those who know and understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights and 'extremist political activists'. It is a wrong conclusion that is easy to understand, once you realize those who make this mistake don't CARE about the Constitution or BOR.

It certainly seems she is saying that as long as they pass whatever legislation they want, it's ok if they are voted out because it is 'too late', their legislation is law. Quite a disturbing thought process for any elected official (or recalled in this case) to have.

These proposals were, and still are, supported by an majority of Colorado voters. But our experience here in Colorado has been that, while extremist groups have a hard time making their case to general-election voters, they have far more control in low-turnout special elections.

No, they are not supported by a majority of voters. It's simply much harder for you all to pull off your normal voter fraud in a smaller election.

A wide range of special interests that have never been concerned about efforts to curb gun violence were more than happy to let the national gun lobby take the lead in the campaign to remove us from office. The industrialist Koch brothers were also heavily involved in the recalls, which probably owed more to our efforts to limit harmful carbon emissions than our efforts to limit gun violence.

The 'national gun lobby' did not take the lead you moron, local citizens and state pro-2nd amendment groups did. But it's funny you bitch about 'outside help', when it was Bloomberg that funded and support you guys to pass this legislation.

09-23-2013, 02:30 PM
Reminds me of some graffiti I once saw in a college bathroom.

IN prominent letters on the wall:

GOD IS DEAD. - Nietzsche

A little farther down:

Nietzsche is dead. - GOD